Sunday, Sept. 11, 1938

Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were here all morn. went home. Emil was here awhile too; he is invited out to Cleveland’s celebrating Grovers 21 yr. birthday, which is tomorrow. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came brought lawn mower back, fixed it up. from here they went to Leo’s. Mary Braun & Doris Peiffer having birthday dance at Daabs tonite Schmidts playing. Adm. 25 [cents].

Saturday, Dec. 16, 1933

Papa got hair cut; him & Rosalia went out to Henry’s got a load oats. Baked Oatmeal cookies & pie this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, we all went to Red Bud to Mass. Jake Mauer’s sale, large attendance, papa bought rope & things, it was late till they started the household goods, we left afterwards. Buel Rascow was sale cryer, & John Schumacher, clerk; Mrs. Mauer is going to move to the city & her 2 daughters that are not married, will live with her, Bertha & Stella; everything brought a fair prize for bring cash sale. Mrs. Lizze Peiffer, 53 yrs. of age died last Tues. evening & buried this afternoon at Millstadt Cemetery she was Lizzie Hollerbach; married Chas. Peiffer, have 1 son & 2 daughters. Mr. Elmer Rittmeyer 32 & Miss Edna Rieso 19 are being married at Smithon [sic] Church by Rev. Hoste [? – unclear] at 3 oclock, wearing white dress & veil. Mr. Al Rittmeyer & Alice Mantle are the attendants & Miss Mabel Rieso Maid of honor & Aaron Papenberg groomsmen; one wearing peach, & the other green, with slippers to match; they will live in St. Louis, where the groom is employed, a private reception is held in Daabs Club house this evening for, invited several hundred guests. Santa Claus was in Hecker, Mertz store from 3 o clocks on.

Tuesday, March 3, 1931

They are sewing oats today again.  George Reheis & Henry were here for dinner today.  He charged Henry $3.50 for sewing oats.  He finished just before dinner.  This afternoon Papa went to Caldwell’s sale, but didn’t buy anything, it was a pretty fair sale.  There were quite a few there from around here.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went too.  This afternoon Philip Peiffer is being buried at Centralia, he used to live around here, it is Ben Heyl’s wife & Mrs. Cleveland’s father.  Rosalia got 17¢ today for eggs.  We set 6 hens tonight & we also got the incubator setting with 100 eggs.  Rosalia finished Bertille’s dress today.

Thursday, Sept. 25, 1930

Today the teacher’s have institute in Monroe Co.  Papa went over to Steve Rennecker’s awhile last evening.  Rosalia & Bertille went to church this morning.  Mr. Feldmeier was here this afternoon and looked at our horses.  But he didn’t want them.  Papa went to Belleville this afternoon.  I seen in the paper that Mrs. Alfred Stahl was ill & Miss Luella Pfeiffer is working there.  Last Sat. Eichenseer’s has a new roof put on the barn.  Jacob Helfrich did the work.  Mr. & Mrs. George Wagner and family spent last Sunday at Forest Park in St. Louis.  George Gambach will sell out and retire from merchandise business.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this evening, they brought a watermelon along, we ate it, it tasted good.  Bertille took 6 doz. eggs off and got .23¢ a dozen.