Saturday, Feb. 26, 1938

Pap got crushing done. Uncle Fred & pap went to Waterloo A. Wiehl wanted to see Uncle on business. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & papa went to Mrs. Stahleber’s sale this afternoon, household goods & farm implements. Percy Stav [unclear] Ave. Auto license came today & what No. so long. Eggs are down 13 [cents] today. Wm. Birkner is fixing Harry Kammlers chimney today, an awful cold northwest wind. Mrs. Whiel sale by Waterloo last Sat. things also brought good price, for conditions of the weather, cows average $100. sow & pigs $77.00 chickens $12.50 doz. paper says. Henry stopped in.

Friday, Feb. 18, 1938

Raining again. Emil was over awhile. Henry & family had dinner here, no school today, they went to Belleville; we finished the quilt today; just in 2 weeks today. Ordered auto licenses.

Monday, Jan. 18, 1937

Henry & family & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were all here for dinner, helping us, clean 2 ducks, & baked 7 cakes & 10 pie crusts, cleaned basement etc. A fellow around selling pencils 2 for 5¢. Rosalia got a letter from Fr. Stern, congratulations & God’s blessing, for a happy wedded life. Beautiful day. Pap & Henry & Uncle Fred all went to Kammler’s Hall for a Farm Bureau & Benifit [sic] meeting, the hall was to cold & saloon not big enough, lot of farmers present, reelected new members, Ruhel – & President etc. Got the chev. license No. 655 – 890. Sure lot of people down with flu.

Thursday, Jan. 14, 1937

Raining. We washed. Pap went up town, took eggs up 20¢; got the Whip license – B.38-124. Its just raining all the time.

Friday, Nov. 29, 1935

Cleaned hen house. Rose got the papers, ordered the license $18.78 this year. Whip was the same price $12.00 but chev. is only $6.50. We went to Ruma to Myerscoughs & Tiptown to Colemans, & Dugan’s to see about pigs. Mr. Mehrman got the eggs 31¢. Miss Lena Geodelle of Waterloo, Henry Geodelle’s daughter is at St. Marys Hospital for treatments. Dorthy Myerscough is attending Normal College; at Normal, Ill; is home for holidays. Florence goes to High School at Red Bud; Margret is still at the convent, & can’t come home for 2 years.

Thursday, Jan. 18, 1934

Levi Gregson got 2 hogs this morn. Emil & Bert Tompson helped. We washed with the machine today. Mr. Joe Watchel came & paid for his hog, 195 lbs. @ $3.50. $6.85. Papa paid the Chev. Insurance, & ordered license $21.00 this year. Henry came up & him & papa went to Chas. Helfrichs to look at a hog. It sure is some beautiful days; warm. We fried in sausage, & bacon; cold packed, 4 qts. ham; canned 1 qt. beef for soup.