Monday, July 26, 1937

Went out to Henry’s threshing wheat, got 725 bus. our share is 241 bus. Pap paid Geo. Schilling lumber sawing 2067 ft. @ 90¢ $22.40. Pap & Leo hauled the wheat home from out there. Dr. Miller came vaccinated our hogs $3.00 – for 8 pigs & sow – 25¢ pig. There is so much cohlera [sic] going around. Sam Krehrer [sic – Kreher] is sick & several more. Olive brought coop down going to ship 3 doz. springs tomorrow ; with Mertz. Mrs. Geodelle & Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Leo & Rose [Rosalia] all helped at Henrys threshing, 2 lunches & dinner. Birkners had to go to Franks threshing for supper.

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