Tuesday, Sept. 20, 1938

Had no frost. We took 2 hogs & went to Leo’s, loaded his calf went to Belleville to Streck’s pap stayed there with baby [Marita]; he got 11 [cents] for calf 157 lb. & we got for 175 lb. $8.60 & 230 lb. $8.75 that’s yesterdays price, today markets when down again. The Young Ladies have card party in school hall tonite; open air if it isn’t to cold. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came here awhile they & Bill & Bert [Bertille] went to euchre in hall, got nothing A. [Aunt] Mary got last price package napkins. 8 points. Leo & family & pap went to Red Bud to wake at Koch’s of Mrs. Isabel Gallagher. Emil came brought a letter with Nic. Brands name on it, it came from Mrs. Ryan of Oxley Mo.; wanting information about Turstenberg family, which she is a relative; to write. The sheriff of Waterloo & Belleville was out in Hecker gathering a few boys that damaged Vera’s property Sun. nite; Clyde Mueth, Clarence Braun, Bill Braun, few others yet, did about $150.00.

Monday, Sept. 19, 1938

Bert [Bertille] washed ironed. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up all day, he worked across street, had beef soup dinner they brought here, had dinner & supper. Celestine Neff was here selling chances on bedspread, donations to go for recovering aisle for centennial mass, which will be in Nov. 11. Pap went to meeting at Kammler’s hall; about the farm plans again. Mrs. Bill Gallagher died this morn. is at Kochs parlor, she was ill for about week; will be buried Wed. morn at Red Bud. Leo & family & Henry & family were here this eve. Radio say frost tonite..

Thursday, Jan. 30, 1936

S. Rennecker got 1 qt. milk. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & Rose & Bert went along down to Boll’s, a little while, then went to Belleville, Bert got coat $5.67, nice one. Mr. Boll was 87 yrs. old large funeral Koch Undertaker; people came from all over. Berti mailed a card for Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary a request for Oscar Birkner’s 13 Wedding Ann. to sing “Red Sales in the Sunset,” Sat. morn, & also asked for acidine [sic – accordion]. Presidents’ Birthday Ball all over this evening, 1 at Waterloo at Odd Fellows Hall.

Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1935

Baked bread, had chicken dressing. Papa took lawn mower to Fritsche to get it repaired. Evansville church, & Tipton church have pinics [sic] today; & chicken suppers. Loyd Pabst came got sacks, threshing oats today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Belleville came back here for dinner had chicken. Sure is hot this afternoon & day. Mrs. Emma Altis of St. Louis Mo. died, be buried tomorrow afternoon, she was a Freese, Uncle Fred niece; & Mr. Jim Parker 85 died last nite at 5:30; be buried Fri. morning at Hecker Church & cemetery. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went along with us to the wake, he looks natural. Koch undertaker, he would be 86 in Sept. Aunt Mary brought plums.

Wednesday, March 6, 1935

Lent. We went to mass; took Helfrichs along, Miss Magaret [sic] McDermott died at the hospital last night at 12:10 o’clock, surely is to bad; we were going to go in & see her yet this morning, but too late, she was so weak, visitors weren’t allowed in Sun; they were going to take blood transfusions from the boys, but was no use anymore; she is going to be at Koch’s undertaker parlor till tomorrow. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we were all going to go to Red Bud, & the weather got so bad, thunder & lighten [sic], rain & hail wind storm, so they went back home again, we didn’t get down. John Braun brought the rest of clover seed.

Friday, April 6, 1934

Rain last night & this morning, getting colder. We got a letter & check $2.40 for pap had witnessed to the handwriting Val. Fritsche will, which was probated at Sept. 15, 1932 & received check today. Koch Undertaker brought Mrs. Louis Birkner to her home about 1 o clock, the funeral will be Sun. afternoon at 2 o clock. It was reported today that Wm. Weigand Sr. 67 yrs. while unloading steers at the stockyard yesterday was kicked & broker his leg, all splintered, he is in the hospital Bellville [sic]. Papa went up after the mail. Several young boys of Tiptown & Burskville [sic] entered the reforestration at Jefferson Barracks Mo. last Mon. for special training, then will be sent out to CCC camp. K. Mc Carthy, E. Kopp, L. Esker, Wm. Crook all of back at Burskville [sic]. Walter Kelley’s little girl left a vise fall on her arm, but no bones were broken.

Sunday, July 9, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for chick dinner; a man here bought 4 doz. eggs @ 12¢; it rained all afternoon in showers, no ball game, the married men where to play Blue Caps. Jonny Whiteside’s little 5 yrs. old girl died, got operated on appendix, & died, the funeral will be tomorrow afternoon, & also Joe Huber, the auctioneer died & be buried tomorrow. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & Rosalia & Berti rode along down to John Whiteside, but they didn’t have the girl at home, on account of roads, she is at Kochs undertaking parlor, so we went there to see it, looks pretty, dressed in white, her name is Dorthy, a 5 yrs. old; there where few people came in & out, while we was there, about hr. Some people wanted egg.