Wednesday, Feb. 5, 1936

Ironed, sewed shirts, patched. Pap went to Vogel’s sale at Burksville, didn’t buy anything. He got a letter from a fellow at Columbia, Lutmann, wanted to buy a sow & pig. Wegener of Evansville looked at our mare, but was to small. S. Rennecker got 1 qt. milk. Alice Glessner of Waterloo has a birthday dance at Pautler’s tonite, Rythm Knigs [sic] playing. The relief workers at Lorbergs quarry on Pleguer’s farm Ray Braun manager, got there paychecks today. J. Reagean walks down every morning; reports, but they don’t work.

Saturday, July 1, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up took the rest of there onions out in there garden; we helped, they sold them to Braun’s got 94¢ for 51½ lbs. New Athens have home coming today. There was a fire at Kaltwasser’s today, Spalts are threshing at Wacthel & Armstutz set there & spark flew out & started the weeds to burn, they got it out with shovels & water, Joe Wacthel got his hand burned a little. It is so awful hot again. John Reagean & family moved in John Hepps house here in town.

Saturday, Dec. 31, 1932

Josie Keller came here this morning a little bit & called Heyls, then she went on down she was invited there for tonite New Years Eve party & it is Ben’s birthday, she intends to stay till about Wednesday. Papa got crushing done this morn. Geo. Schilling says Ben’s in bed this morn. & so is Levi Ganley. There is a sign put in front of the bank door again this morn, made of cedar, a wreath, & on a board, remind that another year past bank closed, just 2 years. Mr. Wm. Reagean & son where here on business. Mrs. Geodelle called up for Rosalia to come out there at Henry’s now, because she wants to go home with milk driver this morrow morning. Henry & Floyd where up but not outside yet today. There was a little shooting go on here in town awhile, shooting the old year out & the new in.

Friday, Oct. 23, 1931

Papa & Rosalia went down & cleaned our truck patch this morning, we have our green tomatoes all picked.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up all day & pulled there turnips up, some of them, they tried to deliver some around town, but couldn’t sell many, some to Mrs. Dueker & Mrs. Ahrens, that all they sold.  The egg man came this afternoon he got our 8 doz. eggs & 1 bu. pears, from Uncle Fred, & they took 14¾ lbs. of springs along for 194, that’s the price at Lipperts.  Eggs came down a ¢ in the paper, they are 25¢ today.  We pulled our turnips out & put them in the cellar, what we had by the roadside.  They rung over the lines last night that John Schmidt the tinner, he used to be at Waterloo died & would be buried Sat. afternoon, & also that Geo. Boll has shooting match Sun. for ducks & geese.  Carl Quathmer also has shooting match Sun. Willie Reagean’s, quite a few Sunday.  They worked at the cemetery agan today, Braun, Grossheim, Schaefer had the teams.