Monday, Oct. 22, 1934

We washed, ironed, made 5 cans mince meat. Ed & Carrie & Alice & Lucille all went to Joe Gregson’s today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, cut lawn, she did her patching. Rennecker brought the paper tonite. Rosalia varnished the kitchen floor tonite. There is a Socialist Meeting in Public School House tonite. Wm Weigand Jr. chairman. Tomorrow night is a meeting at Kirsch School, Speakers Kearns & Baltz.

Monday, October 1, 1934

We washed, ironed, scrubbed basement, had early dinner & drove to Columbia to see Mr. Kern, but he was at Chester we bought several articles at Weilbacher’s Store; & Wm. Vogts Store, nice places; stopped at Waterloo a little. Mr. Grob 44 yrs. old. Furniture Store man was buried at Columbia, died of pneoumia [sic – pneumonia]. There is a Socialist Meeting at Kirsch School House tonite. Mr. Cooper as speaker, sponsored by Wm Weigand Jr. as comittee [sic] man; refreshments will be served.

Friday, Jan. 27, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in, from here they went to Belleville. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s to get a load of wheat & oats. Mr. Bess Miller of Waterloo, is going to give a birthday dance Feb. 1. Adm. 25¢ musci [sic] by the accidentals. The way he says in the paper that Miss Ethel mason teacher of Kirsch School, is going to resign on Feb. 10, to get married. Mr. Russel Gregson is driving a new plymouth sedan. It is awful cold this evening.

Friday, Oct. 28, 1932

A fellow around today selling fish, we didn’t buy any. Bertille got the mail, seen in the paper that Clara Schulmeister & Hy Gentsch Jr. where married since last Feb. 22, at Kentucky, & Bernice Maus & Louis Wahlaus where married last Sat, & left for a honey moon trip to Ottowa Ill. Henry & Floyd where here awhile, they where up at Belleville, & got coal, Floyd got a pair of shoes. The Meeting Democratic that was to be held at Kirsch School last Tues was posponed [sic] account of the rain, & will be held tonite. There is also a play at Red Bud given by the Legion.

Monday, Oct. 24, 1932

Papa & Rosalia went out Henry’s to get the mules. We washed, ironed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in a few minutes, they where down at Joe Gregson’s got some pullets 9¢ lb 7 she gave us some rose bushes to plant out. They rang over the lines this evening for a political meeting to be held at Kirsch School tomorrow nite, with free warm lunch, & for a euchre in Kammler’s Hall Wed. nite Adm. 25¢.

Tuesday, Oct. 18, 1932

Papa & Rosalia went out in the woods to get a load of gravel. Tonite is Republican Speaking at the Kirsch School in Lords Corner, free lunch & everybody invited. Bertille went up town this evening & then to Rennecker’s to get the papers. The Hecker Catholic congregation of young boys & girls & Belleville’s are having a halloween dance in the hall tonite.