Pap went to Belleville with 2 hogs same as last time 420 lbs. @ 10¼¢, also went to dentist. Bert washed, ironed. Krupp boys came with truck brought the mule $25.00 & took & mare along, made a trade. The foundry men aren’t working today. Rob. Laut came, looked at implements, he is going to start farming a little truck patch, on our lot on the corner up here. Christ Buehler & Frieda stopped on way to Red Bud, looked at wheat ground. Louis Birkner is pretty good again now, nobody staying there.
Monday, March 29, 1937
We went to Leo, took them along, to Krupps looked at mule, then went to Keorbers looked at 2 old cows he wants to sell then to Hoffmanns cow, but was nobody home there neither at John Rists. Pap went again this afternoon to Hoffmann & to Waterloo. Beautiful day; lot people sewing clover seed, oats & planting potatoes, we noticed along the way. A fellow here wanted to buy timber. Krupp came down this eve.
Sunday, March 28, 1937
Easter. Henry & family & Leo & Rose & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were all here dinner & supper. Men folks played cards. Cool today. Lot people wearing there spring suits & outfits. Krupp of Millsdat [sic] was here looked at horses. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came back this eve. Bert went along to Floraville to dance at Keim’s pretty large crowd music by Waterloo Wild cats; not so good. Schlotmann of Red Bud a baby boy, on Mar. 18; all doing well so they say.
Saturday, March 27, 1937
Pap got crushing done. This afternoon went out on business. We went to Rob. Lauts this eve. played cards. Leo & Rose came this morn. pap went along looked at cows, Krupp’s & Grassmanns; but didn’t suit so far. Lent is over at noon today.
Wednesday, Jan. 30, 1935
Presidents 53 Birthday Ball; tonite, 3 in Monroe Co. Mr. Meister & Krupp was here, looked at the farm implements. Papa went out to Henry’s helped measure wheat ground. Henry & Ed. Schmidt came here, measured up here then. Most beautiful day, so nice warm. Birthday dances tonite at Pautlers Old Time, musci [sic] by Moonlighters, one at Odd Fellows modern & at Columbia; 40¢ ticket, can attend all three, for the same one.
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