Thursday, Nov. 9, 1939

Beautiful weather these days; so nice warm. Klein Bros. came yesterday & got 3 pigs $12.00 pc. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in, they was at a corn field fire, at Veilwelers near Cortner land; Bert [Bertille] made dish towels. Mr & Mrs Ben Heyl stopped in to take look at hog feeder. Vic Papenbergs 1st wedding Ann. today; went over radio. Bert paid coal bill, $19.43 – 14 6 1/2 bus. coal @ 9 [cents]. $13.51 & 4 [cents] hauling $5.86 to Eichenseers. Leo & family came this eve.

Monday, Oct. 16, 1939

Washed, ironed, cleaned & varnished dining room floor. Jake Klein & son were here looking at pigs. German band played for wedding 4 ann. of Mr & Mrs Clarence Wittenauer St. Louis.

Friday, Sept. 22, 1939

Nice cool day. Bert [Bertille] cleaned 2 rooms upstairs. Pap took chev. to Red Bud get oil changed. 5048 mi. this afternoon. Seen in paper, some thieves were around Waterloo on S. Market & Morrison Ave. took money from Wedel home & some others. Chris Buehlers celebrating their Silver Wedd. today 25 yrs. giving a free dance at Log Cabin tonite, musci [sic] by Irene, Wilma & Oliver Birkner & Dilbert Mueth; have posters up. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in on there way down. Bill [Klein] came this eve. On Sept. 11 Lester Gregsons 10th Wedd Ann.

Wednesday, Aug. 23, 1939

Nice day. Uncle Fred’s Wedd. Ann.; also the weddingt today of Orville Schmidt & Loretta Braun church at 9 o clock here; wedding dance at Log Cabin; Uncle & Aunt Mary stopped in, then went down. Written cards invitation. Bill [Klein] brought 3 heifers down this morn, pap bought from Mrs. Klein $40.00. Walsh Student for priesthood was here taking order for Ex. Magzaine [sic], will be his last yr. ordered it for 2 yrs. now. for $5.00; he had dinner here with us chicken soup. They were 2 ladies here from Belleville Antique buyers. sold fruit bowl for $1. & milk pitcher corn. for 25 [cents]. Cooked catsup made carrot relish, pumpkin pie, applesauce cookies. etc. Henry was up got bu. fallen peaches for preserves & catsup tomatos [sic]. Schmidts received so many presents; cakes were served by Katzler bakery of St. Louis. Schmidt Och. played for dance. attendants were Mary Braun a sister & Dorthy Peiffer friend & Schmidt brother & Clarence Dashner of Red Bud a friend, a new home is being erected in Red Bud near Gregson’s Filling Station.

Thursday, May 25, 1939

Went to Orlets, sprayed potatoes had lunch. Bert [Bertille] had to go to Totschs to get arsenate [? – unclear] of lead 4 – 80 [cents]. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up. planted corn today. The Ladies Aid got euchre party again tonight – in church hall. Awful warm & no rain, a shower sure would be good. German band played a no. [number] for Henry birthday & Wedd. Ann. last nite at 7:30 & today for Mrs. Hy Birkner & Leo Cortner. Bill [Klein] came this eve. said his Uncle Ignatz died at about 3:30 this afternoon, got out of bed went outside & had stroke.

Wednesday, May 24, 1939

Rose [Rosalia] brought Marita, going to make hay this afternoon. We went up, pap had to help, had lunch & supper, made 3 loads. Henry birthday today 35 yrs. oled, & also there [Henry and Leona] 11 wedding Ann. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up; plowed there lot, put it in corn, had our horse to work. Our baby chiks [sic] stilling dying, going to use Walkohl tablets now in drinking water. Bill [Klein] came & took Bert [Bertille] along to Henry’s birthday. Geodelles & Clevelands were there, cake was served.

Thursday, April 20, 1939

Cloudy. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came awhile, they were to see Kochs by New Athens. Elmer Haudrich was here to look at hog feeders; wants to make one. Raining again this eve. Eggs still 14 [cents]. Dr. Frein was buried yesterday morn. Tomorrow is the 25 Silver Wedding Ann. of Mr & Mrs Vic. Eichenseer, had the mass this morn. Henry was by Emil’s this eve..

Friday, Jan. 20, 1939

Leo & Rose [Rosalia] Wedding Ann.; but to muddy roads, can’t get there. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, he took some wheat to Waterloo, she helped quilt. Pap went to Farmers’ meeting at Kammlers. Henry came on business. Boys got sore eyes, pink eye they call it, school is closed for couple days, most all the children have it. Closed today.

Saturday, October 1, 1938

Pap got crushing done went to Stahls got Whip fixed. This afternoon went out on business trip in black jacks. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in went to see Buehler’s farm they are papering 4 rooms in house; now. Eggs .25 [cents]. Mr & Mrs. William Birkner had a request to German Band for the birthday of Mike Armstutz; & last nite for Ed Krehoer girl, & Susie had yesterday for Mr & Mrs Aaron Papenberg Ann. by Elmer Rittmeyer & family of St. Louis, & for birthday of Edna Haudrich by Irene Buehler; Leo & family went out to Henry’s.

Wednesday, Aug. 24, 1938

Another hot day, last two days it reached 100 [degrees] at 4 p.m. Wittenauers cutting weeds; here with the mowers. Hy Sauer 88 the old wagon maker died at the home of his daughter Mrs. Chas. Minmaman will be buried this afternoon from Dashner’s funeral parlor, to Hecker Village cemetery. The Dougherty twins were called by James Joseph – Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Haudrich sponsors, & girl Doris Lorretta, a lady of St. Louis & Celeste Haudrich of Paderborn. The German Band played at no. yesterday for Uncle [Fred] & Aunts [Mary] Wed. Anni. Bert [Bertille] send in. Walter Stahl’s Jr. have baby girl born hospital at Belleville about 2 week ago. We cut lawn this eve; then went out to see Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary once.