Monday, May 24, 1937

Henry’s 33 yr. birthday. He was here cutting hay, had dinner here. Uncle Fred & A. Mary were up, she made the dinner. We went to Fr. Sterns funeral didn’t get back till 12:30 & never went out to cemetery, it took pretty long, about 90 priests there; from all over they came excepts Fr. Eshmann who is very bad sick at present, had no mass at Waterloo yesterday to much of a shock; Bischoff went to see him from Red Bud; church was crowded couldn’t all get in, was opened during mass, priests sang & played organ. Fr. Burn’s made a very nice sermon, he also made the sermon when Fr. celebrated his 25 yrs. priest, he was was 42 yrs. priesthood, 21 yrs. at Todds Mill & 21 yrs. at Red Bud came there on May 21 & died on May 21. Leo & Rose came got our truck to haul a pig to Strecks; tomorrow. Streck was out looked at cow, but didn’t buy went out to Henry’s, pap went along bought his 7 pigs, getting them Wed. $47.00 & cow for $48. Eggs 16¢; sent some cheese home with A. Mary.

Saturday, July 1, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up took the rest of there onions out in there garden; we helped, they sold them to Braun’s got 94¢ for 51½ lbs. New Athens have home coming today. There was a fire at Kaltwasser’s today, Spalts are threshing at Wacthel & Armstutz set there & spark flew out & started the weeds to burn, they got it out with shovels & water, Joe Wacthel got his hand burned a little. It is so awful hot again. John Reagean & family moved in John Hepps house here in town.

Saturday, March 26, 1932

Henry & Leona went to Red Bud dentist, & left the kids here, they stayed all day & nite. Henry & Leona went to Waterloo this afternoon to church. A man here wanted to clean cisterns, Harry Wittenauer was here & brought us a picture of Fr. Grootens, his silver jubillee [sic] will be next Thursday. Floyd burned his hand here this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up this evening, to stay at there place over nite again so he can take care of the boys tomorrow morning. From here they went to Christ Buehlers, the baby girl is sick, next thing to pneoumia [sic].