Saturday, Aug. 19, 1939

Rained this morn. again. Went to Red Bud to Louis Deincks sale Mrs. Chas. Hepp’s father; this afternoon so much to sale & crwod. Percy Starr Auctioneer, we got jugs. 2 – 3 – 5 gal. each. 16 [cents] 35 [cents] things sold pretty good, good prices. Bert [Bertille] went to Cowells & got cigars won at Red Bud pinic [sic], took them to Guker’s & traded for small cigars – they were the 2 for 5 [cents]. $1.10 Henry came this eve. brought potatoes last now, all dug.

Saturday, June 10, 1939

Raining all day, morn. & afternoon. Mrs. Kroll was buried this morn. Chas. Hepps sale & Mehrmann sale this afternoon, makes bad for both; everything cheap.

Tuesday, Feb. 9, 1937

Bert washed, ironed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came they had dinner & supper here, him & pop went to Waterloo on business. Uncle Fred & Aunt went to see Louis Birkner this afternoon; he is pretty sick, has flu, fever. Henry & Leona went to Belleville, took calf in got 9½ – they are 10½ on the radio. Billy [aka Willis] stayed here, came back all had dinner here. Some fellows here from Red Bud looked at horses. We all went to euchre in School hall tonite, we got nothing. Uncle got picture of a bird, & A. Mary a lamp; big crowd, from all over Waterloo, Red Bud, Athens, Paderborn; nice evening, cold. Mrs. Hepp died at Wm Wiegands, her daughter; will buried about Sat. at Round Prairie; she was pretty old to.

Sunday, Dec. 13, 1936

Went to mass. Awful nice day, warm. Was at home all day. We heard Mildred Hepp birthday request by Erna Hepp yesterday on the radio. Leo & Rose went to Belleville. Alois Roth & Gertie were here this evening playing cards, we sure had a real pinochle game, Gertie had 800 kings & 300 pinochle at 1 time. Gertie & Bert partners against men; played out even games, 3 on each side; we played 6 games.

Monday, Oct. 26, 1936

We washed. Pap went out to Henry’s & Uncle Adam’s. We went to Mr. Geo. Hepp funeral this afternoon, in Dec. he would be 103 yrs. old. grandchildren pallbearers, large funeral, the weather was ugly & cold; couldn’t all get in church, that was at the Round Prairie Church & Cemetery. Mr. Nic Cortner Sr. died will be buried tomorrow afternoon, Hecker cemetery. Isadore Cowell of Red Bud was buried last Sat. afternoon there & Mr. Ernst Frick of Belleville died, & will also be buried tomorrow afternoon.

Monday, Aug. 3, 1936

We washed, ironed; nice cool, put in clover hay. Jerome AuBuchon & girl of E. St. Louis, being married St. Patrick Church, in E. St. Louis this morning. Probst came looked at the Whip, the battery was dead, couldn’t get it started, got 1 of his in there now. Henry came & got limedust spreader. Louis Hofmeister of New Athens, have a baby girl from yesterday, all well. Clarence Hepp won the cedar chest at Smithon [sic] Sun. at homecoming.

Saturday, May 16, 1936

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, had dinner here, we had beef soup, him & Rose went to Waterloo with all of the wheat from out there, got 78¢. Henry & family stopped in, took Floyd to hospital, got his hand re bandaged. Boys stayed here. Emil & Bert Thompson called on pap this afternoon, we opened the davenette & he sleeps, or rests on there during day. We baked lemon pie this afternoon. Eggs 18¢. Mrs. Joe Watchel & Clara Wagner got permanents at Belleville yesterday. The bill at the hospital for 10 das. [days] including room & board, washing (operating room $8.00), & surgical dressings. Lab ex. medicine $53.75. John Hepp came on business. The Chev. Dealer of New Athens, called again to; so far nothing yet; making trades for Uncle Fred’s car.

Wednesday, April 15, 1936

Sure a windy day; we cleaned bedroom 1 bath & hall. Pap & Henry hauled wood he had dinner there at Henry’s, brought load, posts home. Hy. Hepp got the lime dust spreader. Dr. Wagner came to see pap. Mamie Eichenseer came & Rose set her hair for her. We worked in garden, sewed some more seed. Eggs are 17¢ today. Mrs. Fred Weber was taken to Belleville hospital, treated for rupture, she is Mrs. Bert Thompson’s mother. Robert Bescher is taking charge of Bert’s horses at Meng’s for the present, cause she is there all time.

Tuesday, April 14, 1936

Cloudy this morning, but is nice again. Rose finished her dresses, & we cleaned front room, washed windows put on screens, cut lawn for the first time. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon, planted out cabbage plants etc. Primary Election today, we didn’t go to vote. Pap & Henry hauled wood all day. A fellow from Belleville looked at the oats, but didn’t take any Boul was his name, Henry bought a pig from him for $9. Henry Hepp was here wanted to borrow lime dust spreader; going to get it tomorrow. Hy. Feurer was here wanted to know if Pabst rented the ground again, if not he take it. Arlene Klotz daughter of Gus Klotz was taken to Belleville Hospital this morning, & was operated on appendix at 11:30, she is sick since Sat. evening, had no bowels moving since; Uncle Fred got a letter from Baldwin saying they should get there gas engine what they bought at her sale, & they wasn’t even at the sale of Mrs. Muench on Mar. 21 last. They have ball games on radio every day.

Thursday, Dec. 12, 1935

Emil’s birthday. Berti baked cookies. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, he went up in the woods & got load rack; took milk & butter along home. Fredrick Fritsche came asked if he could go hunting here. Papa told him it was alright. Uncle brought the Belleville paper along up for us to read, they get it daily now. Mrs. Arthur Hepp was in the hospital, tonsils taken out. Steve Neff’s have a baby born at hospital. Willie Krehers have also a baby girl born Dec. 5. Webers Quarry is to be moved from Harbaughs farm to Rittmeyer’s, Weber has taken the Claus house in town, to pieces & will erect it out at the Quarry. Eichenseers have a new Chev. which costs $791.00 complete, trunk etc.