Wednesday, April 19, 1939

House Ins. agent was here. Pap went to Waterloo took 9 bus. wheat along @ 68 [cents]; got Berts [Bertille] shoes repaired. We went to Belleville this afternoon got wall paper for bedroom & kitchen 10 [cents] roll. Bill [Klein] came this eve. Went to Dr’s.

Tuesday, May 5, 1936

We worked in garden. McBride from Prairie Du Rocher came & brought over 2 heifers & sow for $65.00, pap bought from him the other day. We called Dr. Eckert this morning & he says the best thing pap could do is go to the hospital; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, this morning, yet; & pap went along in with Dr. this afternoon, & Uncle Fred & Rose went in together, but they came home again; he has room 104 at Belleville Hospital.

Monday, July 16, 1934

We washed, ironed. Awful hot again today. Buehler’s threshing this afternoon. Joe Schilling’s threshed oats today. Henry came & papa went along with him to Joe Herzog’s, to look at a team horses, that he has for sale; he is sick in bed, wants to move to town; sell out. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, it rained, thunder, & lighten [sic- lightning], pretty much. Eggs are 11¢ again. Irvin Buehler is home again from the hospital Sun. evening; he still has clamps on his head in the back, the doctor has to open that now, & take the book out of there; he has lost so much blood, the doctor had said, if it would have been 15 mins longer, they couldn’t have saved him anymore. Hy. Gruber, who just moved out to Al Gregson’s place from Waterloo, died about 4:30 this evening, in a chair, his wife went to feed the chicks, when she came back to him, he was just stretching out, he was sick awhile back, but last Thurs. was in town, visiting Hill’s. Wagner Undertaker got the corpse.

Tuesday, Feb. 7, 1933

Bertille baked cookies this morn. We washed & fried down saussage [sic.] this afternoon. It is awful cold, 10 above zero, report is it should be 6 below tomorrow morning. Papa went up to Eichenseer’s got the alchol [sic] tested & got some put in it. They told him up there that Mr. John Hepp died some time this morning, & that Mrs. Cecil Budde nee Starr only child of Mr. Percy Starr shot herself yesterday evening around 6′ o clock, Fr. Adyt said that it was going to be a private funeral & will be buried in Hecker Catholic Cemetery. The Mueth’s boys where at Hill’s today. Josie is awful sick now, had the doctor out Sunday. The St. Mary & Martha Society of Waterloo are givin card party.

Monday, Jan. 30, 1933

We washed, ironed. Beautiful day like spring. Papa went up in the woods, this afternoon. Louis Dehn is butchering his hog here at Renneckers 600 lbs. Robert Laut is also, he got 2 hogs from Christ Buehlers. Edwin Reheis had there little baby bay christened the other Sun at Smithon [sic] by Rev. Hosto, called it Emil Fred, was sponsor. Papa brought 1 gal. milk along for the pigs. We went out to Henry’s this evening. Papa & Henry went up to Joe Mueths, this 12 o’clock, he is pretty bad, the doctor gives him up, he breathes so loud, & some times not at all, girls are all at home.

Friday, Jan. 6, 1933

Papa pumped the water out of Uncle Fred’s cellar this morning. Mr. Rennecker & Hy Armstutz are butchering 1 hog at Mrs. Arns today. Bertille got the papers. Mr Wm. Laut & Mr. John Hepp are awful bad sick no hopes for recovery. Mr. Laut got a light stroke again. Mr. Hepp here in town has kidney trouble. There is a big free dance tonite at the Odd Fellow Hall at Waterloo. Seen in the paper that Wm. Sensel’s mother, Mrs. Mary Sensel was buried last Sun. afternoon at Waterloo 74 yrs. old; her husband preceded her in death about 2 yrs. ago. Dr. Sennot died, most probably be buried this afternoon, being ill for several months, in former years, he practice as his doctor in Hecker for several yrs. According to Bill Kleyer’s onion, this is supposed to be a very dry year. Sheriff Al Gaven took Wm. Zimmer Jr. to the Vandalia Penal Farm last Friday. Alf. Mueller who was clerk at Connor’s Store is now employed at Gauen’s Store since the first & Joe Johnson is now employed at Connor’s.

Thursday, Dec. 29, 1932

The weather is sure nice these days. Papa went up town got some aspirins tablets this morning. He split wood, smoked summer sassage [sic] all day. Papa & Rosalia rung the pigs this morn. We made a patch beer today. Leona came up she was by Doc. Eckert, they are sick to now. Henry is in bed & Floyd had fever last night she said, guess everybody will get it, bad cold. Steve Rennecker came over awhile this afternoon. They are all right yet, George Wagner family & Mrs. Rennecker went to Belleville this afternoon.

Thursday, April 23, 1931

Papa went down to Dr. Eckerts to pay for medicine.  $4.25 for the time when we had the measles.  Papa & Rosalia went out in the woods this morning & got a load of black ground to put around the house for flowers, & also filled up the holes in the lawn.  We had white frost this morning.  This afternoon we went down in our truck patch & set out 66 cabbage plants.  Hy. Armstutz came & talked a few words with us.  Steve Rennecker was over a little while while we where cutting the lawn.  Rosalia took the eggs to the store, they are 13¢ a doz.  We cooped 5 roosters this evening for fattening.  Today a year ago Mrs. Hirst was buried.

Tuesday, March 24, 1931

Today is Bobby’s birthday, he is 5 yrs old.  We all went out, this evening.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were there too, but that is all.  Cake & lemonade were served.  Papa is fixing chicken pens for our little chicks, they are hatching today.  Ted Eichenseer’s kid & Pours, Reagans, kids were here & asked for permission to play ball on that piece of ground here by the house.  Papa told them no they couldn’t.  Henry was in Waterloo this afternoon to the doctor, he told him he should go home & go to bed, he had tonsilitis.