Monday, Oct. 30, 1939

Rained last nite & getting colder; with light to heavy frost, radio says for tonite. Bert [Bertille] washed ironed patched, washed feathers. Pap hauled 2 loads wood with truck. Miller of Columbia here this afternoon, looking for farm. Totschs had free dance last nite had opening of new hall, made part of store into dance hall for winter months hall to cold.

Friday, May 19, 1939

Raining. Planted pumpkins & watermelons. Yesterday was clean up day for Hecker. Fritsche hauling rubbish. Wm Wiegand Jr. is very sick has lost his mind, since Wed. morn. can’t do nothing, going to take him away this afternoon to some asylum (at Anna). Mr & Mrs Bunny Miller (nee Buettner) have a baby.

Wednesday, Jan. 4, 1939

Raining all morning & nite. Emil came paid for eggs . Clara Mueth of St. Louis passed away yesterday morn, will be laid out at Quernheim’s after 6 o clock tonite, till sat. morn at 9:30 mass at Hecker & to cemetery pretty long time. Dudenhoeffer’s here. We went to Waterloo this afternoon got egg mash. Mrs. Fred Miller – Eva’s mother was buried this afternoon there, Evangical [sic] church. Went to Geo. Wagner’s played cards, ladies won against gents. Catholics got euchre tonite, raining quite a bit, after 10 [degrees].

Wednesday, Oct. 19, 1938

Rain & colder this morn. Bert [Bertille] took all the flowers out, put them in basement. Lena Meng was here awhile, stopped in on way home from town. Last nite was Wustmarket at Memorial Hall in Waterloo given by Catholics; also entertainment paper said. Leo & family came, he has sick colt, the one from us, he called Doc. Miller of Waterloo from here, he came here, & we all went to Leo’s, has swollen leg, both front ones; gave him stuff to rub on them, has an awful lot of pain, can’t lie down.

Monday, July 4, 1938

Bert [Bertille] helped Rose [Rosalia] washed & ironed etc. Came home this eve. went along back again. Threshing here today & tomorrow. Wiegand’s outfit. Mrs. Martin Sauzek was buried at Paderborn this morn. Walter Stahl & Mrs. Miller were buried yesterday afternoon. Aruelia Sauzek the daughter was taken to hospital also Sun. even couldn’t even be at the funeral.

Saturday, Nov. 27, 1937

Beautiful day. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & pap went to Mrs. Hy. Miller’s sale pap bought plow $4.10 C. Buehler brought it along home, for 25¢. Bert [Bertille] went to town paid light bill $1.16. Eggs are down 25¢ here at store, radio is 23 & 27¢. Henry & family came this eve. played cards, starting in raining & snowing.

Thursday, Nov. 4, 1937

Pretty cold, also yesterday morn. Henry brought load corn; white frost this morn. Ella Miller’s son in law is being buried this afternoon, his wife died yr. ago; leaves 2 children. had pneumonia, sick for 4 days. 41 yrs. old lives in Belleville. Uncle Fred came & him & pap went to school grounds, haul toilets home with the wagon & team; had dinner out there. Bert [Bertille] patched. Gauen came got ham 14½ lbs. @ 40¢. – cloudy this afternoon. Raining tonite; we went over to see Emil awhile, read papers etc.

Monday, Sept. 27, 1937

Bert [Bertille] went to mass funeral of Kroll; rather large, all girls pallbearers, Pearl Griffin, Mary Arns, Alvera Braun, 2 ladies of Waterloo, Theresa Frisch. Mrs. Francis Eichenseer is being buried at St. Louis this afternoon, that is his second wife she formerly Ziebold girl of Red Bud but had married before; she has been ailing for 3 yrs. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert [Bertille] helped them paper there kitchen ceiling across the street. One of our horses Barney is sick, had Doc. Miller out for him, he had supper also Uncle & Aunt Mary stayed Leona’s birthday but he didn’t get out, had company & sick horse.

Tuesday, Sept. 7, 1937

Catholic Schools open today. Canning peaches cooking catsup, etc. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed for supper last nite, then we all went to Smithton to Catholic Church pinic [sic]. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came Bert [Bertille] went along to Floraville dance, Viola Kaburcek birthday all free. Skaers Orch; nice crowd present. Hy Miller of Lords Corner is being buried at Stehfests cemetery this afternoon, Elsie Spalts husband 41 yrs. old had cancer nothing left to him, didn’t weigh 100 lbs. they said. Pap was at the cemetery; he belonged to Broad Hollow Grange & was a soldier, so they all had there ceremonies at cemetery; awful large funeral. Henry brought load of corn on frame wagon Billy [Willis] also. Levi Feurer stopped in looked at pigs. We went to. Ignatz Neffs got bottles & cans & bought 2 doz. jars 20¢. went to Leo’s got some grapes for wine, took peaches along & peeled & canned 4 qts.

Monday, July 26, 1937

Went out to Henry’s threshing wheat, got 725 bus. our share is 241 bus. Pap paid Geo. Schilling lumber sawing 2067 ft. @ 90¢ $22.40. Pap & Leo hauled the wheat home from out there. Dr. Miller came vaccinated our hogs $3.00 – for 8 pigs & sow – 25¢ pig. There is so much cohlera [sic] going around. Sam Krehrer [sic – Kreher] is sick & several more. Olive brought coop down going to ship 3 doz. springs tomorrow ; with Mertz. Mrs. Geodelle & Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Leo & Rose [Rosalia] all helped at Henrys threshing, 2 lunches & dinner. Birkners had to go to Franks threshing for supper.