Wednesday, April 20, 1938

Raining a little. Bert [Bertille] planted house flowers, from the basement out, cut lawn etc; planted 48 sweet potatoe [sic] plants out. Roy Staufenbiel has sore foot, horse stoped [sic] on it, bruised pretty bad. Lester Gregson’s boy, Virgil has diptheria, sign up. Lester stays by Emil, he don’t go in the house. John Kessler from Alba. is here, going to start farming at Kesslers. The Mueth property that was sold last week, or rather Euler ground brought $5.50 acre, bought by Phi Mueth. Hy. Koerber stoped [sic] on business, for Uncle Fred; till about 10:30 eve.

Saturday, Oct. 12, 1935

Mrs. J. Griffin died last night; at her home here; will be buried Mon. morning 9:30 o’clock mass to Waterloo cemetery. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped, we all went to Mrs. Euler estate sale, at Mueth’s residency, were she lived; Starr & Hartmann auctioneer; bought a few articles, things brought good prices & lot of it, canned goods, meat etc. quilts, bedding, all was sold. We all went to Pautler’s this evening; John Rist birthday dance, ladies free, gents 25. Moonlight Orc; large crowd, free dance at Donahues.

Monday, May 27, 1935

We girls, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Leona & Billy went to church, Mrs. Eulers funeral, from Querheim Chapel at Waterloo to Hecker Church 9′ o clock; large funeral quite a few flowers. Just 18 yrs. mother dead. Henry & boys came up to make hay, had dinner. Emil came with the wagon this afternoon, & Pete Watchel helped yet, all had lunch here. It started in to rain, so they didn’t get finished with the hay. G. Wagner here a little while. Eggs 21¢ today. Rogation Day’s.

Saturday, May 25, 1935

Beautiful day. Mrs. Frances Euler died Thurs. evening 9 o clock at Red Bud hospital, will be buried Mon. morning from Waterloo to Hecker church & cemetery. She was 66 yrs. old. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came went along with us, this evening, we stopped at L. Sheas place & then went to Waterloo to see Mrs. Euler, about half hr. few more there, then we went to Pautler’s to Peiffer of Marystown birthday dance, ladies free. Moonlight Orchestra.

Monday, May 20, 1935

Raining again, sure terrible, no corn planted yet, its awful. Rose fixed paps shirt. Tiptown has euchre party at Burksville station tonite, was giving it for the last 2 weeks now; Farm Bureau has a meeting & movie show at Pautler’s farm tonite. Papa & Rose went out to Henry’s, he took the truck & went to Waterloo to Rahns & got a ice box for nothing, they were going to make kindling out of it, Emil came down, & helped to unload it. Eggs are 21¢. Pap got chain letter today Red Bud. Rose sent hers of 10¢ to Battermann of Carder. Ms. Qurin & Armstutz cow tester was here, but it rained so much, they didn’t go to it, coming again some other day. Mrs. Euler is in Red Bud Hospital now, was taken there since Mon; was to high at Mary’s Hospital at E. St. Louis, $1,000.00 for 1 mo; without nurse; she is awful bad, cancer of throat or jaw. Phil Mueth told that to Emil.

Monday, April 15, 1935

We washed, ironed, & what a day terrible windy & cold, my! clothes freezing stiff on the line, imagine, sun shining. Papa went up town with the eggs; got 21¢. They say there was ice 6 in. last night. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he spaded his garden, she helped us quilt, Mrs. Rennecker also came over, on a visit, & helped to quilt, so we finished it & took it out of the frames; sure pretty. Cotton Reifscheinder of Belleville, delivered our 2 heifers for $28.00 this afternoon; Papa went to Red Bud to Zipfel & got chic & laying mash. Uncle & Aunt & Rennecker had lunch here; eggs this afternoon 20¢. Mrs. Euler is over in E. St. Louis at St. Mary’s Hospital, she had a tooth pulled, & it never grew shut, must be some kind of a growth or cancer in her mouth, taken there last week, she had extry [sic – x-ray] taken at Red Bud, but they can’t do nothing for her. Mr. Eugene Bruns was removed home Sat, from Belleville hospital & is getting along fairly well. Jonny Henkel bought a seperator [sic], going out threshing this season with tractor. At the School Election, Sat out there Gus Blackburn, was elected director with 14 votes, Fred Reheis 1 Emil 1 vote. Cleveland term was expired. Aunt Mary sent two Easter Greeting, one to Mrs. Ros Winters at Kentucky & told them they were planning on visiting them this summer & also Frank Jermings at Shumay [sic] Ill; I guess they surely will be surprised!

Friday, July 31, 1931

Today is baking day.  This afternoon we all went to Waterloo & from there out to Dillerberg’s sale on the Dr. Vogel place.  Nick Welzbacher is coming there now.  Dr. & Dillenberg where the only biters there, they got everything between themselves.  We had supper at Aunt Mary’s they where up here all afternoon so they had supper ready when we came home.  Hy. Armstutz gave them a call too.  We heard George Neff almost smothered, he is very bad sick.  John Euler from Floraville shot himself last night, he will be buried Mon. in St. Augustine’s cemetery of Hecker.