Thursday, Nov. 26, 1936

Snow this morn. & all day, colder; not a very nice day. The turkey dinner went pretty good sold 450 tickets & turkey was about all, had 50; sold everything in fancy work & bazzaar [sic]. We were quilting all day, had chicken dinner. Today is the weddings all over, at Tipton Eugene Fahey & Lucille McCarthey, Joe Lynle & Ethel May, & Fauter & Kahner, all in mass at 9:30; Fahey & May gave wedding dance at Donahue’s, very large crowd. Jack Ganley & Helen McCarthy best; Rose May & guy for her sister. Miss Josie Keller & Kuhn stopped awhile; were out for turkey supper. We went to Ralph Weigand’s & Luella Bruns wedding dance at Kammlers hall, nice crowd, but cold. A. Buchons’s furnished musci [sic], marched around the cake, & danced; Hy Brun’s & cousin best, sure received many presents; the bride all wore white with veils. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came to.

Sunday, Nov. 3, 1935

Went to Red Bud; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner here, chicken. Henry & Leona left the kids here & they went to Red Bud hospital to see Mrs. Emil Bestmann, she is pretty good, going home this week; had supper here when they came back. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we all went to Pautler’s to Bertille birthday dance, & my what a crowd, we danced the first piece Rose & Bertille. Josie Keller & Miss Kuhn came out also, [Josie] gave Bert pair beads, & flower hankerchief [sic]. Cowboys played; & swell time. There was no other dances, except Donahue’s & one in Paderborn, but it was nothing, Paderborn people all at Pautler’s & lot of Hecker; all the neighbors.

Tuesday, Aug. 13, 1935

Papa went out to Henry’s, digging potatoes this morning. Richard Crowe was also helping, he is 15 yrs. old today. We washed, ironed, had spring chicken dinner. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up. Henry came took the hay that was no good out of the barn & cut alalfa [sic – alfalfa], all had lunch here. Leona & kids came up & got him with the car. Clara Wagner & kids were over, George went to the Firemen’s meeting. Arthur Kuhns of Floraville had a accident Sun. nite, with a oil truck, had his arm torned [sic] open pretty bad had stitches in it by the Dr.

Saturday, March 30, 1935

Papa got the deed all fixed up, for the land that he bought from Alice Brand for $15.00. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came about 10 o clock & papa went along with them to Okawville to Ben Kuhn’s sale. Raining all afternoon. Mr. Justin Zipfel brought us our baby chicks, $8.50 – 269 $22.65, all nice; he told us that Bill Vogt’s brooder house burned down Thurs morning, 270 chicks & everything; coal oil burner they had..they had just put the chicks in on Wed. night & 2:30 everything was allright, & when they woke up, it was burning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper here, came about 5 o’clock; the sale was postponed till Wed; to much rain, there also. So many people sick in bed with bad colds, fever, & headaches; especially the children of the Public School here, its one than the other. Eggs are 18¢ by Eichenseer’s this afternoon.

Friday, June 1, 1934

We cleaned chicken houses & sprayed with coal oil, got load oats. Mr. Ralph Wiegand & Luella Bruns were sponsors last Sun morn. at Smithon [sic] after services for George Kuhn Jr. son, called it Ralph George, she was Emily Wiegand. We baked 2 cherry pies. In the Waterloo paper, it is that Richard Crowe, Uncle Matt boy, went 8 yrs. to the Catholic School, without missing a day or tardy. Lawrence, infant son of Ed. Berge, was operated on in St. Mary’s hospital, & reports, he is now at home & improving nicely. The transfer of Ida Mueller to Fred Faust is in today. Ida Sommers place. Rev. Eschman is taking treatments in St. Mary’s Hospital. Fred Henke had misfortune of having 2 ribs cracked last Sat. on a fall on a runaway team. There is a truck & put up a tent on the city lot, here & is having moving picture show, for 3 nights, & vaudville [sic], Adm. 20¢. The Farm Bureau is having free movie at Pautlers farm tonite. Berti was at Eliza Boll’s got 25 plants of sweet potatoes for Uncle Fred; they came up to plant them out this eve.

Friday, May 11, 1934

Mrs. Geo. Kuhn Jr. returned from the hospital with the little boy which was born Apr. 29; they have 2, girl & boy. she was Miss Emily Wiegand. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, we all had lunch together here. Uncle got each 1 box ice cream from Griffins, Oh! Boy was it good. We went out there this evening after the ladder & bucks. Miss Marie Harbaugh, daughter of Wm. Harbaugh of Waterloo became the bride of Mr. Herman Miller, son of Frank Miller, last Sat. May 5 in Catholic Church by Rev. Elmer Schumacher, cousin of the bride at 8 o’clock mass. The bride was attendanted [sic] by 2 sister Irene & Rose, wearing canary & blue silk next, blue hat & carried roses; while Rose wore pink silk net & pink hat, also carried roses. The groomsmen were 2 brothers, Ray & Robert Miller, attired in Oxford Gray. The bride had white satin. In the afternoon the Bridal party left for St. Louis to visit Sister Ann William, so she could see her sisters in wedding attire. The bride is a musci [sic] teacher in piano. He is employed by Quick Meal Stove Co. Mr. John Fisher the heater & plumber business of Waterloo died May 7, 59 yrs. buried Thurs. afternoon. The picture of Mr. & Mrs. James Parker is in today’ Belleville paper, he will be 85 yrs in Sept.

Monday, January 1, 1934

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner here, played cards. Miss Josie Keller & Isabel Kuhn stopped on a short visit, they spent Sun, & today at Ben Heyl’s Ben’s birthday yesterday. Mr. Hill got news here. Josie took 8 doz. egg along, 20¢. Father Stern read of the annual report of the congregation.

Monday, Nov. 13, 1933

We all went out butchering at Henry’s, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Emil helped, a pretty big one he killed, to sell tomorrow again. Bertille went to town, got a money order to Chicago Mail Order for shoes for Aunt Mary. Blackburn have a different car, chev. coach, Storall’s a Deluxe Delivery. Elmer Kammler has Harry’s, he got a second hand Chev. Clem Parker has Geo Kuhns ford coupe; & several others got others.

Sunday, Aug. 27, 1933

We went out to Uncle Freds for dinner & supper. Mrs. Authur [sic – Arthur] Roscow came along from church up here, she went to see Mrs. Stauenfbiel; they came here awhile after we got home. Henry came up & got our truck to haul hogs to the market tomorrow. Miss Josie Keller & Miss Kuhn where here this evening for supper. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came to; had watermelon lunch, they left about 9:30, then the alarm ring came of Ald. Rittmeyer’s house was on fire, went over to Wagner’s, papa & George went out; everything was ablase [sic], summer kitchen & house, burned to the ground, & all that was in it, they where up at Belleville, so all they have left is what is on there backs 1 car, Smithon [sic] fire department came but no good, no water no where’s. Mr & Mrs. H. M. Hill observed there golden Wedding Anniversary today, which will be Aug. 30 Wed; all the children, grandchildren where present, lot of musci [sic] furnished.

Sunday, June 18, 1933

The St. Marcus Church of Round Prairie are giving pinic [sic], chicken supper today. Miss Cornelia Kuhn 20 & Albert Brazelton 24 are being married at the home of the bride, George Kuhn Sr. this afternoon. Miss Emily George & Walter Miller are best. Reception will be held in eve. The Hecker ball team will play High Prairie at Hecker today & won 10 to 14. We went to Uncle Fred’s today for dinner & supper. Papa went over to Ed Meng’s looked at his colts & mule.