Friday, May 28, 1937

We went to Fr. Eschmann’s funeral at 9:30 the priests & relatives had dinner in Memorial Hall, they buried him at Belleville in afternoon, went through Hecker at 1:15 – 40 cars & 4 police cops; pretty large funeral but not like Fr. Stern’s; according to the size of church & parish, we stopped at Henry’s had dinner there Leona & Floyd & Billy [Willis] stayed at home; Fr. had so many bought bouquets, took them all out before mass; were also quite a few priests there, in Red Bud 87. Bishoff made sermon, also another Monsigor; he [Fr. Eschmann] looked natural, only didn’t have no glass lid, like Fr. Stern; otherwise same coffin. Querherheims [sic] in charge, we all got pictures in remembrance of both priests, he was 75 yrs. old; was born at Belleville. Uncle Fred & A. Mary were up this afternoon; working. The Catholic School children have there play this eve. the quilt was won by J. Griffin; hall was crowded Aunt Mary said; Fr. Orlet & Feonnies & Ayal. were present.

Wednesday, May 26, 1937

Cloudy. Henry & Rob. came made hay 1 load, they didn’t have no rain yesterday at all; like here, they had lunch here. Fr. Eschmann of Waterloo passed away yesterday afternoon at 1 o’clock, is at present in Parish house, will be at church, from 3 tomorrow afternoon till Fri morn funeral, he had a paralitic [sic] stroke Sun. morn; since then been sick. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came brought tomato plants along & also some for Buehler’s, took them down, & came back here again; we finished planting today, have about 180 tomatoes & 288 cabbage.  We got card from Committee of Red Bud, for all men to be present at School hall there tomorrow eve. Pap took chev. to Probst got oil changed & started fixed. Eggs .16¢; allful [sic] warm these days. Davis & man of close by Bellevile [sic] was here looked at horse.

Monday, May 24, 1937

Henry’s 33 yr. birthday. He was here cutting hay, had dinner here. Uncle Fred & A. Mary were up, she made the dinner. We went to Fr. Sterns funeral didn’t get back till 12:30 & never went out to cemetery, it took pretty long, about 90 priests there; from all over they came excepts Fr. Eshmann who is very bad sick at present, had no mass at Waterloo yesterday to much of a shock; Bischoff went to see him from Red Bud; church was crowded couldn’t all get in, was opened during mass, priests sang & played organ. Fr. Burn’s made a very nice sermon, he also made the sermon when Fr. celebrated his 25 yrs. priest, he was was 42 yrs. priesthood, 21 yrs. at Todds Mill & 21 yrs. at Red Bud came there on May 21 & died on May 21. Leo & Rose came got our truck to haul a pig to Strecks; tomorrow. Streck was out looked at cow, but didn’t buy went out to Henry’s, pap went along bought his 7 pigs, getting them Wed. $47.00 & cow for $48. Eggs 16¢; sent some cheese home with A. Mary.

Tuesday, Feb. 16, 1937

Uncle Fred & Aunt stayed all nite went to L. Birkner again this morn. Pap & Bert went to Waterloo, got egg mash, & to Quernheim’s, pd. Rose furniture table 6 chairs, rocker, l brand. Bert went to Fr. Eschmann got mass card for Omer for $1.00. Uncle Fred, pap, A. Mary, Bert all went to Waterloo to chapel sure lot of peoples came in; to see Omer, he looks so nice, smiles so nice.

Wednesday, Oct. 30, 1935

Leona brought Billy [Willis] up to stay till tomorrow. Walter Reheis 30 & Hilda Klube 29 are being married in priest house by F. Eshmann Waterloo Ill. Henry & Leona as attendants, at 2:30 this afternoon. Hilda has a green dress & Black hat, & assesories [sic] & Leona dark rust dress & hat, black shoes; the men dark suits; going to have yellow & rust colored bouquets, it is also Annies 38 birthday; the supper is to be served 4:30 at Reheis for close relatives, brothers & sisters. Jake’s wife is to bake the cake, good supper. Mr. Wm. Gregson’s who lives in Gambach’s place, here are moving to W.C. Heyls farm today. Christ Buehler’s truck, Levis & Mrs. Renneker are helping to move them. The Young ladies are sodality of Hecker parish are giving a euchre party at school hall tonite; second for this month already. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here first then went; we didn’t go. Rose got the boys from school & did Henry’s work, feeding & milking; then came home, boys stayed all night. Alois Havey & Stockel of Waterloo, fixed our chimney, cleaned furnace, took pipe out & etc.

