Monday, Oct. 9, 1939

Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed patched, cleaned front room. Windy & cloudy today. We got chicks for hogs from Strecks got $6.95 top $7.10, Mr. Englerth 83 is being buried this morn. at Smithton church & cemetery. Bill [Klein] is pall bearer all grand children to carry him. Leo & family came brought molasses, lard, eggs, to sell.

Thursday, Nov. 17, 1938

Geo. Wagner’s butchering today came to get there hog, Hy Armstutz truck, & also J. Kammler, weighed 280 lbs. Got the check from Strecks, one weighed 305 lbs. & 7.40 & 340 lbs. .07. Pap went out on trip this afternoon, took scales back out to Henry’s, he is going to kill a beef this evening. Went to Herman Kettler’s this morn. bought mare from him for $10.00; pap walked home & Bert [Bertille] went to Orlets awhile. Ms. Crocker came got 2 bus. potatoes 50 [cents] bu. Raining this eve.

Tuesday, Nov. 15, 1938

We took 2 hogs to Belleville to Strecks, got $7 & 7.40. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, fixing fence on there places. Came back again this eve. going to Ladies Aid Euchre down in church hall, we didn’t go. Hy. Armstutz brought load willow corn this afternoon. Frank Zoeller was with him.

Tuesday, Sept. 20, 1938

Had no frost. We took 2 hogs & went to Leo’s, loaded his calf went to Belleville to Streck’s pap stayed there with baby [Marita]; he got 11 [cents] for calf 157 lb. & we got for 175 lb. $8.60 & 230 lb. $8.75 that’s yesterdays price, today markets when down again. The Young Ladies have card party in school hall tonite; open air if it isn’t to cold. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came here awhile they & Bill & Bert [Bertille] went to euchre in hall, got nothing A. [Aunt] Mary got last price package napkins. 8 points. Leo & family & pap went to Red Bud to wake at Koch’s of Mrs. Isabel Gallagher. Emil came brought a letter with Nic. Brands name on it, it came from Mrs. Ryan of Oxley Mo.; wanting information about Turstenberg family, which she is a relative; to write. The sheriff of Waterloo & Belleville was out in Hecker gathering a few boys that damaged Vera’s property Sun. nite; Clyde Mueth, Clarence Braun, Bill Braun, few others yet, did about $150.00.

Friday, Aug. 19, 1938

Went to Leo’s finished clover, Leo & pap took 2 hogs of Leo’s to Strecks got $8.75 weighed 405 lbs.; had dinner also threshers Stahl & man & Martin Karban, last nite supper also. Went in to Waterloo to Bersche sale, crowd & things brought fair price didn’t get a thing; couldn’t get near the sale cryer at all so many people. Harry Wittenauer putting up hay this afternoon. Henry was up to see Fr. Aydt

Monday, May 24, 1937

Henry’s 33 yr. birthday. He was here cutting hay, had dinner here. Uncle Fred & A. Mary were up, she made the dinner. We went to Fr. Sterns funeral didn’t get back till 12:30 & never went out to cemetery, it took pretty long, about 90 priests there; from all over they came excepts Fr. Eshmann who is very bad sick at present, had no mass at Waterloo yesterday to much of a shock; Bischoff went to see him from Red Bud; church was crowded couldn’t all get in, was opened during mass, priests sang & played organ. Fr. Burn’s made a very nice sermon, he also made the sermon when Fr. celebrated his 25 yrs. priest, he was was 42 yrs. priesthood, 21 yrs. at Todds Mill & 21 yrs. at Red Bud came there on May 21 & died on May 21. Leo & Rose came got our truck to haul a pig to Strecks; tomorrow. Streck was out looked at cow, but didn’t buy went out to Henry’s, pap went along bought his 7 pigs, getting them Wed. $47.00 & cow for $48. Eggs 16¢; sent some cheese home with A. Mary.

Saturday, March 20, 1937

We went to Belleville this afternoon. pap went to dentist went to Streck’s cold again lowest tonite should be 33. Uncle Fred & Mary stoped [sic] here, nobody home also stoped [sic] at Henry’s. Leona said then they went to Waterloo. Pap got haircut this morn. Seen Leo & Isid. in Smithton, told him we & Henry’s were coming there tomorrow for dinner; if weather is O.K. Eggs came down again 20¢ now.

Monday, Sept. 21, 1936

We washed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Red Bud, Waterloo, & Rose & Bert went along to Belleville this afternoon, had dinner & supper here, chickens. Aunt got a new dress. Sure warm today. Streck came out & looked at the heifers, couldn’t make no bargains.

Tuesday, Dec. 31, 1935

Last day of the year. Pap & Berti went to Waterloo this morning, got egg mash, went to see Bershe & Ziebold’s Radios. Mr. Jerome Vogt came, counted our pigs & pap had to sign contracts. Papa went to Chris Buehler’s this afternoon, he bought 3 heifers $42 from him. An egg peddler Moll stopped looked at our cows, the one is sold, he might come back again later on, but the time the other one will have a calf. Mr. Streck came out & looked the cattle over, but didn’t buy.

Tuesday, June 11, 1935

We washed. Henry & Leona went to Belleville took a calf in to Streck’s, boys stayed here, had lunch. Papa made a work brush in shop [? – unclear]. Oliver Kammler & Wagner kids were here, selling different products. Ivo Buehler didn’t have appendix; ulcers in stomach, operated for both, it had busted.