Friday, Oct. 15, 1937

Pulled turnips, several bus. – 3 for sale. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in went to Red Bud. A fellow here yesterday selling magazines, was playing football & got concussion of brain, & was speechless, but could hear. Robinson was his name, wants to get enough money to have brain operation. Al. Mueller of Waterloo have baby boy.

Saturday, July 18, 1936

Pap & Rose went out to Henry’s got feed for crushing. A lady here wanted to know were [sic] Clarence Braun lives. Mr. Hoffmann Chev. dealer was out at Uncle Fred’s then came here, so far they haven’t made no bargain. Papa went out to see Uncle about it. This afternoon he went to Waterloo then to a Mueller sale by Foster Pond. It is pretty warm again today. Mr. Jake Friedrich of near Waterloo had a sun stroke Thurs; & isn’t well yet. There was an awful hail storm, west from here, one of Henry’s corn field is striped [sic], lying all ways they say, looks awful; worse yet closer by Waterloo. There is a free dance at Floraville at Keim’s tonite.

Friday, Nov. 15, 1935

Cloudy, rainy. Mehrmann got 3 doz. eggs. 30¢ doz. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in, they went to Waterloo. It is in the Times that Ralph Rausch now works in Kroger store at Belleville; also the Wedding of Haudrich & Daugherty going on a honeymoon to Chicago, then make there home at Ridgwood Mo. Miss Vera Grasse & Jim Mueller were married at 6 o’clock by Rev. Kochheim at the home of the bride’s parents, were they were also remarried on there wedding anniversary on Nov. 12; she had 3 showers; kitchen, miscellaneous, & groceries, & was given a mix master & ice cream freezer in the Hughes home. Mueller is secretary at Farm Bureau office.

Saturday, May 4, 1935

Leona brought the boy’s up, they went to St. Louis to get permanents, Annie went along to. Awful cold again. Rain a little this morn. We went to Waterloo to Pautler’s Wedding dance of Red Mueller & Heller what a crowd. Pals of Harmony furnished musci [sic] didn’t start till 9 o’clock. The bride wore lace green dress & silver slippers, & bouquet pinned on, the bridesmaid wore blue crepe; the groom is driver for the Farm Bureau Service Co. Raining all night, it was awful; still everybody went.

Sunday, April 28, 1935

Went to Red Bud; they made $80. clear at the card party Tues. nite. We went out to Uncle Fred’s for dinner & supper. Mr. John & Sam Krehrer, were also there, looked at implements etc. We went to Pautler at Waterloo tonite, free double birthday dance, musci [sic] by Cowboy’s, nice crowd, there was a wedding dance at Dreamland, Mueller & Shewer Jr. It rained nearly all evening. Ed Fahey said Martin May turned his car over last night at Vanburen’s, 5 in the car, went to Waterloo to get Rose, & going home, car came out Vanburens lane, & collision, May’s car is a total wreck, took Martin to the doctor, man from Renault was driving, Rose has scratches & bruised a little; that is the third car he wrecked in a short time. Mr. Robert Probst is having a dance at Manier’s tonite, musci [sic] by Vogel Bros. Adm. 25¢.

Friday, June 1, 1934

We cleaned chicken houses & sprayed with coal oil, got load oats. Mr. Ralph Wiegand & Luella Bruns were sponsors last Sun morn. at Smithon [sic] after services for George Kuhn Jr. son, called it Ralph George, she was Emily Wiegand. We baked 2 cherry pies. In the Waterloo paper, it is that Richard Crowe, Uncle Matt boy, went 8 yrs. to the Catholic School, without missing a day or tardy. Lawrence, infant son of Ed. Berge, was operated on in St. Mary’s hospital, & reports, he is now at home & improving nicely. The transfer of Ida Mueller to Fred Faust is in today. Ida Sommers place. Rev. Eschman is taking treatments in St. Mary’s Hospital. Fred Henke had misfortune of having 2 ribs cracked last Sat. on a fall on a runaway team. There is a truck & put up a tent on the city lot, here & is having moving picture show, for 3 nights, & vaudville [sic], Adm. 20¢. The Farm Bureau is having free movie at Pautlers farm tonite. Berti was at Eliza Boll’s got 25 plants of sweet potatoes for Uncle Fred; they came up to plant them out this eve.

Friday, May 4, 1934

Olivia Laut’s birthday. We cleaned little chick house. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up. Pap got a money order from Ettling $5.60 – 1933 is all paid now. We got the Watterloo Republican, a piece of it today. I guess on account of the corn & hog contract, it is in there, & also in the Times. Mrs. Hy. Wedel was granted a divorce, & settlement was made the amount $875.00. Mrs. Pretzilk got no divorce. Several from Renault are having there farms leased for oil drilling, Mary May is one. Wm. Reheis of Burksville is putting up a new store on his premises; Osterhage has the contract. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Fauss of Burksville bought a house in Waterloo from Fred Mueller, one of Ida Sommer’s & will move in near future, will have sale tomorrow. Cyril Havey is recovering from an operation on appendix in the new St. Louis University Hospital, he took ill suddenly & was operated on next day; also Mrs. Arstice Whiel is recovering from an operation.

Friday, April 27, 1934

Pap & Rose went to Belleville with some more hogs. Seen in the paper that Roy Cameron a farm hand, now near Belleville, but formerly worked for Ald. Rittmeyer was married to a girl near Belleville on last Mar. 15. at Carlye Ill. by Justice of Peace. Got $3.55, for hogs. 475 lb. they brought some beef along 12¢ lb. sure high, to what hogs are. Mr. & Mrs. Ben Heyl stopped in. Ben took a look at the hogs; but to high price for him. Mr. Ralph Collei of Waterloo, Insurance Agent, gave us a call told us his wife Manda came back to him, & also Mark he was gone 6 mon. & in 13 states; he went to Washington, first place; the girls are going to high school in St. Louis. A man here wanted a pair socks, we gave him some old ones; he was walking from Belleville, wanted to go to Red Bud, said his feet were sweating & wanted a pair dry socks. Milton Wagner, brought the beef sack, here & invited us to his Wedding dance next Sat. in Kammlers Hall. It was in the paper that Hy. Wedel Jr. was granted a divorce from his wife Leona Mueller. Prestitzle & his wife’s case was in court, too for divorce but it is dropped. Omer Schilling birthday.

Friday, Jan. 6, 1933

Papa pumped the water out of Uncle Fred’s cellar this morning. Mr. Rennecker & Hy Armstutz are butchering 1 hog at Mrs. Arns today. Bertille got the papers. Mr Wm. Laut & Mr. John Hepp are awful bad sick no hopes for recovery. Mr. Laut got a light stroke again. Mr. Hepp here in town has kidney trouble. There is a big free dance tonite at the Odd Fellow Hall at Waterloo. Seen in the paper that Wm. Sensel’s mother, Mrs. Mary Sensel was buried last Sun. afternoon at Waterloo 74 yrs. old; her husband preceded her in death about 2 yrs. ago. Dr. Sennot died, most probably be buried this afternoon, being ill for several months, in former years, he practice as his doctor in Hecker for several yrs. According to Bill Kleyer’s onion, this is supposed to be a very dry year. Sheriff Al Gaven took Wm. Zimmer Jr. to the Vandalia Penal Farm last Friday. Alf. Mueller who was clerk at Connor’s Store is now employed at Gauen’s Store since the first & Joe Johnson is now employed at Connor’s.