Friday, June 1, 1934

We cleaned chicken houses & sprayed with coal oil, got load oats. Mr. Ralph Wiegand & Luella Bruns were sponsors last Sun morn. at Smithon [sic] after services for George Kuhn Jr. son, called it Ralph George, she was Emily Wiegand. We baked 2 cherry pies. In the Waterloo paper, it is that Richard Crowe, Uncle Matt boy, went 8 yrs. to the Catholic School, without missing a day or tardy. Lawrence, infant son of Ed. Berge, was operated on in St. Mary’s hospital, & reports, he is now at home & improving nicely. The transfer of Ida Mueller to Fred Faust is in today. Ida Sommers place. Rev. Eschman is taking treatments in St. Mary’s Hospital. Fred Henke had misfortune of having 2 ribs cracked last Sat. on a fall on a runaway team. There is a truck & put up a tent on the city lot, here & is having moving picture show, for 3 nights, & vaudville [sic], Adm. 20¢. The Farm Bureau is having free movie at Pautlers farm tonite. Berti was at Eliza Boll’s got 25 plants of sweet potatoes for Uncle Fred; they came up to plant them out this eve.

Saturday, May 26, 1934

It is in the Waterloo paper that infant son of Mr. John Eshmann Jr. nee Schaefer died on May 19 aged 2 mos. 13 das. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hoffman nee Bozzay have a little baby girl born May 16 Wed; at there home near Tiptown. Alias Siedle have a girl born last Fri. 18 May. Twenty years ago eggs were quoted at 17½¢, wheat 90¢ & corn 82¢. Miss Ruth Collier who is attending school in St. Louis spent the weekend with her parents in Waterloo, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Collier. Ed. Wittenauer purchased the home place were he lives from the late Margaret Wittenauer estate heirs, for $3600.00. Henry Acker purchased the old Acker farm last week & is now liming it. Hecker baseball team won last Sun at Floraville 11 to 4 next Sun play New Athens here. Elmer Kammler & local barber went to Hoyleton Ill. to cut the orphan children’s hair. The quilt that was raffled at the childrens program, Thurs. nite was won by Cecelia Pour; store clerk; at Eichenseers. We went to Donahue’s free dance, musci [sic] by Blossom City boys; Henry had dinner & lunch here, he cut his hay & weeds here.

Sunday, Aug. 6, 1933

Papa & Bertille & Robert went out to Henry’s early, took Rosalia along & went to Waterloo church, then came back killed chicken for dinner, 4 of them. Henry went to late mass & brought Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Matthews along, we all had dinner & lunch. Henry & Mr. & Mrs. Matthews took the baby in to Waterloo & got it christened by Father Eschman, called it Lawrence Willis, they want to call it Willis, Mr. & Mrs. Gus Geodell & Ray where there all day too. Mr. Hill was here to get news.

Saturday, Aug. 5, 1933

Henry & Floyd came up to see about getting to church tomorrow, they are going to christen the baby tomorrow afternoon at 2 oclock by Eschmann at Waterloo. Chas. Jung bought 4 dozen roasting ears corn for 50¢ wheat is 80¢ at Red Bud; eggs 10¢. Henry Metze & son of Smithon [sic] where here this afternoon on business. Pierre Laut & Roy Neff was selling chances, in a quilt for 10¢, for the pinic [sic] on Aug. 20 at Maniers Park. There is quite a few sales today, Mrs. Sensel estate is being sold at Waterloo today.

Friday, August 28, 1931

Henry finished plowing with the tractor this afternoon up here, he had lunch then left for home & left the team & wagon here.  Rosalia dyed her dress wine colored & washed the green one.  Adolph Rittmeyer’s wife is awful bad sick, she has rhemutaism [sic] of the heart & diabetes, they also have a nurse there.  Mrs. Ben Rausch is on the sick list.  Hecker’s ball players had a lucky day last Sun, the first team played at New Athens scored 6 to 3.  The Juniors played Smithon [sic] here & scored 10 to 9, Hecker winning both games.  William Birkner is erecting a furnace in his dwelling.  This week is State Fair at Springfield, quite a few from here attended.  The Hecker Public School will open on Sept 1, Greg McCarthy teacher.  The Misses Frances, Martha Schilling returned home Aug. 20 after an extended tour through the northwestern states.  John Eschman of Waterloo passed away suddenly Wed morning Aug. 26 at 1 o’clock.