Monday, April 17, 1939

Cloudy, with April showers. Pap took chev. to Red Bud, got oil changed etc, 3040 miles. Feruer was here, he signed the apliance paper at Kammlers & so pap had to go to sign. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, they were at Smithton bank paid taxes. Mauff vegetable agent was here we bought doz. oranges. Leo & family came this eve. They were at Haudrichs wedding dance.

Friday, Jan. 20, 1939

Leo & Rose [Rosalia] Wedding Ann.; but to muddy roads, can’t get there. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, he took some wheat to Waterloo, she helped quilt. Pap went to Farmers’ meeting at Kammlers. Henry came on business. Boys got sore eyes, pink eye they call it, school is closed for couple days, most all the children have it. Closed today.

Wednesday, Aug. 17, 1938

Washed, ironed. pap hauled load gravel. Went to Orlets this afternoon, got grapes for wine & juice. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were here. H. Wittenauer was here on business. Mr. Rudy Helfrich 25 & Otillia Rheinhardt 25 were married at Paderborn this morn. by Fr. Weskamp, attendants were Emil Helfrich & Virginia Helfrich, Oppertunia Rheinhardt & Wm. Helfrich boy of Belleville, dance at Kammlers, nice crowd had cake. Schoenborn’s Orch. Beautiful day.

[Undated Entry]

Bert’s [Bertille] at Leo’s all this while; for 3 weeks so far. Edwin Neff & Amelia Dintelman got married Decoration Day. May 30. Catholic School children have pinic [sic]; Mrs. Jake Friedrich had sale June 4.

June 1, Elmer Haudrich & Edna Watchel were married here, attendants Cyril & Leroy Haudrich, Mildred Watchel & Lorretta Biffar; wedding dance at Kammlers Hall, Neffs dance also was there. Mr. Fritsche of here died. Mr. Jake Mehrmann had a stroke on going home from Haudrichs wedding dance & died; buried June 5. Rob. Knabe big barn burned to ground Sun. eve. June 5; 2 fire department Hecker, & Smithton were out; saved the out buildings house etc.

Tuesday, May 4, 1937

We washed, ironed patched, rain & heavy showers & hail, this afternoon & eve; we planted cabbage & sweet potatoes plants out; Request card for Jim & Dick to play a No. for paps birthday came over radio today. A guy here selling apple, took pk. 45¢. Chas. Helfrich & son got load hay $11.00 & 17 bus. oats @ 60¢ & wheat 1½ @ $1.27; all feed for his stock & chickens, he is going to move on Mrs. Wihelms farm, by Red Bud. Eichenseers are in  & Co. are having a Purina Meeting & Show at Kammlers free tonite, “Hidden Harvest,” we seen it last year at Red Bud; were pap got 25 chicks attendance prize. tonite they are giving as prizes 2 – 25 lb. sacks purina feed & dairy hopper. We went to the show, pretty nice crowd hall filled for conditions of weather. Ed. Parker & Adam Brauns won the feed & Al. Cleveland the hopper.

Monday, April 19, 1937

Henry & Leona & Bert went to E. St. Louis, shopping, boys stayed here all day; had dinner. Eggs 19¢. Hecker Baseball Club had a dance last nite at Kammlers, played Schmidts. We also seen Uncle Ed [Crowe] today, at his feed store. Columbia traders were here.

Saturday, May 23, 1936

Henry & Rob. Grover making hay, had dinner here. Mrs. C. Guebert has sale & Hubers have a sale this afternoon; nice day. Mary Mathews has birthday dance at Kammlers tonite, Ed. Mueth has one at New Athens, Brun’s boys, playing One at Log Cabin, by Red Bud Webers Orch. Lipperts has barn dance. Mrs. L. Sauer has Pautlers, Rythmn [sic] Kings. Och; so many tonite. It is Gertie Cortner’s birthday today. We went Mary’s dance here nice crowd, good time. Henry broke the axle on his wagon by Geo. Parkers going home with load hay, took 2 loads home.

Sunday, May 17, 1936

Mrs. Staufenbiel came & went along with Rose & Bert to church, had Solemn Communion at 7:30 mass, 6 boys & 6 girl, 1 boy took sick, & also 1 girl, Martha Agnes McDermott who is at hospital in E. St. Louis for appendix, also Keoinstein of below Hecker is over there, pretty bad. Bill’s daughter, she is young yet. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Clara & Agnes Gregson stopped from church. Ed. Meng Katie Klotz, all called here a short while to see pap, also Joe & Josie Alberta Gregson on there way home from Waterloo, stopped. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came back this evening again. It rained pretty good here, this eve. The baseball team has a dance at Kammlers Schmidts Merrymakers musci [sic]; the crowd wasn’t so large we heard. Omer came & we went to Pautler’s to Mrs. Martin Karban’s birthday dance, Rythm [sic] Kings musci [sic]. Gents 25¢ ladies free. Nice crowd.

Wednesday, Nov. 27, 1935

Cloudy & raining a little. Berti went up to church. Wedding mass of Clarence Braun & Verna Stiehl, she turned Catholic, single ring ceremony, bride wore dark blue, blouses & skirt, coat, & hat shoes; white crystahemums [sic], & bridesmaid Marie Braun wore the same only tan color; yellow flowers, Hugo Ray was best man; wedding dance at Kammler’s tonite, we went, had nice time; cake, Schmidts Orch.; of Herb & 2 sons, 2 Braun Wms. girls, & Edgar Wittenauer. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came bought 2 roasters here, 9 lbs. @ 15¢; cleaned & dressed them ready for tomorrow. Pap & Rose hauled bad old wheat to Waterloo got 91¢, lot is 96¢ today. Mr. & Mrs. Ed Brand of Alalabama [sic] visited us this afternoon, had supper here. Henry & family came this evening. Mamie came down then we went to the dance together. Bert Thompson was here to see Henry; so much company. Henry received a letter from Barrenphol’s lawyer on account of the colt business, he wants $25.00 if paid in short time. Oscar Birkner’s have a baby girl born yesterday evening, also Armin Geodelle’s have a baby girl. Otto Horn, suit agent at Waterloo, also Justice of peace 38 yrs. old was killed in an auto accident in town on Tues; Archie Wiehl was the one that had collision with him, on Fourth St. Libory  he was thrown out of car, & never regained conscience; both cars turned over, & completely wrecked; they say; it is terrible, had left his home about ½ hour before it happened; John Hieken was with Horn at the time, but not hurt bad.

Saturday, June 8, 1935

We got 5¢ skim milk, made pie & cheese. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, we had lunch together here. Papa went to Behl’s sale by Oak Grove, bought a harrow $2.20 & wedges 60¢ for 2. The Richland Rod & Gun club is giving a dance at Kammlers tonite. Vogels Bros. musci [sic], I don’t think the crowd was so large.