Monday, Nov. 13, 1939

Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary – Leo & family came butchered 190 lb. hog @ $6.25 was top price, surely going lower. We are going to take it to Belleville tomorrow to sell it. Bert [Bertille] took pc. bacon to Rennekers 20 [cents] lb. Henry brought load corn, boys didn’t go to school today, talking about not going up here anymore. Ben Heyl paid his heifers -3 for $75.00. Beautiful day.

Saturday, Nov. 11, 1939

Armistice Day. Ben Heyl came & Klotz got 3 heifers $75. Wittenauer H. was here, stopped in. We went to Uncle Fred’s awhile & then to Leo’s. this afternoon. Jac. Neff came on business for Uncle Fred this eve. Bert [Bertille] took Lees Gregson’s wedding present over to Emil’s for him to give to them; we never get to see Lee; at all.

Tuesday, Oct. 10, 1939

Rained last nite & morning. Went to Belleville with 2 hogs; left Whip. by Bill [Klein] to fix he took us home in his truck, & fixed our pump, had dinner here. We got sweet potatoes & turnip ready to take to Belleville tomorrow. Dorothy Pautler – Phil Pautler’s daughter of Evansville & Jerome Harbaugh of Boxtown are being married this morn, dance at Boxtown tonite. Ben Heyl was here looked at heifers. Oll. Englerth & Bill [Klein] came this eve. Bill & Bert [Bertille] & Al. Karban & girl friend went to St. Louis to see Veil Prophet parade, “Gay Nineties” it was beautiful.

Wednesday, Aug. 23, 1939

Nice day. Uncle Fred’s Wedd. Ann.; also the weddingt today of Orville Schmidt & Loretta Braun church at 9 o clock here; wedding dance at Log Cabin; Uncle & Aunt Mary stopped in, then went down. Written cards invitation. Bill [Klein] brought 3 heifers down this morn, pap bought from Mrs. Klein $40.00. Walsh Student for priesthood was here taking order for Ex. Magzaine [sic], will be his last yr. ordered it for 2 yrs. now. for $5.00; he had dinner here with us chicken soup. They were 2 ladies here from Belleville Antique buyers. sold fruit bowl for $1. & milk pitcher corn. for 25 [cents]. Cooked catsup made carrot relish, pumpkin pie, applesauce cookies. etc. Henry was up got bu. fallen peaches for preserves & catsup tomatos [sic]. Schmidts received so many presents; cakes were served by Katzler bakery of St. Louis. Schmidt Och. played for dance. attendants were Mary Braun a sister & Dorthy Peiffer friend & Schmidt brother & Clarence Dashner of Red Bud a friend, a new home is being erected in Red Bud near Gregson’s Filling Station.

Monday, Nov. 8, 1937

Rained last nite, cloudy this morn. Ed Pabst had shooting match yesterday, also gave attendance prize. We cleaned hen house, etc. Burdgorgf looked at the sow, bought it for $8.50 lb; got it his eve. weighed 470 lbs; went to Hy. Hepps to get heifers also, he is going to move to Red Bud tomorrow. Pap went to Red Bud got the money & seen hog weighed. Rained today, showers. Eggs 28¢.

Friday, Oct. 22, 1937

Cold & light rain & snow. Henry & boys brought load corn. Bert [Bertille] baked cookies & cake. Emil was here all afternoon. Freedman’s Furniture Co. of Belleville brought his stove things & rug out about 4:30 this eve; put it up. There was a fellow going to sleep in our straw shed over nite, pap wouldn’t allow him there, told him to go to town jail, he says they don’t keep nobody over nite in there, he left from here anyway went back to town. Pete Wacthels called there baby boy Lee Roy. Dr Vogel of Columbia have a baby also. Pap pulled the rest of turnips out & plowed the patch; wagon load this time; so many. Henry & boys brought load cord up; this morn. going to kill heifer today.

Tuesday, Nov. 24, 1936

Quilted, Ironed. Went to Belleville this afternoon. Pap went out to Henry’s about pigs, he sold some for $5 a piece. Hy Burdorf came brought our 5 heifers $210.00. & 3 lbs. beef roast. the firemen have euchre & dance at Kammlers Hall tonite; St.Patricks Church at Tipton have turkey supper & cards at Donahue’s; Waterloo Church has card party in Memorial Hall & also New Athens have card party. We went to the euchre & dance Schmidts played for dance. 8 games were played & little different this time, sit & play with whoever you want, 8 deals to a game; papa got 4 & Bert had 4 didn’t all come out, pap got pitcher milk; Uncle Fred got scarf & lemon squezzer [sic]. Leo got dish play lotto.

Sunday, Oct. 18, 1936

Mission Sun. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here awhile. Omer brought 2 fish here this afternoon & boy we had fish fry, sure were good, couldn’t eat it all. People from South of Red Bud looked at the heifers. E. Rieso & W. Mueth have birthday dance at Pautlers. The Hecker bank was sold at Public Auction in Waterloo, Court House last Sat. Yesterday Ed. Weber bought the building $500. Articles that was in it & safe Burkhardt of Red Bud got for $35.00 & 80 acres farm. Wolf real estate agent got $1300 & 40 acres Weber $800.

Tuesday, May 5, 1936

We worked in garden. McBride from Prairie Du Rocher came & brought over 2 heifers & sow for $65.00, pap bought from him the other day. We called Dr. Eckert this morning & he says the best thing pap could do is go to the hospital; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, this morning, yet; & pap went along in with Dr. this afternoon, & Uncle Fred & Rose went in together, but they came home again; he has room 104 at Belleville Hospital.

Monday, Jan. 27, 1936

We washed, ironed. Rosi finished the quilt. Steve Rennecker was here, wanted to know if we leave our sugar cured hams, in the smoked house. Burdgforf of Red Bud stopped, went out to Henry’s, bought his heifers & cow $110. Mr. Geo Reheis is sick, has heart trouble. Was from 11 to 21 below zero in St. Louis, this morn; supposed to be continued colder. We made ice cream; & Boy! it does taste good by all the cold weather.