Leo & family left Marita here, Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville selling things got 30 [cents] for eggs; brought Mr. Orlet along out with them, had dinner soup here. Favre’s moved yesterday, had farewell party last nite there for them. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up she went to church. had supper here. Halloween tonite, some are going out playing tricks again.
Monday, Oct. 31, 1938
Halloween. Bert [Bertille] washed ironed. Pap went to Red Bud got Chev. fixed, prestove put in, cover on radiator. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, she went to church. Emil came over, to pay U. [Uncle] Freds rent [? – unclear]. Pap went to Staufenbiel woods. There were a few out walking in town tonite, children no damage.
Wednesday, Oct. 26, 1938
Cleaned garden. Went to Leo’s this afternoon helped put up stove, then went to Smithton. There is a Democratic meeting at Kammlers Hall tonite; Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came up for the Halloween party in School Hall given by Young People of parish, he had to bring his accordion along & also Irene Buehler had to bring hers. There is also a euchre at Paderborn, all in one nite. Ray Braun is in St. Louis Hospital, had a rock in the pupil of his eye, is very dangerous operation, but they got it out but he can sees alright, only pupil isn’t round.
Saturday, Oct. 31, 1936
Halloween. Pap got crushing done. The tree man was here. We went to Red Bud church this afternoon. No tricks played much.
Friday, November 1, 1935
All Saints Day Church Holiday; we went to 6 ‘ oclock mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here awhile had breakfasts & lunch. Came this afternoon again, then we went to Waterloo, got papa watch, did a little banking business, then drove out to cemetery to visit Aunt Lizzies grave. Awful cold today, yesterday without coats, & today could have winter coats on. In Montana it is 22 degrees below zero, talk about cold weather. Yesterday & today Farmer’s Institute at Maeystown, we didn’t go. Pautler has it in the paper of my birthday dance Sun; nothing else doing that night. The Hecker married women were out Halloweeners last nite.
Thursday, Oct. 31, 1935
Halloween. Leona came & got the boy’s; they came home from the wedding, about 12 o’clock, Hilda’s dad didn’t come over; in the evening. Gus, Dan & Geo. Geodelle’s families were there, & Mrs. Susenwind & family were there all day; swell supper & beautiful cakes, 2 kegs beer. Started painting the houses, window frames today; Pap went to Red Bud got oil & things, chick feed. Walter & Hilda got 1 bedroom no kitchen, furniture from Querheim. Henry brought load corn. We went to Belleville. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, she won a quilt last night, playing 1 gamelotto.
Wednesday, Oct. 31, 1934
Halloween. We went to Belleville this afternoon to church. There is a bunch halloweener’s out tonite, they upset a box wagon with barrals on at the St. Louis Diary [sic – Dairy] station; there was a bunch went to Wagner’s & Rennecker’s & Meng’s.
Tuesday, Oct. 31, 1933
Hallowen [sic]. Fr. Aydt had asked all the men of the congregation to come to his place last night, they would miss something if they wouldn’t come; it was for the men only, no women. There is going to be a lotto game on Nov. 8 there, lucheon [sic] set, attendance prize, cake walk, after the games. Adm. 25¢. The had road is finished now from Hecker to Waterloo, but not to drive on all the way yet, from Hecker as far as Henry’s, they go over the new bridge, Henry & family where at Aunt Mary’s tonite.
Monday, Oct. 30, 1933
We washed, Papa & Rose went out to Henry’s to get the heifer, what he got bought from Levi Ganley. Annie Reheis is 35 yrs. old. Joe Manier had a hallowen [sic] dance, Sat. night, cash prize where to be given to the best dress, but they say, there was none given out, not enough came in. We made some tomatoe [sic] chutney. Eggs 21¢ today.
Friday, Oct. 27, 1933
Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary came here then they went to Buehlers. They came back this evening, & took us along to Blackburn’s SchoolHouse, had hallowen [sic] program, the children had & teacher Miss Burgess served lemonade, & people brought cake, pie, dougnuts [sic], & then lunch was served, to the following – Mr & Mrs. Cleveland, Leona & kids, John & George Henkel, Mrs. Kenneth Kemp, Ivo Rapp, Eunice Blackburn, Hy Ronneberg & family, Bill Sensel’s family, Mrs. Christ Buehler & kids, & us. Miss Blackburn baked a cake & put in it a cloth a pin as a guess, Leona made the right guess, & got a cake soap, hallowen [sic] trick, I say. Ha!
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