Tuesday, April 14, 1936

Cloudy this morning, but is nice again. Rose finished her dresses, & we cleaned front room, washed windows put on screens, cut lawn for the first time. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon, planted out cabbage plants etc. Primary Election today, we didn’t go to vote. Pap & Henry hauled wood all day. A fellow from Belleville looked at the oats, but didn’t take any Boul was his name, Henry bought a pig from him for $9. Henry Hepp was here wanted to borrow lime dust spreader; going to get it tomorrow. Hy. Feurer was here wanted to know if Pabst rented the ground again, if not he take it. Arlene Klotz daughter of Gus Klotz was taken to Belleville Hospital this morning, & was operated on appendix at 11:30, she is sick since Sat. evening, had no bowels moving since; Uncle Fred got a letter from Baldwin saying they should get there gas engine what they bought at her sale, & they wasn’t even at the sale of Mrs. Muench on Mar. 21 last. They have ball games on radio every day.

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