Wednesday, Dec. 29, 1937

Foggy day again. Bert [Bertille] washed. Emil came over awhile this morn. Pap & him walked up to Frank Emery’s funeral this afternoon 2 o’clock services at house; then to city cemetery, he was 63 yrs. of age. had been ruptured some time ago; Pallbearers were Vic Eichenseer, Jac. Neff, Steve Rennecker, Oscar Klotz, Adolph Lother, Bill Fritsche. Wagner boy’s came got 4 doz. eggs for Mehrmann 25 [cents] today. Mrs. Bill Kaiser was taken to hospital in ambulance yesterday, double pneumonia, for 6 days; had Dr. Frein & nurse out yesterday also. Mr. Martin Fritsche here in town also has double pneumonia; so much sickness around & real weather for it to. Miss Kate McDermott who was making her home in St. Louis past while, suffered stroke Sun. morn, was taken to Red Bud hospital, were there she died, will be buried tomorrow morn, at Tipton church & cemetery at Koch [? – unclear]. Wagner’s family came this eve; we play 7 games pinochle, ladies winning every game.

Monday, Dec. 27, 1937

Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary had breakfast & supper here going to stay over nite again, awful warm out. Went out to Henry’s butchering, had dinner. Boys got piona [sic – piano] accordion from Santa Claus for Christmas. Lena Meng was here to see Uncle Fred. Uncle Fred fixed the pump for Emil, after we came home from butchering. Frank Emery died this morn. 2 oclock is by Wagners. We played cards this eve. pinochle. Lena Meng stopped in on way town.

Friday, Oct. 30, 1936

Beautiful day. Bill Fritsche look & fix our furnace. Pap went up in woods, got load corn fodder. Frank Kroll wanted to see him, about lots at cemetery, so he had to go out there. Henry Schaefer of Waterloo died, to be buried tomorrow, at Hecker cemetery. Fr. Aydt to have mass at Waterloo at 10′ o clock then out to cemetery, there is 3 funeral masses at Waterloo, 2 are Stackels, one being Hy. Emery’s father in law, & Schaefer. Joe Gregson & Lester bought 2 acres of land from Wil. Harbaugh, $800.00, going to operate & build a filling station, it is already staked of. We went to Belleville this afternoon, pap went to dentist again.

Friday, July 31, 1936

Henry & Rob. were up, cutting & putting up hay also cut red clover, had dinner & watermellon [sic] lunch, we bought a 18 lb. 15¢ from a guy of Mo. this morn; went around, boy was it good. Seen in paper, Hy. Emery has the first a baby girl since the 28. & also Jo Sommers last Thurs. 5 girls. Mamie & Lucinda & Watchels kids came this evening awhile. Mr. Geo. Braun & son Theo. moved in with Lizzie Boll’s this week; House all fixed.

Saturday, July 6, 1935

Emil & Henry & Grover were up making hay had lunch & dinner & finished, took 2 loads home. Rain this afternoon, good showers. Miss Isabel Forness of Ruma convent received the name S. Gilberta on July 1. Hy. Stump of Bluff & Laura Matzenbacher of Burksville were married last Sun. afternoon by Rev. Kocheim; attendants were Elmer Korvas & Mildred Matzenbacher her oldest sister. Miss Caroline Emery & boy of Belleville are being married today. Frank Emery’s daughter 2 oldest. Henry came & papa went with him to Okawville; to do trading, & got one $120. mare; & colt, but it is lame, so if it gets alright if he wants it for $30.00 he can keep it, & if not he will take back again.

Thursday, July 5, 1934

Chas. Wagner’s threshing now. George Emery went on Cliffords place today, he got hurt yesterday, fell from the wagon. Nice an cool this morning. Wm. Wiegand Jr. while going home from threshing, one day nite last week, was hit by John Schaefer of Waterloo, Wiegand had no lights on his wagon, they didn’t notice him, smashed in to him, wagon broke all to pieces, frame & all, he is going to get a new one, & have a reflector put on it now. He wasn’t hurt. Vic Braun came & asked if Klotz could drive through this way over to Mengs; but he came through the alley any way.

Friday, Feb. 2, 1934

Fried in bacon, sausage. Pap & Rose went in the woods. Baked bread. Ground hog can see his shadow today, no 6 weeks bad weather. Hy. Emery got hit by a passing automobile last Sat. night in Waterloo, but is not injured. Hawson the Plumber’s dad, of Waterloo died & buried. Fred Friedrich boy while attendening [sic] one of Pautler Dance’s at the park, slide down the railing banaster [sic], to the stair way & run over a splinder [sic] through his leg, in on one side & out the other, they didn’t take him to the doctor right away & now he has such awful high fever & is bad sick; talk is they want to sued Dr. Pautler for it. Good many people hauling wheat today. Mr. Vogt from Red Bud was here & looked at our heifers. Mr. Eddy Watchel of Waterloo had a accident last Sun. night, smashed his car, & was bruised up a little, it happened by Oak Grove.

Friday, Jan. 26, 1934

Pap went to Hecker. Vic Eichenseer came & fixed our pump at the straw shed. the E. W. A. roadworkers started again today, only work 15 hrs. week. Seven were fired, & 4 new ones put on, they are Chas. Helfrich, Hy. Brown, Philip Jatho, Osie Neff put on, & those fired, where Robert Laut, Hecker & 2 guys from Waterloo. Meyer’s, Hy. Emery, Bill Sensel. Rosalia went after the mail. Pierre Laut was here yesterday evening, said we could come & help quilt this afternoon; Rosalia went; Mrs. Rennecker, Mrs. George Kammler were the quilters for today. It is sun burst quilt they had lunch. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up awhile this afternoon. We had cooked cheese from Mertz store, lb. Adam Eckert’s butter; all was good. This evening we went out to Uncle Freds, Aunt Mary’s 57 birthday, cake & orangeade was served to the following: Mrs. Oscar Birkners family, Frank Birkner’s family, Christ Buehler’s family, Wm. Birkner’s family, Miss Josie Keller, Pinochle & lotto was played by the kids, got prizes; Frieda got attendance prize again. Miss Josie spent the day by Lizzie Boll’s.

Friday, Dec. 8, 1933

Holiday. Went to 6 o clock mass at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner; she bought soup beef & bread had dinner here. We took a chance on a stitched quilt at Red Bud, this morn. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kelley & cousins & neighbor where here on business with regard to Uncle Fred’s. Frank Emery was here bought 20 lbs. popcorn at 4¢ lb; ears & all. We all & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary visited Uncle Adam & Emil this evening.

Monday, April 17, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for lunch & dinner. Uncle Fred & Papa went to Waterloo on business. eggs 9¢. Mr. Hill came brought us a new telephone directory & took the old one back; there is a few changes in the new book, Clarence Hepp printed them, he has that business for himself now, does all kind of printing. Mr. Rennecker was here to show Rosalia how to vote, brought a sample ballot along. Papa went to Hecker this evening. There was a fire out at the bridge last nite about 7:30, did about $60 damage. Karl Boll was supposed to tend to everything there, now he is laid off. Hy. Emery has a steady job for a mo. to be wathman [sic – watchman] at night of the tools & things pertaining to the road; & grease the tools all for $30.00 mo.