Canned 2 qts. pickles & ½ pt. tomatoes. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s helped put up hay; made 17 loads, stacked; Emil & Clem Parker helped; they had lunches & dinner there. Bert got flower slips from Mrs. Rennecker & Mamie; planted them out. Mrs. Rennecker came over this evening & got some from ours. George Lorberg’s have a baby girl born last week; getting along nicely. 3 girl 1 boy. Frank Kroll moved his furniture & family from Al. Monike’s place to upstairs in Manier’s place, couldn’t agree together. Dr. Isselhardt was in Hecker at his office in Kammler’s building, opened up again Wed. from 1 till 4 o clock, every week; Rev. Hosto hit a 80 yr. old man at Mascoutah & killed him, he was only driving 20 mi hr. the policeman saw it also, the man ran in front of his car.
Wednesday, Nov. 7, 1934
Bernice Wagner got ½ dozen eggs. Pierre Laut’s birthday. Papa went to Red Bud to get hog feed, Zipfel wasn’t there, he didn’t get none. Papa went out to Fleckenstein’s got piece iron for binder. Papa & Rosalia got load butchering wood. Sure is warm today. We cleaned chicken house. Rose & Berti went to Dr. Isselhardt this afternoon; Rose got 1 pulled; wisdom tooth; Berti got 3 tempoary [sic] filling. We went out to Uncle Fred’s this evening played pinochle, Rose had 1500 trump clubs; had cake. The Election yesterday went Democratic all over the states; Monroe Co. has all repbulician [sic] Offics in but one Al. Gaven. Democrats in state won 2 to 1. Mr. Zipfel brought 2 sacks feed this evening. Weather is beautiful.
Wednesday, Sept. 12, 1934
We washed, hung in the basement, raining out & cloudy weather, rain, nearly all night & thundering. Today Dr. Isselhardt, dentists start in Hecker again, Kammler’s upstairs, upend up again through the winter months; from 10-4. A man here selling apples $1.25 bu. & pears $1.00, we bought a peck to eat; awful good, but little; took our flower slips in, upstairs.
Monday, March 12, 1934
We washed & ironed, Oh! my some wind, blew the cloths line in pieces; dried good. Papa hauled in hay. We all went to Conrand Myerscough’s to look at a horse that he wants to trade with the mule, but they can’t get together so far; also went to see Mr. Laurent, also by Ruma, advertised our heifers for sale. Rosalia went after the mail, send order for Aunt Mary hair color, took Mrs. Staufebiel’s pattern back, got 14¢ for eggs. Mr. Hill came for news. Rudolph got buried at Red Bud this morn. Dr. Roland Isselhartd is observing his natal anniversary at 212 S. Charles St.
Wednesday, Feb. 22, 1933
Washington’s birthday, Frieda Buehler’s, Martha Boll’s birthdays. Freida called this morn, wanted to know if Aunt Mary was here, but they ain’t up here, she has a quilt in the frame, what she got from Mrs. Birkner. The paper is just full of stuff where one man tried to shoot the president elect, but missed him, on account of such a crowd, but he shot the mayor of Chicago, but, he is on the road to recover. Papa took Mr. Ed. Meng to Smithon this morn. Mamie came down awhile to get her hair curled. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here, then we all went up to the euchre except papa. Rosalia had 11 points & got pair pillow cases. Uncle Fred had 9, got a silver cake or bread plate. The beautiful quilt was won by Louisa Braun, the spread Dr. Isselhardt of Belleville, & Infant set, Harold Eichenseer & a pair pillow cases, for attendance prize by Mrs. Fred Riselmier of Red Bud, such a crowd from all over, Red Bud, Evansville, Paderborn, 44 tables, 34 euchre & 10 pinochle. Adm. 25¢. Huber & Jonny McDermott was also at the euchre. There where so many prizes, lot of 7! got a prize, 100 prizes; a cake with Washington as a prize, Paul Parker won it, & all other kind of prizes.
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