Tuesday, July 18, 1939

Anton Buehler & wife & daughter Jose [Josephine] was here, stopped in, had lunch here this morn. came yesterday left home 8:30 at DeKalb Ill. & got here to Joe Schillings at 5: o’clock, came here this morn. then going to Jac. Neff & Ben Neff for dinner, & going to Mascoutaha [sic]; going home again Sat. Jose [Josephine] is going to start work Beauty Parlor Morn; it was 8 years since they were around; Rained heavy & thunder & lightening this eve.

Monday, March 21, 1938

Spring begins; & beautiful hot day. 75 at 7 o’clock. Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed; pap hauled load wood home, got potatoe ground ready & we planted a small patch by straw stack, planted out onions in garden; this eve. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Bert [Bertille] went to Belleville this afternoon, got shoes etc. Berniece came over, said Mehrmanns couldn’t use no more eggs now. Still 15 [cents] here. Josie Keller & landlord & family stopped in this afternoon, pap was here, was also at A. [Aunt] Mary they weren’t at home, they took 13 doz. eggs, along with them.

Sunday, Oct. 10, 1937

Went to mass, 7:30 from now on. Ettling from Floraville looked at horses. Leo & Rose came, had dinner & supper here. Gusta Dudenhoeffer & Margaret were here short while, out at Maniers dropped down see how we all were. Pete Matzenbacher had shooting match this afternoon. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to Paderborn Totsch’s free dance & fish fry, Rheinhardt & Schoenborn, Geodelle & Bocker musci [sic] Och. large crowd. there is free opening dance at Brezzy [sic] Hill by A. Josten of Valmeyer who now has charge, Mr. & Mrs. Maul moved back to St. Louis. KMOX Radio Stars playing at Oak Grove.

Monday, May 10, 1937

Cleaned chicken house & barn, worked in garden. Pap went on business trip & also to Waterloo to a big sale on Pautler’s farm west of town; people from Marrissa [sic] have a sale, on stock & tractors etc. Cool this morn. A fellow here selling household articles; bought fly swatter. The fire engine whistle was sounded this morn; called to the home of Andrew Mueth in Paderborn, were there house was on fire; but it was put out, before they got there. Rose came this afternoon, helped plant out flowers; took some along home, we planted all the house flowers out. Mrs. Rennecker came over awhile this afternoon. Jake Neff was here on business this evening. Cool again tonite.

Saturday, Oct. 3, 1936

We had beef soup dinner. Henry & Rob were also here, he cut clover hay & put the alalafa [sic] up. Oliver Ruhel came to measure ground. Rob helped him, & stayed here. Henry’s family came this eve. to get him. Geo. Boll looked at the disk; Nic Helfrich came account of hauling coal. Mrs. Geo. Hartmann has a new barn dance tonite & pig roast, music by Rythmn [sic] Kings, Ladies free. Alois Roth & Gertie Cortner stopped in.

Thursday, July 29, 1936

Cold again this morn; Kahmers have sale starting at 10. Starr auctioneer again. Harms Excutioner [sic]. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & pap & Bert went to Kahmers sale, about 10:30, all day, we bought wood bar 10¢ & cook pot & flour sifter 25¢; lot of people there, things went quick. Geo. Wagner & kids were over awhile; The Gen Sen [? – unclear] man was at the sale today also. Sure cool morn & evenings. The Walkathon at Belleville is still going at 9 o’clock tonite it is 1008 hrs. for 6 couples & 1 girl; the winners to receive $1,000.

Sunday, May 17, 1936

Mrs. Staufenbiel came & went along with Rose & Bert to church, had Solemn Communion at 7:30 mass, 6 boys & 6 girl, 1 boy took sick, & also 1 girl, Martha Agnes McDermott who is at hospital in E. St. Louis for appendix, also Keoinstein of below Hecker is over there, pretty bad. Bill’s daughter, she is young yet. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Clara & Agnes Gregson stopped from church. Ed. Meng Katie Klotz, all called here a short while to see pap, also Joe & Josie Alberta Gregson on there way home from Waterloo, stopped. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came back this evening again. It rained pretty good here, this eve. The baseball team has a dance at Kammlers Schmidts Merrymakers musci [sic]; the crowd wasn’t so large we heard. Omer came & we went to Pautler’s to Mrs. Martin Karban’s birthday dance, Rythm [sic] Kings musci [sic]. Gents 25¢ ladies free. Nice crowd.

Monday, May 11, 1936

The Hecker fire co gave a dance last nite at Maniers, had a big crowd. Moonlighters played & on there way home Keim’s driving & his car, with Ben Schilling, Walter Braun, Armin Bectholdt, upset his car, other side of Kemps. Ben has sore arm, & shoulder. Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary & Bert went in to Belleville hospital, Omer came to there this evening.

Friday, May 8, 1936

Henry & family, Mrs. Cleveland & Rose came to Belleville this morning & Bert went along home, had flat tire coming home, got here about 10’oclock. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up to stay with Bert tonite, they were home all day. Bert went up town this morn. & to see Gerti Gartner were she works, awhile for part time.

Thursday, May 7, 1936

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Bert went in to Belleville. Bert is to stay in & Rose came home. Mrs. Elln [sic] Miller & Josie Keller came to see pap this evening a while. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went home this afternoon, & came back tonite to stay again, with Rose.