Wednesday, Oct. 26, 1938

Cleaned garden. Went to Leo’s this afternoon helped put up stove, then went to Smithton. There is a Democratic meeting at Kammlers Hall tonite; Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came up for the Halloween party in School Hall given by Young People of parish, he had to bring his accordion along & also Irene Buehler had to bring hers. There is also a euchre at Paderborn, all in one nite. Ray Braun is in St. Louis Hospital, had a rock in the pupil of his eye, is very dangerous operation, but they got it out but he can sees alright, only pupil isn’t round.

Monday, Oct. 19, 1936

We pappered [sic] the front room. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry & Leona helped; had dinner & duck supper, it weighed 5½ lbs. We went to the Democratic Meeting at Kammler’s tonite, speakers H. Jackson, Burk of Kansas. Davis of Muryphsboro [sic], had talkie picture & free beer, surely was a crowd, had a speaker, microphone, carried far; the hall was packed & other time as many out side they said, beer in all [illegible].

Friday, Oct. 28, 1932

A fellow around today selling fish, we didn’t buy any. Bertille got the mail, seen in the paper that Clara Schulmeister & Hy Gentsch Jr. where married since last Feb. 22, at Kentucky, & Bernice Maus & Louis Wahlaus where married last Sat, & left for a honey moon trip to Ottowa Ill. Henry & Floyd where here awhile, they where up at Belleville, & got coal, Floyd got a pair of shoes. The Meeting Democratic that was to be held at Kirsch School last Tues was posponed [sic] account of the rain, & will be held tonite. There is also a play at Red Bud given by the Legion.

Tuesday, Oct. 11, 1932

We washed, ironed. Papa is fixing us a table for flowers. Mr. Jung our egg man was here, but he only wanted to pay 22¢ so we didn’t give him our eggs, cause there that here in the store. There was a man here from Dupo wanted to sell fish @ 20 lb. we didn’t take any. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this eve, then we all went to the Democratic meeting in Kammler’s Hall. The Prairie Band of 6 piece furnished the musci [sic], Mr. A. D. Riess of Red Bud addressed the meeting, & Mr. A. A. Brands, & Harry Jackson were the speakers, lunch, of beef sandwiches, & soda. About 400 people where there, from all over. Henry was up to, he brought some potatoes here.