Holiday. Armistice. No mail. Geo. Wagner came over & engaged hog to kill; when it gets cold. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped, they went down to help Buehlers paper. Eggs are 27 [cents] today. Lots of people out hunting; rabbit season opened yesterday; we put up signs this morn. no hunting. It is so nice today again, so warm don’t even need a coat on.
Tuesday, Feb. 22, 1938
Holiday. Went to Leo’s, Pap put there meat away, Bert [Bertille] went along to church with them, to wedding mass. Aloys Roth & Gertie Cortner; best was Hy. Roth & Viola Cortner. Gertie was dressed all white satin & lace set in, veil long. L. Kaiser flower girl, in white carring [sic] basket flowers; Viola with a red dress, silver slippers; had Ford garage men’s Dealers car. We had dinner by Leo’s. Chris Buehler got a hide here that Henry brought up yesterday, he butchered beef yesterday. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came took Bert [Bertille] along to Wedding dance at Daab’s, large crowd & lot presents received. Jac Schoeneborn, Ron Schilling, Laf. Geodelle furnished music, we also stopped in Smithton at Orlets. Mrs. is sitting up, but is weak.
Monday, May 31, 1937
Holiday, Decoration Day. Pap went to Henry’s, took mower home; went to Schillings to get lumber. Rob. Laut, Pierre, Buddy Napier & Geo. Boll strawing Rob’s, potato patch today; Geo. Wagner putting rubber roofing on barn today. School pinic [sic] today at Waterloo, parade at 10:30; all day pinic [sic]. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to Waterloo to pinic [sic]. We planted, pumpkins, watermelons, pickles, beans etc. truck patch.
Saturday, Aug. 15, 1936
Holiday. Went to church early. Henry & Leona went to Belleville left the kids here. Pap went along with Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary to Hazelriggs sale. Henry & Leona came this eve; we all went to Floraville to free calico hop at Keims tavern; nice crowd. Cloudy had little rain this morn.
Tuesday, Sept. 24, 1935
Pap & Rose went out to Henry’s again, had lunches & dinner, work ground corn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, she & Bert went to the Wedding mass of Joe Griffin & Tillie Hafley; the bride was dressed all in white & veil, tail dragging along, the flower girl, Steve Griffin’s, dressed in pink carring [sic] basket flowers came first, then the bridesmaid a friend teacher of her’s, with yellow dress trimmed with brown velvet, with shoes, hat, gloves to match, yellow roses, then the bride all white, the groom & Albert & brother best man, with dark blue suits, came in through sanctuary; the bride & groom kneel together in the sanctuary, & best [man] down below the communion railing; quite a few people in church. Bert went to Liz Boll’s got telephone batteries 50¢. Ettling was here, nobody home, Uncle Fred send him out to Henry’s, were he seen dad there paid Inter. & $100 of principle. Holiday in city, big parade, & pinic [sic] Legion, a float went by here up & down, Little Egypt, Southern Ill. 5 division, cop in front & in back, protecting & giving it right way on hard road.
Thursday, Aug. 15, 1935
Holiday. Went to Red Bud 6 o clock mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had lunch & dinner, this afternoon we all went to Belleville, we got spring hats white one. Took chances on Smithon [sic] Catholic Church pinic [sic], on Sept. 2; on 12 articles from Mrs. Schaefer. Went to Renneckers awhile. Gus Klotz & family came to.
Thursday, July 4, 1935
Holiday. Boy! the cars going down. Papa went to see Schaefers & Wm. Ganley. this afternoon him & Rose went out to Henry’s. Hilda is out there, she has 2 weeks vacation now. Jo Keller was by Lizzie Boll’s all day, came here for supper, stayed awhile. We went to Geo. Wagner’s this evening, kids had a few spit devil firecrackers. Sister Angelonia, Frank Mueth daughter, & Mrs. Vic Eichenseer’s sister died at Alton this morning, after an operation of 18 days; will be buried tomorrow morning at Indiania [sic]. Sure hot today again; at noon.
Monday, Nov. 12, 1934
Holiday, Armistice Day, town people don’t work, stores closed, banks, no papers printed. Papa went to Red Bud got sack laying mash, paid for hog feed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, had dinner & supper here. We sawed wood this afternoon, Henry sawed, it, 3½ hrs. Ed Mueth, Emil, Henry & Uncle Fred. We took our wash along out & washed at Leona’s this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed, played pinochle this evening. Mr. Herzog fruit tree agent was here, & left a card at the door.
Wednesday, July 4, 1934
Holiday. Hy Armstutz bought load hay for $5.00 here. Uncle Fred came up with Oscar Birkner’s car, took it to Probst to get repaired, he worked down here so long; Frank Birkner is threshing now, Aunt Mary is there & the rest of the crew. We went over to Wagner’s celebrated 4 July, the kids had a few sparkler.
Monday, Feb. 12, 1934
Lincoln’s Birthday. Holiday. Corn & hog meeting in Public School House. Henry came & him & papa went down, to sign up. Henry had dinner here, then they went back again, took all day to get it finished, Ms. Jerome Vogt helped them, & Miller was the man. Parker, Papenberg, Wittenauer, were also helpers. Quite a few dances all over this evening, before lent.
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