Sunday, Oct. 3, 1937

Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile. We had winers [sic – wieners] for dinner. Raining all morning. Today is the wedding of Aaron Papenberg 24 & Mabel Rieso 21 at Smithton Church with attendants. Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Rittmeyer sister of bride & Miss Alma Weber & Vic Papenberg; it is also the 25 Silver Wedding Ann. of Mr. & Mrs. Rieso; a reception to invited relatives & friends will be held at Daabs Clubhouse tonite; we are not invited, going to live in Lizzie Boll’s house, 2 rooms; she got electric put in last week. Today is also the Golden 50 Wedding Ann. of Mr. & Mrs. Mike Armstutz; for only relatives, children & sisters & brothers for supper & rest, nephews & nieces, cousins etc at Maniers Park & hall tonite for a dance & reception. Musci [sic] by Wm. Birkners Orch. & all musicians. Miss Ida Schmierbach of Smithton & many of Fateyeville [sic – Fayetteville] being married at Smithton Tues. morning; dance in eve. at Fateyville [sic – Fayetteville].

Thursday, Feb. 4, 1937

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up nearly all day, him & pap went to Waterloo on business; had dinner here. This evening we went along with them, went out to see Uncle Adam & Emil, he fell on the ice again today, but not too bad, he looks good. Hy. Weigands have a baby boy born at hospital at Belleville on Jan. 26. first born, formerly Viola Rieso of Broad Hollow. Pretty cold 18°.

Sunday, Oct. 18, 1936

Mission Sun. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here awhile. Omer brought 2 fish here this afternoon & boy we had fish fry, sure were good, couldn’t eat it all. People from South of Red Bud looked at the heifers. E. Rieso & W. Mueth have birthday dance at Pautlers. The Hecker bank was sold at Public Auction in Waterloo, Court House last Sat. Yesterday Ed. Weber bought the building $500. Articles that was in it & safe Burkhardt of Red Bud got for $35.00 & 80 acres farm. Wolf real estate agent got $1300 & 40 acres Weber $800.

Saturday, Dec. 16, 1933

Papa got hair cut; him & Rosalia went out to Henry’s got a load oats. Baked Oatmeal cookies & pie this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, we all went to Red Bud to Mass. Jake Mauer’s sale, large attendance, papa bought rope & things, it was late till they started the household goods, we left afterwards. Buel Rascow was sale cryer, & John Schumacher, clerk; Mrs. Mauer is going to move to the city & her 2 daughters that are not married, will live with her, Bertha & Stella; everything brought a fair prize for bring cash sale. Mrs. Lizze Peiffer, 53 yrs. of age died last Tues. evening & buried this afternoon at Millstadt Cemetery she was Lizzie Hollerbach; married Chas. Peiffer, have 1 son & 2 daughters. Mr. Elmer Rittmeyer 32 & Miss Edna Rieso 19 are being married at Smithon [sic] Church by Rev. Hoste [? – unclear] at 3 oclock, wearing white dress & veil. Mr. Al Rittmeyer & Alice Mantle are the attendants & Miss Mabel Rieso Maid of honor & Aaron Papenberg groomsmen; one wearing peach, & the other green, with slippers to match; they will live in St. Louis, where the groom is employed, a private reception is held in Daabs Club house this evening for, invited several hundred guests. Santa Claus was in Hecker, Mertz store from 3 o clocks on.

Monday, Nov. 27, 1933

We washed, ironed; nice day. George Wagner & Steve Rennecker where over got George hog; 235 lb. it weighed. Papa went out to Henry’s, then to Waterloo, to see about the culpirts [sic]. He took the chev, to Eichenseer’s got glycerin 6 qts. put in $2.50. Miss Edna Rieso was tendered a miscellanous [sic] shower last Wed. nite at the home of Mrs. Lena Rittmeyer in Bellville [sic], she is to become his bride on Dec. 16, Mr. Elmer Rittmeyer. Twenty guests where there. The play that was last night, is going to be again tonite.

Monday, Nov. 7, 1932

It is cloudy. Walter Wittenauer was here this morn., to see if we had a place to keep a horse, so his children can drive up to school, we haven’t no place, he wants to sell pigs, on trade for stack hay. Papa went out to see his pigs, but he said he didn’t want them, skinny, he has 30 little pigs. We washed this afternoon & then spaded the garden. Mrs. Rennecker came over then awhile. Papa went to see Becthold at Smithon [sic]. Rennecker bought 40 bus. corn 20¢ bu. from Jac. Klein. Frank Geshwender & Mildred Bechtlloff where published yesterday in both masses for the 1 time. She was honoree at at halloween bridge party on Oct. 31. Mon. nite, by Mairan Hartnagel, 3 tables, there it was amouced [sic – announced] of the marriage in the near future. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in awhile, then they went to Wm. Birkner’s. The marriage license of Henry Wiegand 28 & Viola Rieso 19  was in the Sat. paper, they where married Sat, & had the dinner Sun by her grandma Kus[illegible]. They had no dance. Cara Jean Hilpert had 14 guests Sat. afternoon at her birthday party, 6 yrs. old.