Friday, October 1, 1937

Cleaned room & hall finished upstairs, only washing to do. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon fixing his basement. Pap hauled 3 loads wood today with truck. Henry brought load corn. Sure hot today. Bersche brought our sewing machine all fixed $3.50 & also took Rose [Rosalia] to there place $18.50. all varnished. Mrs. Mehrmann got 5 doz. eggs. yesterday 22¢. Wheat in paper $1.02.

Friday, Oct. 30, 1936

Beautiful day. Bill Fritsche look & fix our furnace. Pap went up in woods, got load corn fodder. Frank Kroll wanted to see him, about lots at cemetery, so he had to go out there. Henry Schaefer of Waterloo died, to be buried tomorrow, at Hecker cemetery. Fr. Aydt to have mass at Waterloo at 10′ o clock then out to cemetery, there is 3 funeral masses at Waterloo, 2 are Stackels, one being Hy. Emery’s father in law, & Schaefer. Joe Gregson & Lester bought 2 acres of land from Wil. Harbaugh, $800.00, going to operate & build a filling station, it is already staked of. We went to Belleville this afternoon, pap went to dentist again.

Tuesday, Oct. 6, 1936

Pap harrowed for Chris Buehler, in our field. Mr. Emil Geodelle plaster of Waterloo fixed the front room ceiling, finished at Kemps to. Pap & Rose went to Belleville, he got 3 teeth pulled, at Dr. Wagners. Omer & Bertie went to St. Louis to Emil’s, seen the Veil[ed] Prophet parade, was real nice, had 20 floats, different states & bands etc. It rained this afternoon. Hecker Catholics had euchre party tonite in school hall, 26 tables; quite few from other place they say.

Sunday, July 19, 1936

Boy! did it rain, & hail this morn; big as chicken egg; & heavy we didn’t get to church, heavy thunder. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, had lunch here. Nice sunshine this afternoon; pretty warm again. The Peveley truck went through & hit the electric wire by Joe Watchel tore it lose, & took piece of the truck, but he never stopped; Rob. & Joe & Geo. Wagner took charge of it, took the wire of [sic] altogether, disconected [sic], till the power line came through, tore there post down, have to wash it with wadboard now, & no electric lights, Joe said last nite, if it only holds till the power line comes, they got the posts all set from New Athens till in town here, but they had to go to Percy & make repairs there from the storm they had down there, then coming back & continue here agin, just following the telephone line. There is a free dance at Log cabin tonite, musci [sic] by Skaer’s, Miss Viola Schallann & Rubemeyer had a wedding dance at Valmeyer, he is from there, Omer & Tillie went there, sure had a nice crowd.

Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1935

Baked bread, had chicken dressing. Papa took lawn mower to Fritsche to get it repaired. Evansville church, & Tipton church have pinics [sic] today; & chicken suppers. Loyd Pabst came got sacks, threshing oats today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Belleville came back here for dinner had chicken. Sure is hot this afternoon & day. Mrs. Emma Altis of St. Louis Mo. died, be buried tomorrow afternoon, she was a Freese, Uncle Fred niece; & Mr. Jim Parker 85 died last nite at 5:30; be buried Fri. morning at Hecker Church & cemetery. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went along with us to the wake, he looks natural. Koch undertaker, he would be 86 in Sept. Aunt Mary brought plums.

Monday, May 13, 1935

We trimed [sic] up the yard. Papa went over to Meng’s, but they didn’t do anything this morning, the insurance man Lucht, was up, this afternoon they buried the horses; hauled them out with Werner’s truck. Billy Kammler was here selling chances on a fancy quilt to be raffled at there picnic on June 2; we took one, 10¢. Mr. Alois Havey was here & repaired the roof on our house, put on shingles, & nailed them on, worked 1 hr. for 50¢. So awful hot today, to nite, rain storm again, just terrible so much rain these last few day’s, everything is so wet, especially the garden. Eggs 21¢.

Thursday, Oct. 4, 1934

Rosalia & Bertille went out to Henry’s to help clean house, washed; she isn’t feeling well, Berti stayed out all week till Sat. afternoon. Papa got the stove fixed up, Bill Fritische fixed it up again, won’t need no new one now.