Tuesday, Sept. 3, 1935

We washed, ironed. Cloudy day, no sun shining. Henry was up all day plowing had lunches & dinner. Papa is hauling coal 1 load this morning & 17 bus. & hauled 2 in afternoon. Bernice Wagner was here. Schools started all around today, Emil Hoffmann teacher here, boards by Oscar Klotz. Mrs. Kruse the Blackburn School again, have 10 children, Bill Geodell’s 2 & Al  – 1 – Screviners 1 – Fehrs, Defenbaughs, Wilkerson, Rob [Robert] & Floyd.

Wednesday, Aug. 22, 1934

Henry came, finished plowing, had dinner & lunch. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, she helped cut Bertille’s dress out; man here & selling, germ elim, 55¢ bottle, good for everything. Mr. Oscar Schmidt, Co Superintendent was here to see Henry about school, wether [sic] or not there is going to be school, it is undecided.

Tuesday, Sept. 6, 1932

We washed, ironed. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s to meet that fellow there with the cow & calf, mule. Today school begins. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s & got the 2 mules, then he cut hay here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this morning. We cup up tomatoes for catsup a big pit full. Henry & family came up this evening & got a basket of yellow tomatoes for canning. Calf was born last Wed. Aug. 31.

Thursday, September 1, 1932

Today School starts all over. The Catholic & Public, Hilda Wihelms teacher, & Blackburn School, Virginia Miles, Hirst School, Ethel Dueker. Chas Jung was here & cashed his check for $3.10. Papa took the Chev. out to Barthel’s & got battery recharged. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up all afternoon. It is somewhat cooler today. Bertille went over to Rennecker’s to get the papers. Papa went out trading. Bobby likes school so well.

Friday, April 29, 1932

Last day for schools at most places. It rained last nite, & all day. Bad for the funerals today. Ed Parker’s have a barn dance, tonite we where invited, but the weather was unfavorable, & didn’t go. Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Hill of Smithon [sic] have a little baby boy born in St. Elizabeths Hospital the other day.

Sunday, Jan. 3, 1932

We went to Red Bud church this morn. Christ Buehler’s family were all at Red Bud church too they are finished in Hecker, Fr. Grootens told him either pay pew rent or take his children out of school, so tomorrow he will sent his kids to Red Bud school. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner, this afternoon we went out there had supper, Uncle Adam & Emil where also there, played pinochle. Ed Meng was here this morn, to see Uncle Fred. Tonight Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rennecker & George Wagner’s family where here played cards. Steve held 1000 Aces & George had 300 pinochle & 150 trumps. & In the same game Rosalia had 1500 trump. The St. Mary’s players are giving a play in the School Hall tonight Adm. 35.