Rained this morn. & heavy & little hail, no threshing here today. Bill [Klein] stopped in this morn. We went to Waterloo this afternoon to church & Farm Bureau Office. Barney Kaiser & Joe got Matt Crowe’s place through forclosure [sic]. Went out to Uncle Freds & A. [Aunt] Marys this eve. awhile.
Friday, June 23, 1939
Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came. Bert [Bertille] went along sold all berrie, potatoes & apples; finished at 9:30; went good. Had dinner here, & took Marita along home again. Uncle Fred went to Athens after so more boxes, A. [Aunt] Mary stayed here. Bert [Bertille] cut lawn & cleaned; Notice of foreclosure of Mat Crowe by Barney Kaiser was in paper today. Waterloo is putting up $5.00 reward for capture of guy that bombed Schaefer House last week, causing $750 damage.
Friday, July 2, 1937
Uncle Matt stopped and boy’s, wanted to see pap about cutting trees in the woods, some people cut in his, & he was satisfied, thought maybe he wanted to let them cut in ours to. Rosalia came wanted pap help make hay. We went this morn. had dinner, lunch & supper. Mr. Orlet & Isd. came yet had lots help. Geo. Schilling started threshing this afternoon. We got card was invited to Red Bud to installation of new pastor Fr. Spors, Wed. eve. & Thurs. eve, got card to late, was all over already.
Friday, June 1, 1934
We cleaned chicken houses & sprayed with coal oil, got load oats. Mr. Ralph Wiegand & Luella Bruns were sponsors last Sun morn. at Smithon [sic] after services for George Kuhn Jr. son, called it Ralph George, she was Emily Wiegand. We baked 2 cherry pies. In the Waterloo paper, it is that Richard Crowe, Uncle Matt boy, went 8 yrs. to the Catholic School, without missing a day or tardy. Lawrence, infant son of Ed. Berge, was operated on in St. Mary’s hospital, & reports, he is now at home & improving nicely. The transfer of Ida Mueller to Fred Faust is in today. Ida Sommers place. Rev. Eschman is taking treatments in St. Mary’s Hospital. Fred Henke had misfortune of having 2 ribs cracked last Sat. on a fall on a runaway team. There is a truck & put up a tent on the city lot, here & is having moving picture show, for 3 nights, & vaudville [sic], Adm. 20¢. The Farm Bureau is having free movie at Pautlers farm tonite. Berti was at Eliza Boll’s got 25 plants of sweet potatoes for Uncle Fred; they came up to plant them out this eve.
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