Tuesday, Nov. 7, 1939

Went to Belleville, sold everything. Eggs 30 [cents]. Had piece bacon & sausage left, turnips also. Leo & family had supper here. Bert [Bertille] went to Belleville with them. A Bruehl man near Belleville close to Ross Filling station killed his daughter & wife last nite, he is in jail; Another man was robbed & killed near a store; on Ill. Street. Wittenauer shocked load corn, took it home, & brought one here also. Papa & Marita went to election; in Firemens Hall; County Election. Schmidt won against Jost for Judge. Altes Co. Commissioner. Bill [Klein] came got Bert [Bertille] took Woody Acker to Belleville; also his girlfriend on business.

Friday, Sept. 22, 1939

Nice cool day. Bert [Bertille] cleaned 2 rooms upstairs. Pap took chev. to Red Bud get oil changed. 5048 mi. this afternoon. Seen in paper, some thieves were around Waterloo on S. Market & Morrison Ave. took money from Wedel home & some others. Chris Buehlers celebrating their Silver Wedd. today 25 yrs. giving a free dance at Log Cabin tonite, musci [sic] by Irene, Wilma & Oliver Birkner & Dilbert Mueth; have posters up. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in on there way down. Bill [Klein] came this eve. On Sept. 11 Lester Gregsons 10th Wedd Ann.

Monday, Sept. 12, 1938

Had little rain & cooler now. Bert [Bertille] cut lawn, planted out flower slips. Pap schocked corn & hauled fodder home. Harold Wagner is now operating a gas station on the Phil Braun pump gas tanks. on his premises. Report is that Hugo Probst had purse of $50. stolen from his home.

Friday, Aug. 23, 1935

We canned peaches, tomatoes, pickles, baked pie. Henry came to cut hay, had lunch. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon; it is there 37 Wedding Ann. today we went out this evening, had supper. Henry & family went to Waterloo to see a 10¢ show. Mrs. Mary Cody died last Sat. aged 74 yrs. she is Mrs. Perry May’s & Jack Cody’s mother. There sure was some fellow, entered the home of a aged couple at Maeystown & intended committing murder, but the gun didn’t fire; so he hit the couple unsconsious [sic], the door had been open & screen door wasn’t hooked; had blood hounds to trace it; & tracked through a woods to a car track so far nothing has been found, he left his gun lye, & it is at the Sheriff office at present. A robber also entered Louis Stadter’s home near Poe Station, gaining entrance by forcing the door open with an axe, Sun. afternoon, awhile the family were helping threshing took 2 suits clothes $4.00 each etc. & he wasn’t found either so far.

Wednesday, Feb. 20, 1935

Henry, Leona & Billy [Willis] came up, they have corn & hog sign up meeting at the City Hall, Henry & papa went, this morning. They had dinner here; she brought a quilt along to mark off, ready to quilt next week. Mr. Ed Pabst was here to see dad. Papa went to Waterloo this afternoon. There were quite a few people in town today, for the signing of corn & hog contracts. We dyed some dresses, blue & pink. Mr. Herold Smithton saloon keeper died, will be buried Fri. morning. In Smithon [sic] news was the names of all people attending Mr. Helfrich’s funeral, about 700 people. The Red Bud depot was robbed register & $26; they didn’t find the guys so far. We went out to Al. Clevelands, to nite played 6 hand pinochle, had light lunch, sausage etc., listened to the radio.

Friday, March 23, 1934

It rained & sleet last night, ground didn’t freeze; it thundered. Started fire in furnace again, some days nice & warm, & then cold again. They way the Waterloo paper read’s, there was lot of robbery going on last week. Stratmann’s Shoe Store & Siegel’s Apparel Shop were burlargarized [sic] Tues. morning at 3 o clock. $3.00 shoes & goods & things. Bridles & Saddles stoled from Demint & Gaven’s Fri. morn. these fellows they didn’t find, negro men stole the $3.00 worth, they caught them.

Monday, June 19, 1933

We washed, ironed, patched. Our Waterloo paper never came at all last week, the mail got robbed from the depot at Red Bud on Thurs. nite. There where 3 people tried to kidnap a Kaffenberg child in Red Bud last week, but didn’t succeed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, we helped them plant sweet potatoe plants out, what they had left, we planted in out patch, great big plants they are, they got them from Oscar Birkner. Mr. Hill & Miller where here wanted to buy hatching eggs, we couldn’t sell him none.

Thursday, Oct. 20, 1932

We took our turnips in this afternoon. The Belleville National Bank got robbed of $8 or $10,000 at noon today. It is on 12 West Main St. Bertille was up town this afternoon, spoke a few words with Mamie & Emil. Clarence Wagner came back here again to Eichenseers today, tomorrow he is going to school up here, he says he couldn’t stay there no longer, he didn’t like it. Mamie is making a quilt somewhat like ours, stitched.

Thursday, Aug. 11, 1932

It rained this morning real nice. Rosalia is supposed to go to the dentist this morn. Henry & family came up here, then we went around the hard road to Waterloo. Bobby stayed here with papa. They are both finished now at the dentist Rosalia’s bill is $22.00 & Leona $4.00. Rosalia had 8 teeth filled. There was a furniture truck drove in to Karl Boll’s this morn, Smiths [? – unclear] & got some of his furniture. It rained this evening.

Thursday, Dec. 3, 1931

Rosalia & Bertille went to Parkinson’s funeral. Odillo Eichenseer drove Jatho’s machine with the mourners. There where just the two daughters. It wasn’t a very large funeral. The priest went along out to the cemetery & buried him. The egg man paid 30¢ & took some saussage [sic] along with him. Joe Mueth of Belleville his home was raided, found, whiskey, beer, & wine. He is a cripple so they didn’t do much with him.