Tuesday, Nov. 7, 1939

Went to Belleville, sold everything. Eggs 30 [cents]. Had piece bacon & sausage left, turnips also. Leo & family had supper here. Bert [Bertille] went to Belleville with them. A Bruehl man near Belleville close to Ross Filling station killed his daughter & wife last nite, he is in jail; Another man was robbed & killed near a store; on Ill. Street. Wittenauer shocked load corn, took it home, & brought one here also. Papa & Marita went to election; in Firemens Hall; County Election. Schmidt won against Jost for Judge. Altes Co. Commissioner. Bill [Klein] came got Bert [Bertille] took Woody Acker to Belleville; also his girlfriend on business.

Wednesday, Dec. 28, 1938

Not so cold today, 16 [degrees] this morn. Pap went out & got load wood for Emil; this afternoon got wheat at Henry’s, & got crushing done. Fire engine went down to Joe Hempe’s; machine shed burning implements burned; that is on Mrs. Albert Gregsons farm. The Officer that won at election day of Monroe Co. are giving a free dance at Pautler’s tonite. The Young People of Parish here are having a party also tonite.

Thursday, Oct. 13, 1938

Beautiful rain last nite, settled dust for awhile. Rob. Payne democratic candidate for clerk was here this eve. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped, went to Red Bud. Harry Wittenauer’s finished sewing wheat here today. Henry & family were up, he got some more wheat to sew; Listened to Major Bowes on radio.

Friday, Dec. 4, 1936

Fried in 3 gals sausage, Pap hauled wood with wagon, one in basement & 1 small outside. Chick Brand & Val. Braun of Red Bud took the safe & alarm, etc. out of the bank today. The wedding of the Tipton parish on Thanksgiving Day were in the paper today, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Lengyl will make there home at 2823 A. Keokuk St. St. Louis Mo. & Mr & Mrs Gus Fahey at 3108 Abner Place. St. Louis. Mr. Elmer Winkler & Mamie Crook were married at Waterloo parsonage also. Thanksgiving Day wedding dance at Brezzy [sic] Hill. There were 7 wedding dances, in Monroe Co. on that day the paper says.

Saturday, May 9, 1936

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went home after breakfast, coming up after dinner & going to hospital, then Bert stays & Rose comes home. Mr. Ervin Boo, Circuit Clerk of Monroe Co. at Waterloo died Mon. & buried Thurs. afternoon there age 26 yrs; he had been ailing for quiet awhile, had 1 leg taken off several yrs. back, had pneumonia, leaves his wife nee Vera Kropp, his father & 2 brothers Willis & Billy, his wife & brother been taking care of his office, ever since he was unable to. Vic Geodelle bought the Mary Lich home of West Mill St. for $2000, were he will move it in the near future.

Wednesday, Jan. 30, 1935

Presidents 53 Birthday Ball; tonite, 3 in Monroe Co. Mr. Meister & Krupp was here, looked at the farm implements. Papa went out to Henry’s helped measure wheat ground. Henry & Ed. Schmidt came here, measured up here then. Most beautiful day, so nice warm. Birthday dances tonite at Pautlers Old Time, musci [sic] by Moonlighters, one at Odd Fellows modern & at Columbia; 40¢ ticket, can attend all three, for the same one.

Wednesday, Nov. 7, 1934

Bernice Wagner got ½ dozen eggs. Pierre Laut’s birthday. Papa went to Red Bud to get hog feed, Zipfel wasn’t there, he didn’t get none. Papa went out to Fleckenstein’s got piece iron for binder. Papa & Rosalia got load butchering wood. Sure is warm today. We cleaned chicken house. Rose & Berti went to Dr. Isselhardt this afternoon; Rose got 1 pulled; wisdom tooth; Berti got 3 tempoary [sic] filling. We went out to Uncle Fred’s this evening played pinochle, Rose had 1500 trump clubs; had cake. The Election yesterday went Democratic all over the states; Monroe Co. has all repbulician [sic] Offics in but one Al. Gaven. Democrats in state won 2 to 1. Mr. Zipfel brought 2 sacks feed this evening. Weather is beautiful.

Wednesday, Oct. 17, 1934

Mamie Eichenseer came & brought the pattern back. Then she went to Angela’s quilting. We picked the green tomatoes got near a bu. Melvin Wagner was here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, brought some rose bushes & trees. Henry & family also came, so pap stayed at home with the boys’ & we all went to the Rebpulic [sic – Republican] Meeting at Maniers Hall, free refreshments & dance; & was there people there, like pinic [sic], hall was crowded, & windows outside, Jesse Brown was speaker; & the Morone [sic – Monroe] Co. Officers there too.

Monday, Sept. 24, 1934

Papa & Rosalia went back to Straub’s to get the heifer. There is going to be a Democrat Rally at Kammler’s Hall tonight, Judge Riess principal speaker. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family came, all went, papa took care of the kids, stayed here. All the Monroe Co. candidates, were present, Judge Riess, Urban Heyl, Brand’s, Schaefer speakers, free beer was held; after the meeting. We planted our flowers. Mrs. Rennecker came got a dress pattern. We canned 6 qts pears.

Sunday, Feb. 25, 1934

We didn’t go to church today; snowing & sleeting all day. George Wagner & Steve Rennecker came over to sign hog papers for the processing tax, $2.23 for Jan. Steve stayed & we played cards, 4 games, he won 3. Monroe Co. C. W. A. are laying men off now till down to 6, stayed working: Osie Neff, Pete Watchel, all them are off, from Hecker, is only Jack Reagan, Hy. Meng, Hy. Braun working & there is Chas. Helfrich, Wilhelms, Leifer & some yet from Round Prairie working the snow plow went down & up, several times, but didn’t help much.