Monday, Nov. 8, 1937

Rained last nite, cloudy this morn. Ed Pabst had shooting match yesterday, also gave attendance prize. We cleaned hen house, etc. Burdgorgf looked at the sow, bought it for $8.50 lb; got it his eve. weighed 470 lbs; went to Hy. Hepps to get heifers also, he is going to move to Red Bud tomorrow. Pap went to Red Bud got the money & seen hog weighed. Rained today, showers. Eggs 28¢.

Tuesday, Sept. 28, 1937

Washed, ironed. Had chicken soup. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this afternoon, papered sides, still ain’t finished only half. Planted all flowers up took them in basement. Rained a little shower, warmer. Burdforf looked at our pig yesterday, also went out to look at Henry’s heifers. Gaven came got 37½ lbs. 2 hams. @40¢ & ½ bu. sweet potatoes 50¢.

Monday, Nov. 30, 1936

Pretty cold. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary going to saw wood today; got 24 loads; starting 7:20 this morn. Krebs saw, & O. Birkner, Henry, pap & himself; had dinner, took till about 3 o’clock when finished. Burdgorf of Red Bud got the heifer $210 & 3 lbs. good beef, get it when you want it. Eggs 31¢. Got calandar [sic] from Techny Ill. Al. Cleveland’s family were here played 6 hand pinochle game.

Tuesday, March 29, 1932

We washed, ironed, patched. The wind is so strong, it blew our clothes line to pieces. Papa went out to Henry’s with the mule, helped Henry harrow & sow oats. He had dinner there. Rosalia went & got him this evening with the Whippet. The sewing circle of Red Bud Catholic Church is giving a card party tonite. There is also one in Waterloo given by Mary & Martha Society. Seen in the paper, Mrs. Val. Fristche was suing Wm. Klotz for $10,000 for accident of him & Val Fritche in Smithon [sic] & Hecker road. Ben Neff’s had a big dance Sun. nite, being Mr. Neffs, 53 birthday. Mr. Hy. Burdhorf of Red Bud told Eliza Boll this evening that Mon. was Mrs. Burgdorf’s birthday, & that they have a daughter living far away I believe Montana, she called her & congratulation her mother, it was 2200 mile distant talk, & Mrs. was so happy she cried for joy.