Rose [Rosalia] brought Marita, going to make hay this afternoon. We went up, pap had to help, had lunch & supper, made 3 loads. Henry birthday today 35 yrs. oled, & also there [Henry and Leona] 11 wedding Ann. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up; plowed there lot, put it in corn, had our horse to work. Our baby chiks [sic] stilling dying, going to use Walkohl tablets now in drinking water. Bill [Klein] came & took Bert [Bertille] along to Henry’s birthday. Geodelles & Clevelands were there, cake was served.
Wednesday, May 24, 1939
Filed Under: 1939, May, Tillie's News Diaries from the 1930s Tagged With: anniversary, Anton, Aunt Mary, Bill_Klein, Birkner, birthday, birthday_party, Brand, chicks, Cleveland, dying_chicks, Geodelle, Goeddel, hay, Henry, Klein, Leona, Marita, Orlet, Rosalia, sick_animal, Uncle Fred, Walkohl, Walkohl_tablets, wedding_anniversary
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