Monday, Aug. 7, 1933

We all went out to Henry’s, & papa went back home, we washed, ironed. Mrs. Cleveland came awhile in the afternoon. It rained a little. Henry brought me home as far as Kemp’s, couldn’t get through the hills no more so I called up home from there & papa got me & Rob. Papa helped Uncle Fred put on a new roof on chicken house, he had lunch, dinner, & lunch, I & Rob, had lunch there. We went to Red Bud took 4 chickens, 12 lbs. & a cake along for the church pinic [sic] tomorrow. Jung stopped got our eggs 10 ¢ doz. Mr. Hill & Spalt & Willie Geodell where all here on business. Spalt to see about telephone lines.

Sunday, July 9, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for chick dinner; a man here bought 4 doz. eggs @ 12¢; it rained all afternoon in showers, no ball game, the married men where to play Blue Caps. Jonny Whiteside’s little 5 yrs. old girl died, got operated on appendix, & died, the funeral will be tomorrow afternoon, & also Joe Huber, the auctioneer died & be buried tomorrow. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & Rosalia & Berti rode along down to John Whiteside, but they didn’t have the girl at home, on account of roads, she is at Kochs undertaking parlor, so we went there to see it, looks pretty, dressed in white, her name is Dorthy, a 5 yrs. old; there where few people came in & out, while we was there, about hr. Some people wanted egg.