Friday, Nov. 29, 1935

Cleaned hen house. Rose got the papers, ordered the license $18.78 this year. Whip was the same price $12.00 but chev. is only $6.50. We went to Ruma to Myerscoughs & Tiptown to Colemans, & Dugan’s to see about pigs. Mr. Mehrman got the eggs 31¢. Miss Lena Geodelle of Waterloo, Henry Geodelle’s daughter is at St. Marys Hospital for treatments. Dorthy Myerscough is attending Normal College; at Normal, Ill; is home for holidays. Florence goes to High School at Red Bud; Margret is still at the convent, & can’t come home for 2 years.

Saturday, July 6, 1935

Emil & Henry & Grover were up making hay had lunch & dinner & finished, took 2 loads home. Rain this afternoon, good showers. Miss Isabel Forness of Ruma convent received the name S. Gilberta on July 1. Hy. Stump of Bluff & Laura Matzenbacher of Burksville were married last Sun. afternoon by Rev. Kocheim; attendants were Elmer Korvas & Mildred Matzenbacher her oldest sister. Miss Caroline Emery & boy of Belleville are being married today. Frank Emery’s daughter 2 oldest. Henry came & papa went with him to Okawville; to do trading, & got one $120. mare; & colt, but it is lame, so if it gets alright if he wants it for $30.00 he can keep it, & if not he will take back again.

Sunday, Sept. 16, 1934

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed in Hecker over night, had dinner here. She & Rose went to Mrs. Staufenbiel’s to fit on her dress. This afternoon we all went to Ruma, were thousands of people attended the Mission Rally Father Kaiser of Belleville & Fr. Sheridian of China were the speakers. K.C. Band furnished musci [sic], Benediction was held; also a microphone speaker was had to carry the voice far; the grounds were just crowded with people, & had a wonderful day; refreshment’s were sold on grounds. John Myerscough’s youngest daughter Margaret Mary who is attending school there, took us all through the convent; met several girls in there Celia Krehrer, & Isabel Forness. Jonny Kreher’s boy & a Vogt from near Red Bud had a collision, both cars damaged pretty bad, in front of church this morning being Kreher’s fault. A man stopped took 6 doz. eggs at 22¢. Nights are awful cool.

Saturday, September 1, 1934

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, him & papa went along with Henry to Evansville, to Simpson’s horse sale, also took John Myerscough’s along; his youngest daughter left for the convent today, can’t come home till Christmas; it rained all afternoon & some real showers I’m telling you! Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed for supper, they didn’t go home staying in Hecker weekend. Rosalia got dress goods from Aunt Mary for birthday & made it this afternoon.