Sunday, Oct. 16, 1932

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here awhile. Mr. Bectholdt from Smithon [sic] was here & got his 6 pigs for $20.00. We went out to George Boll’s to shooting match but didn’t win anything, ducks & geese where raffled. We went to church this eve, talked with Marcella & boy’s Fahey’s. Mrs. Fahey is still awful weak. The St. Augustine’s Parish have euchre tonite. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Birkner are married 3 yrs. today.

Thursday, Oct. 13, 1932

We cleaned the front rooms & waxed the floors. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, she went to church, & we played pinochle, each one won game, we only played 2 games. They stayed in Hecker, all night. Rosalia got a sack flour $2.20.

Sunday, Feb. 21, 1932

Raining all morning. We went to Red Bud church. Bill & Mike & Creses, came this afternoon, where here for supper, played 2 games of cards, pinochle each side won one.

Sunday, Feb. 14, 1932

We went to Red Bud to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner, & played cards awhile then went home. Mrs. Rennecker was saying this morn. that Mrs. Elmer Kammler is pretty bad sick, she has an awful bad cold. Robert Laut bought the old Mrs. Laut’s place & is going to move up to Hecker, when school is out & Mr. & Mrs. Laut are going by Elmer Kammlers, because Mr. Laut ain’t able to word [sic – work] any more, he can’t carry a bucket of water or a armful of wood.

Saturday, Jan. 16, 1932

Papa went up to the Farmers Telephone meeting at Griffins this afternoon. They elected Adolph Spalt pres. Kenneth Kemp vice presi. Purtle Sec. Ben Heyl Tres. We & Renneckers went over to Wagner’s & played cards, Steve had 1500 trump & missed 1000 aces, in one deal, didn’t see them. It broke up about even.

Wednesday, Jan. 13, 1932

We went to Belleville with the eggs & some meat sold all the eggs 18 doz. for 20¢. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here, he paid his tax to Griffin. Aunt Mary & Rosalia where over at Wagner’s awhile. Fr. Sonnen the Paderborn priest died. We got some boxes at Belleville this morn. one for Uncle Fred, the other one for us to smoke our summer sausage in. Henry & family & we went all was at Aunt Mary’s, playing cards. Rosalia had 150 trump in spades. Just like spring.

Sunday, Jan. 10, 1932

We went to Red Bud church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner & supper, played 5 handed pinochle nearly all day. Vic Eichenseer was down to see wether [sic-whether] papa would sugar cure there meat for them. Buddy Ettling stopped in on a little businiss [sic-business].

Tuesday, Jan. 5, 1932

We finished our quilt today. Mr. Hill came over this eve. & we played pinochle. Pap & Rosalia won 5 games & we 3. It is raining all the time & getting colder.

Sunday, Jan. 3, 1932

We went to Red Bud church this morn. Christ Buehler’s family were all at Red Bud church too they are finished in Hecker, Fr. Grootens told him either pay pew rent or take his children out of school, so tomorrow he will sent his kids to Red Bud school. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner, this afternoon we went out there had supper, Uncle Adam & Emil where also there, played pinochle. Ed Meng was here this morn, to see Uncle Fred. Tonight Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rennecker & George Wagner’s family where here played cards. Steve held 1000 Aces & George had 300 pinochle & 150 trumps. & In the same game Rosalia had 1500 trump. The St. Mary’s players are giving a play in the School Hall tonight Adm. 35.

Friday, January 1, 1932

We went to Red Bud church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family where all here for dinner & supper played pinochle all day.