Friday, April 7, 1939

Good Friday. 28 degrees; warmer again for today. Went to church 7 o clock. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in. Pete Hoffmann of near Waterloo died at Querheim Parlor & Mrs. Glessener, Kroll’s sister, passed away to [sic]. Mr. & Mrs. Farbers were here looked at mare. Bert [Bertille] fixed doz. eggs & 9 for A. [Aunt] Mary’s. Went to Red Bud 3 o clock church. heard Fr. Ore Service on radio. Went to Waterloo to see Pete Hoffmann & Mrs. Glessner, they have 3 people laid out, being awful busy all week. Mr. Hill came collected telephone dues. Bert Thompson & family going to move on Weber Farm & Webers moving to New Athens.

Sunday, Oct. 30, 1938

Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile. We went driving around this afternoon. Went to Walter Matzenbachers & Ruth Hoffmann’s wedding dance at Brezzy [Breezy] Hill tonite. Emil Geodelle & girlfriend Mabel Crook were attendants, bride wore white lace dress & maid pink, & such a large crowd. Schumacher’s Och. [Orchestra] 3 pc. [piece].

Friday, July 15, 1938

Nice day. Henry & family came yesterday afternoon boys stayed here & Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville, got new dress & things. Geo. Walzbacher’s only child girl Mary Elizabeth 4 yrs. old died at St. Marys Hospital brief illness says in paper. Mr. Joe Rieckert celebrated his 98th birthday on July 9. still hole & hearty, still pratices [sic] law yet. Walter Nobbe & Al Hoffmann were here, trying to trade cars again, now he offers $150. for chev. but we won’t trade yet with him, wait longer. Harry Wittenauer came going to thresh oats here by tomorrow.

Monday, March 7, 1938

We washed, ironed, patched. Pap sewed clover seed, hauled wheat to Waterloo this afternoon, 1 load from here 77 [cents], & 2 loads from Henrys 82 [cents]. top price is 84 [cents]. Bert [Bertille] took eggs to town got 14 [cents]. Lauts tearing house down today. Hoffmann from Belleville nearly all down this eve. Steve Stiffler was here this eve. on business. Sure warm.

Saturday, March 5, 1938

Rained heavy last nite; colder this afternoon & eve. Pap sewed clover seed. Eggs 14 [cents] at Mertz Bert [Bertille] took 7 doz. up & got 1/2 butter from Reheis’s make; 20 [cents]. Robert Lauts moved some of there furniture to Rennecker’s, the living room suite. getting ready to tear the old house down, to build a new one, Hoffmann from Belleville has the contract the paper says.

Wednesday, Feb. 9, 1938

Beautiful day. Pap went up to woods. Rose [Rosalia] came this morn. helped quilt; Leo is butchering at Jake’s. Uncle Fred brought A. [Aunt] Mary up to help quilt this afternoon, he came this eve; had supper. Emil was here awhile. Al. Hoffmann came to see A. [Aunt] Mary. Bert [Bertille] went along home with Rose [Rosalia] with our Whip; went with them to Paderborn euchre, didn’t win nothing had 5 points; they had 5 points; they had a dance, also had been the priest was sick, couldn’t be there.

Friday, Jan. 14, 1938

Pap went up in woods, came home for dinner & went up again this afternoon. Geo. Wagner came over to get eggs we didn’t have none to sell, only got 1 doz. Some people here from Smithton selling beef, didn’t buy none. Berneice brought 5 [cents] over for eggs for Mehrmann, they were 21 [cents] last week he said. Mr. & Mrs. Arch. Whiel have baby born born Jan. 10 – St. Mary Hospital, now have boy & girl. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hoffmann of Tipton have a baby boy born Jan. 9 also at St. Mary’s Hospital; have a boy & girl now.

Saturday, Oct. 30, 1937

Beautiful day. Indian Summer they call it. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came went along with us this afternoon to Bozzay’s sale, they are going to St. Louis; start rooming house & her daughter Elvira Hoffmanns are going to move there Crooks farm. Went to Waterloo to church, & back home; stopped at Henry’s beef is all sold. Bert [Bertille] went along with A. [Aunt] Mary to rosary devotion tonite.

Saturday, Aug. 28, 1937

Picked peaches, etc. Mrs. Jake Neff got bu. this morn. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to sales at Hoffmann at Red Bud then out to J. Mays by Oak Grove; some things brought fair price. May Auctioneer, James clerk. Free dance at Keimes tonite; musci [sic] by Skaers Orch. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came Bert went along, nice crowd & hot. Schoenborn & Rehling had scrap.

Monday, March 29, 1937

We went to Leo, took them along, to Krupps looked at mule, then went to Keorbers looked at 2 old cows he wants to sell then to Hoffmanns cow, but was nobody home there neither at John Rists. Pap went again this afternoon to Hoffmann & to Waterloo. Beautiful day; lot people sewing clover seed, oats & planting potatoes, we noticed along the way. A fellow here wanted to buy timber. Krupp came down this eve.