Monday, Oct. 9, 1939

Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed patched, cleaned front room. Windy & cloudy today. We got chicks for hogs from Strecks got $6.95 top $7.10, Mr. Englerth 83 is being buried this morn. at Smithton church & cemetery. Bill [Klein] is pall bearer all grand children to carry him. Leo & family came brought molasses, lard, eggs, to sell.

Wednesday, May 24, 1939

Rose [Rosalia] brought Marita, going to make hay this afternoon. We went up, pap had to help, had lunch & supper, made 3 loads. Henry birthday today 35 yrs. oled, & also there [Henry and Leona] 11 wedding Ann. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up; plowed there lot, put it in corn, had our horse to work. Our baby chiks [sic] stilling dying, going to use Walkohl tablets now in drinking water. Bill [Klein] came & took Bert [Bertille] along to Henry’s birthday. Geodelles & Clevelands were there, cake was served.

Wednesday, May 17, 1939

Cleaned, baked; patched. Pap went to Waterloo to get 25 lbs. purina feed see if we can help our chicks, from dying, they at least eat now, crapo [? – unclear] got something in them, he also attended the funeral of Miss Hattie Grosse & seen Wetzlers also, he was buried at Maeystown & she was at Waterloo church & cemetery, an awful crowd people couldn’t all get in church. Wagners has Buettner, at his parlor now. Pap got mower parts from Eichenseer & fix the mower & cut grass around place & in front of house. Cloudy this eve.

Tuesday, May 16, 1939

Cool this morn. Chicks still dying 18 this morn. Bert [Bertille] cleaned basement & scrubbed it. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, working garden. Eggs 13 [cents]. Buettner was found dead at or near Douglas this morn, he shot himself in his car; was there since Mon. paper says; had 2 notes written, one to Mrs. Grosse & other lady at Belleville. Chas. Mehrmann of Belleville had a stroke & died suddenly yesterday eve. after work; his wife died 5 weeks ago from tooth extraction, he will be buried Thurs. morn. at 10:30 he turned Catholic when he married Becherer.

Monday, May 15, 1939

Had Mertz to look at our chicks, dying, terrible. Pap went to Waterloo took 11 bus. wheat along @ 71 [cents] & paid tax $270.94. Terrible thing happened last nite, Waterloo talking this morn. Gus Buettner of Waterloo shot & killed Miss Hattie Grosse & boyfriend Wetzler all of Waterloo, at a lonely spot on Boxtown road, Wetzler & girlfriend & Mr & Mrs. Mitchell were enroute to Boxtown to a dance, when Buettner crowded them of road & shot & killed the couple & didn’t harm Mitchells so far they haven’t got Buettner yet, he wanted to go with Grosse. All police are on look out for him, he was seen driving south through Boxtown after it happened at 10 o clock. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in went to Red Bud & worked there gardens today. Went to Leo’s this eve. took them plants & we got cabbage plants from her.

Thursday, May 4, 1939

Pap went to Waterloo, took wheat along; just 72 [cents]. Went to Kleins this afternoon, they brought 100 W. Wyandottes along from Illmo Hatchery $6.20; we got about 125 out of our hatch, of 240 eggs very poor. we got about 228 chicks now altogether with 10 hens. Oliver Birkner brought sack mash & coop to ship old hens 2 dozen. We painted kitchen floor green this eve.

Wednesday, May 4, 1938

Nice day. Chicks are hatching now, so far got 163. Pap went out to see Geo. Boll; he had lost a horse, while back, cut lawn, planted out flowers, had nice shower rain. Bert [Bertille] went to euchre at Kammler’s given by Ladies Aid; not much crowd 4 tables euchre, 4 pinochle; had 6 points got glass dish, & towel 3rd prize playing bluey. Roland Rausch got the quilt, & Hy. Rittemeyer rug. & me [Bertille] the towel. Attendance prize Mrs. Marylu [unclear] Pickett.

Saturday, May 8, 1937

Put our chicks out to 5 hens, feeding Wayne from Mertz, he delivered 100 lb. & bran for ducks. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Pap went to M. Elonka sale at Tipton this morn; didn’t buy nothing. Uncle got shovel & baskets. Al. May’s boy brought the Int. here for Uncle Fred. We went to Leo & Rose tonite, took flowers along to plant out, & A. Mary took tomatoe plants. Clem Parker has a new car, delivering milk, set a milk cans in underneath.

Friday, May 7, 1937

Went to Belleville, pap got his teeth again, ain’t much better so far. Another beautiful day. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up. We got 132 chicks, from 12 hens. Clarence Braun’s have baby girl born Wed. at Belleville hospital. Mrs. Adam Eckert sold her house in town here to Adam Eckert, transfer in paper. We have 2 ducks, 1 egg didn’t hatch & the another 1 is broken. Set 5 more.

Saturday, April 4, 1936

Pap went out to haul wood again this morning. Lot of news on the radio of Hauptmann; & flood all over in Southern State & a tornado passed through Georgia & South Carolina, quite a few injured, & killed, 1000 are homeless, houses blewn [sic] to pieces. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came he went in the woods to get rock. R. Zipfel of Red Bud brought us our chicks – 305 – 280 @ 9.25 – $25.90 & 25 that pap won as attendance prize; we got 75 lbs. slartine [unclear – possibly starting] a mash along free, 25 lbs. with every 100 chicks; there all pretty nice White Rocks. Joe Griffin came & put us a new A. battery radio for half price $1.50, it works pretty good now, Steve Rennecker was here, collecting telephone dues. Eggs are only 15¢ now here; 16¢ on radio this morn.