Saturday, April 8, 1933

Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s got a hog. Mr. Caldwell of East St. Louis stopped & gave us a call. Henry came up with load corn, & also to get crushing done. There is so many working out on west road, they have 5 tractors, & mules, grading. We planted some tulips out from Emma Birkner. I seen in the Prairie Du Long news it says, a few from there attended a miscellanoius [sic] shower given at home of Mrs. Dueker, in East St. Louis for the approaching marriage of Miss Lela Dueker to Cyrus Halcomb of Freeburg.

Thursday, May 14, 1931

Today is Holiday.  We all went to Waterloo this afternoon, we went out to the clump [dump?] pile, but they haven’t got it gathered up yet in town.  From there we went around Red Bud home, we stopped in at Caldwell’s House, & at the place where Bozzay lived.  We stopped at Red Bud, Papa went to talk with the butcher, & we where talking with Levi Gregson’s family.  Bill was here for supper, in the evening we went along to Waterloo, to get Creses, then went out to Coxey to Greatling’s Hall, Mrs. Pete Keim celebrated her birthday there.  Henry & family, Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Papa went to the show, this evening.  Bernice Wagner got the beads, & Ruth Braun the perfume for singing Springtime in the Rockies, Niece Rausch, & another girl each got 25¢.  Mrs. Estelle Stovall got the perfume & Bobby set for calling the loudest for her Husband.  Wilfred Eichenseer got the cigarette case, he got the most cheers.  Leslie Raush also was in that but didn’t get anything.  The name of there play was “Crazy Sister.”

Saturday, April 11, 1931

We all went out to Henry’s this afternoon, & took them along, went to Waterloo to Mrs. Dan Geodell’s funeral, it was rather large.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were also in.  Aunt Mary, & Uncle Adam, rode along with us to the cemetery & back again to town.  We seen Rosie Meuth today, gave her a pleasant call for a short while.  Mr. Caldwell was in Waterloo today.  He sold his farm along the hard road from people from St. Louis for $5,000.  Papa went up town this evening.  Harry Kammler’s having a dance tonight.  I don’t think the crowd was very large.  Mamie Eichenseer came down this evening & then Clarence & Mrs. Eichenseer came after her around 9 o’clock.

Thursday, April 2, 1931

We all went to church this morning.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for breakfast, dinner & supper.  Aunt Mary, Rosalia, Bertille went to church this afternoon for 1/2 hr.  Uncle Fred went home & come back again for supper.  Papa went to Waterloo today, & from there, too Caldwell’s farm.  There were school kids here pretty near every half hr. today, selling chances on bedspread, quilt, lumber jacket for 5¢.  We took 3 chances.  This evening Henry’s family were all up.  We all went to church.  Uncle Fred took care of the kids.  We heard today that Harry Stiffler was runned away from Gambach’s Store.  The Scheriff [sic.] was out, & also Bollinger the other day.  Henry was up here this morning & got a load of corn fodder.  This evening they took 17 doz. eggs along home to set the incubator again, they got about 125 from the last hatch.  Bertille took 1 setting down to Lizzie Boll’s this evening, got 20¢ for them.  Eggs are 16¢ a doz.

Monday, March 30, 1931

Those people from Belleville were here again this morning to see about Caldwell’s farm, but it is all off now.  They only want to rent, & he won’t do that.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening.  Eggs are 17¢ today.  Papa took the Chev. up to Barthel’s garage this afternoon & got the batteries put in again.  We cleaned the chicken houses & put new straw in it.  Clarence Rettinghouse had a accident & smashed his machine all to pieces in Belleville last night.

Sunday, March 29, 1931

Today we received the palms.  They were all up for every mass this morning.  Henry & family & we all ate lunch, they we left for St. Louis.  We stopped in East St. Louis & spoke with Mr. Caldwell.  Then drove on over to the bridge, we ate dinner first then we went to Sigmund Dudenhoeffer’s, there we had lunch.  Jac. Bachle was there & George came too.  He is a Aviator now.  Papa, Henry & Jac. went to over to see Val. Adam, but he was working in the Pretzel factory.  We came home by Waterloo, & then helped Henry do his work first, then came on home.  Bobby was at Aunt Mary’s all day.  This evening they all was up for church & after church we had supper.  Philip Freund was here too.

Friday, March 27, 1931

We went to Belleville today, & also went to see Mr. Caldwell.  It is raining almost all day.  We had a collision in Belleville, there was a car turned out on Main St. as we were passing by, & it hit our back wheel, & fender, smashed the cub (?) on the wheel.  The same damage was done to the other car, but that car bumped into the park car, that was in front of him.  The settled it at Tillma’s Ins. agent because ours cars were insured by the same Co.  They have to stand good for it.  That man’s name was Blair.  There is no service tonight on account of the inclement weather.  Papa went up town to get the mail & he went to Eichenseer’s store, he brought a half of lb. of pineapple cheese, but nobody liked it but Pop.

Thursday, March 26, 1931

Papa & Rosalia went to Waterloo this morn. with a load of wheat.  Bertille stayed at Henry’s.  This afternoon, Papa is going to take one load to Red Bud.  They took the sign First State Bank of Hecker off now only Hecker remains.  Burkhardt & Riess from Red Bud & Fred Eichenseer all went up to see Fr. Grootens last night.  This afternoon they were forced to put the sign on the bank again.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this afternoon, she went to the quilting down at Mrs. Eckerts.  A lady & a man from Belleville were here too & wanted to see about Mrs. Caldwell’s farm.  Eggs are 15¢ wheat is 70 & 71¢.

Saturday, March 7, 1931

It rained nearly all night, & this morning snowing.  Today is Mrs. John McCarthy Sale.  Papa went this afternoon.  He took the Whippet, he said he see the road back there how it was, & if he couldn’t get through he would let his machine stand by Caldwell’s.  Papa heard this morning at Hecker that Ed. Gregson living along the hard road down towards Red Bud died.  Papa took Clifford along to the sale, they left the machine stand, & walked to the house, but there was no more than about 2 dozen people there, so the sale was postponed until Thurs. afternoon.  Ike Napier & Ed. Meng where there also, they left the machine stand to, by the Portland School & walked there.  Eggs are 18¢ today.

Tuesday, March 3, 1931

They are sewing oats today again.  George Reheis & Henry were here for dinner today.  He charged Henry $3.50 for sewing oats.  He finished just before dinner.  This afternoon Papa went to Caldwell’s sale, but didn’t buy anything, it was a pretty fair sale.  There were quite a few there from around here.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went too.  This afternoon Philip Peiffer is being buried at Centralia, he used to live around here, it is Ben Heyl’s wife & Mrs. Cleveland’s father.  Rosalia got 17¢ today for eggs.  We set 6 hens tonight & we also got the incubator setting with 100 eggs.  Rosalia finished Bertille’s dress today.