Saturday, June 19, 1937

Beautiful day, warm. Took load wheat to Waterloo $1.15. Bert [Bertille] got permanet [sic] at Colonial Beauty Shop, Vivian Ripley & Aurelia Hellmer, pap went to Morris sale, bought few articles gun etc. Went to Paderborn to Ronnenberg’s Wedding dance, large crowd Birkner Orch. received few presents, had white dress & veil; & Helen bridesmaid yellow lace dress & Alp. Karban best man; quite few strangers.

Saturday, July 13, 1935

Papa went up & got Osie Neff to look at the place, were he wanted him to set the engine for threshing, he then went out to Henry’s; worked the mares, work fine, wagon, corn cultivator etc. had lunch out there. We went to Belleville & home by Millsdadt [sic], Waterloo & Red Bud, to see several parties on business. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, stopped a little while, & went to Praire [sic] Du Rocher to Jennette Ronnenberg’s & Fink wedding dance. We went to a free dance at Oak Grove, & nice crowd, Blossom City Boys playing. Oliver Pour has a new car chev.

Thursday, July 11, 1935

Selling apples, 80¢ bu. a guy here, we didn’t take none. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, finished lawning there place. John Reheis is threshing now. Aunt Mary got a card from Jennette Ronnenberg to come to her wedding dance Sat. nite at Praire [sic] Du Rocher don’t say to whom; she should tell Oscar & Larry, A. Rittmeyers, & us.

Friday, March 15, 1935

Cleaned kitchen, got letter from Alice saying everything is O.K. so went to Waterloo this afternoon, paper fixed out, ready to sent to her, for to sign; $15.00 &  expense here, for ground, what lies on the north side of road, joining ours. A kid around selling household articles. Went out to the cemetery fixed, Louise grave, it had sunk down, 12 buckets ground in it; so many are down. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, she went to church; they & Oscar Birkner’s were at Ronnenberg’s last night. Ivo Buehler’s birthday yesterday.

Monday, July 30, 1934

We washed, nice cool. Ronnenberg’s moving today. Mrs. Jake Staufenbiel nee Prediger of St. Louis died Fri. night, funeral Tues. morning. We all put in a free guess to how many strokes it would take to bust an inner tube yesterday. Berti guessed 1400. Henry came & papa went along, looking at horses. Wm. Probst, Nic Schaefer, at Ames, & etc., he had lunch here. Rose finished my dress today. The directors & Henry are to meet at the Blackburn’s school tonite- see about school.

Saturday, July 28, 1934

Papa went to Rall’s sale by Red Bud this afternoon – everything brought a good price. People here selling vanilla extract. We planted beans & pickles yesterday. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to New Athens Homecoming this afternoon. We went out to Birkner’s, then to Hy. Ronnenberg’s farewell party, half barrel beer was the refreshments; the men chipped together & Hillheims got the beer from Hecker; danced in the barn, musci [sic] by I. Helfrich Sheonborn; not a very large crowd.

Wednesday, June 27, 1934

Rennecker & Agnes Gregson’s birthday; also 4 anniversary of Gambach Bros. death. Jos. Schilling is going to thresh this afternoon. Joe. Watchel’s machine starts to this afternoon, all getting about started, soon. The lightening struck one of Arm Geodelle’s wheat shocks yesterday, burned it all up. Marjorie Rausch is again home from the hospital. Rose & Bertille went to Waterloo took 8 bus. wheat along, got 79¢; bought 100 lbs. flour; soft wheat $3.05. stopped in at Henry’s, he is threshing by Reheis. They were at Uncle Pete’s last Sun. afternoon, Annie has a permanent wave, got it at Waterloo, also Jake’s wife. Henry got 50 barned Rock Chicks 3 weeks old from Monroe Hatchery, $7.00 a hundred. George Wagner came over awhile. We took our onions out today. Uncle Fred brought the mule home, then we took him home, stayed awhile, Ronnenberg came down there to telephone to Evansville, to tell Kissen’s that there boy is pretty sick, up here, he has it in his back, can’t hardly breathe sometimes.

Saturday, Jan. 20, 1934

Papa got crushing done. Ben Schilling brought clover seed. Geodelle the bread man stops here now. We went to Bellville [sic] this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Josie were butchering by Adam Eckerts, stop in on there way home. This evening went out to Uncle Fred’s took them all along & went to Hy. Ronnenberg to Luella’s 18 yrs. old birthday, & what a time, musci [sic] was furnished by Birkner’s, & Evansville boy’s, Kaemper & Wunderlich, with guitar & violin. Beer, wine, root beer & chicken soup; it sure was good; Evansville people Jerry Kissel & his wife had a quarrel, & also his daughter & her husband, all were feeling good; lots to drink. We came home about 2:30 this morn.

Friday, Oct. 27, 1933

Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary came here then they went to Buehlers. They came back this evening, & took us along to Blackburn’s SchoolHouse, had hallowen [sic] program, the children had & teacher Miss Burgess served lemonade, & people brought cake, pie, dougnuts [sic], & then lunch was served, to the following – Mr & Mrs. Cleveland, Leona & kids, John & George Henkel, Mrs. Kenneth Kemp, Ivo Rapp, Eunice Blackburn, Hy Ronneberg & family, Bill Sensel’s family, Mrs. Christ Buehler & kids, & us. Miss Blackburn baked a cake & put in it a cloth a pin as a guess, Leona made the right guess, & got a cake soap, hallowen [sic] trick, I say. Ha!

Wednesday, Jan. 4, 1933

Papa & Bertille went out to Uncle Fred’s to saw wood, J. Reheis, Ronnerneberg, O. Birkner, helped. Karl Boll sawed it, we had dinner there. Rosalia came home this afternoon & washed everything before we got back. Wm. Ganley was here & paid part Int. $67.50, but he still owes $57.50 & Int on $67.50 that $1.15. It is awful cloudy & dark this afternoon. Boll charges $1.00 hr. sawing wood, & rest 20¢ hr. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Grohmann have another little baby girl, on Dec. 22, they now have 2.