Friday, July 15, 1938

Nice day. Henry & family came yesterday afternoon boys stayed here & Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville, got new dress & things. Geo. Walzbacher’s only child girl Mary Elizabeth 4 yrs. old died at St. Marys Hospital brief illness says in paper. Mr. Joe Rieckert celebrated his 98th birthday on July 9. still hole & hearty, still pratices [sic] law yet. Walter Nobbe & Al Hoffmann were here, trying to trade cars again, now he offers $150. for chev. but we won’t trade yet with him, wait longer. Harry Wittenauer came going to thresh oats here by tomorrow.

Sunday, Feb. 6, 1938

Raining this morn; for about 1 hr. then after wards, nice sunshine day. Emil was over awhile this morn. We went to mass. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came down for dinner & supper. Cleveland’s family were here this evening, playing solo. Bert [Bertille] went to Wagner’s along with them to Floraville Masquerade Ball, Schmidts Merry Makers musci [sic]. Prizes were won 1st group, 4 girls, Norma Etling; Edna Probst, Elvira Kroft, M. Keim. 2nd prize, dressed a best gent. Mrs. Walter Vogel & Erma Fisher lady. 3rd. Ruth Specinger. 4th. Walter Vogel comic n****r, big crowd; case beer attendance prize. Mueth had an accident this afternoon, at Columbia & Milsdadt [sic] road, car all smashed Phil. & Eddy, Phil wife; they say were hurt bad; Josie had scratches to; but they took her home, but the rest are at St. Mary’s hospital, they were on there way to St. Louis to see Rosie, who was operated on is in hospital; Phil had fractured skull & Ed rib broken. Louis Hofmeister of New Athens fell asleep tonite & ran of left side of hard road up the bank by Al. Parker’s on New Athens hard road; he wasn’t hurt, but car was damaged quite a bit; they say $95. to repair it again.

Friday, Jan. 29, 1937

Bert cleaned, baked bread etc. Eggs only 19¢ now; Bert got the mail, not much news, Mr. & Mrs. Jake Schaefer of near Foster Pond have a baby boy, born at St. Mary’s Hospital last Thurs. nite; Mr. & Mrs. Ray Schmidt & son Linus [? – unclear] of Waterloo returned home from Red Bud’s Hospital Sat. were all 3 had pneumonia, boy was taken back there again still has throat ailments, paper says. Mrs. Joe Watchel gave me the wedding present for Rosalia, they couldn’t go to the wedding, Delmar was sick with grippe. She [Rosalia] got set silver ware from Uncle Ed, knives & forks, spoons, teaspoons, butter knives, sure beautiful set, sent by mail.

Friday, Jan. 15, 1937

Ironed patched. Went to Waterloo, got AAA Wheat check $5.16. A guy selling or sharpening work, to earn for his dinner, we had none. Cold sun shining. Hill has in Waterloo paper, it is rumored, that Omer Schilling & Lucella [sic.- Lucille] Brand to be married in near future some mistake, he better quite [sic – quit] writing in news, anyway to put in false reports, such as that one is. Boy Boy. Dr. Werth’s have a little baby boy at St. Marys Hospital in E. St. Louis.

Friday, April 10, 1936

Went to 8 o’clock service at Red Bud; then again at 12 till 3 o’clock, there are Devotions. Felicia Rascow came along up to Hecker, with us yesterday to got to Mrs. Staufenbiel, & went along back to Red Bud with us this morning. Roth of Brickey was buried at Round Praire [sic] cemetery this afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Kohler of Waterloo have a baby girl born at St. Marys Hospital.

Thursday, Feb. 13, 1936

Raining all nite; warm this morning 34 above. Josie Keller’s birthday. George Wagner got 1 lb butter. A man here begging for something to eat. A Stumpf girl 7 yrs. age died at St. Mary’s Hospital, from fractured legs, she is from Waterloo, was broadcasted over radio, E. St. Louis Station. So many coal trucks went down today; coal is pretty hard to get now, a restaurant burned at New York, last nite; A womens club gave party & dance, a Holy Society, priest was also present; 200 people were dancing flames spread on through floor. It also was said, that they never seen so many accident along the road like today, cars turned over lying in ditches from the icy roads, & foggy weather, at & around St. Louis, terrible.

Tuesday, Jan. 7, 1935

Pap & Rosalia went out to Henry’s did the feeding, & took the boy’s along too; put the hams away. Mr. Herbert of Belleville called said, he would take the black cow for $65. get her when the weather was fit, nasty out today, rainy & colder. Henry came this afternoon brought Billy [Willis] along to stay here. he thought Leona improved some, she is all yellow color, but hasn’t no pains in her stomach this morning; he stayed by Uncle Ed. in E. St. Louis, she has a private room, St. Marys Hospital. Rosa went out did the milking, brought the boy’s along again. We washed & ironed some today. Eggs 22¢ here in town.

Friday, Nov. 29, 1935

Cleaned hen house. Rose got the papers, ordered the license $18.78 this year. Whip was the same price $12.00 but chev. is only $6.50. We went to Ruma to Myerscoughs & Tiptown to Colemans, & Dugan’s to see about pigs. Mr. Mehrman got the eggs 31¢. Miss Lena Geodelle of Waterloo, Henry Geodelle’s daughter is at St. Marys Hospital for treatments. Dorthy Myerscough is attending Normal College; at Normal, Ill; is home for holidays. Florence goes to High School at Red Bud; Margret is still at the convent, & can’t come home for 2 years.

Monday, May 20, 1935

Raining again, sure terrible, no corn planted yet, its awful. Rose fixed paps shirt. Tiptown has euchre party at Burksville station tonite, was giving it for the last 2 weeks now; Farm Bureau has a meeting & movie show at Pautler’s farm tonite. Papa & Rose went out to Henry’s, he took the truck & went to Waterloo to Rahns & got a ice box for nothing, they were going to make kindling out of it, Emil came down, & helped to unload it. Eggs are 21¢. Pap got chain letter today Red Bud. Rose sent hers of 10¢ to Battermann of Carder. Ms. Qurin & Armstutz cow tester was here, but it rained so much, they didn’t go to it, coming again some other day. Mrs. Euler is in Red Bud Hospital now, was taken there since Mon; was to high at Mary’s Hospital at E. St. Louis, $1,000.00 for 1 mo; without nurse; she is awful bad, cancer of throat or jaw. Phil Mueth told that to Emil.

Friday, May 10, 1935

Beautiful day; but the ground is still terrible wet yet. We went to Belleville, Rose went to dentist & got the packing out of her tooth, all opened now. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up again this afternoon; we planted beans. Bertil got chain letter from Mrs. Kruse of Burksville; today Mrs. Rob. Merz of Waterloo was taken to St. Mary’s Hospital & operated for appendix, same day, last week; getting along OK present; Mr. Otto Horn was here. Mr. Davis of Belleville, here look at colt & horse.