Went to Leo’s, washed, ironed, cleaned bedrooms etc, they sawed wood this afternoon; we had dinner & supper. Mr. Orlet is out there also; helpers sawing wood were John & Chas. Mueth, Jake Joe Krebs; finished, tomorrow saw Jake’s. Leo & his dad went to requiem high mass at Paderborn church. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Emil were here this eve. Walter Pour’s have a baby boy; I guess that makes family 9.
Monday, Nov. 30, 1936
Pretty cold. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary going to saw wood today; got 24 loads; starting 7:20 this morn. Krebs saw, & O. Birkner, Henry, pap & himself; had dinner, took till about 3 o’clock when finished. Burdgorf of Red Bud got the heifer $210 & 3 lbs. good beef, get it when you want it. Eggs 31¢. Got calandar [sic] from Techny Ill. Al. Cleveland’s family were here played 6 hand pinochle game.
Wednesday, Jan. 4, 1933
Papa & Bertille went out to Uncle Fred’s to saw wood, J. Reheis, Ronnerneberg, O. Birkner, helped. Karl Boll sawed it, we had dinner there. Rosalia came home this afternoon & washed everything before we got back. Wm. Ganley was here & paid part Int. $67.50, but he still owes $57.50 & Int on $67.50 that $1.15. It is awful cloudy & dark this afternoon. Boll charges $1.00 hr. sawing wood, & rest 20¢ hr. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Grohmann have another little baby girl, on Dec. 22, they now have 2.
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