Wednesday, Oct. 26, 1938

Cleaned garden. Went to Leo’s this afternoon helped put up stove, then went to Smithton. There is a Democratic meeting at Kammlers Hall tonite; Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came up for the Halloween party in School Hall given by Young People of parish, he had to bring his accordion along & also Irene Buehler had to bring hers. There is also a euchre at Paderborn, all in one nite. Ray Braun is in St. Louis Hospital, had a rock in the pupil of his eye, is very dangerous operation, but they got it out but he can sees alright, only pupil isn’t round.

Saturday, March 12, 1938

Beautiful day. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, pap went along to Kessler’s sale; such a crowd; fair price. We went out to Henry’s celebrating Floyd’s birthday which is tomorrow; 9 yrs. old, grandpa [Anton] gave him a nickle [sic] for playing accordion, we had pie & cake. Wulher [? – unclear] the ex pres. of Belleville bank, his picture was in paper; also Louis Kaiser’s girl – 6 yrs.

Wednesday, Sept. 8, 1937

Washed, ironed, canned peaches. A man here collecting for poor people. Mr. James Tobin & Leona Vogt getting married this morn. at Red Bud 8:30 high mass; dance at Oak Grove tonite, only daughter of Bill Vogt. South of Red Bud. Catholics here have card & lawn party tonite at School grounds. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, we all went to social, didn’t win nothing; Uncle had 7 got dresser scarf; played 12 games & couple games of each bingo, had cake walk, 15 cakes @ $1.25. Uncle Fred had to play accordion for cake walk; not much of crowd about 8 tables euchre, 1 pinochle, 1 solo. Mrs. Emmet Cowell while on her way to attend the wedding Mass this morn. was struck by auto. Leifer of south Red Bud, she also had with her a girl, who was also hit, had few teeth knocked out, & Mrs. has leg broken, side all bruised, were car had drug her about 30 ft. they say; is in Red Bud hospital, hurt pretty bad.

Friday, Sept. 23, 1932

We went to Waterloo took our lard, 100 lbs. 6¢ $6.00. We stopped in at Henry’s brought the kettle & milk seperator [sic] along. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up for the evening, Willie Birkner’s family came & we went over, they brought all there instruments along, accordian [sic], mandolin, violin, guitar, bandoria, music was the main feauture [sic] of the eve, doughnuts & lemonade where served. Henry brought a load of corn this evening, the boys came along to.

Tuesday, Dec. 30, 1930

We all went to Belleville this morning & sold 16 doz. eggs for .35¢, $5.60.  Papa went in the woods this afternoon & also stopped in at Henry’s & brought the thread in for her, what we brought along from Belleville.  Rosalia is fixing up the doll & stuffed it.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here this evening & then we all went up in the School Hall & there Oh! what a time, it was a dance.  Isadore Helfrich went home & got his accordion & then Uncle Fred Roy Staufenbiel furnished music.  There were a few outsiders there.  Papa bought a cake.  Uncle Fred got 2 cakes.  The dance was over about 11 o’clock.

Thursday, Oct. 9, 1930

Today is Uncle Pete Reheis birthday.  Mr. Hill has a few men working on a sewer, they are going to dig a new sewer on South Main Street.  Henry & Emil were here this afternoon, they and Papa went to Sitchefest to get a drill.  Henry bought it for $2.00.  He broke his old one that he had, so he got this one.  Henry has about 20 acres of wheat sewed now.  A St. Louis Baseball team played the Hecker team here Sunday.  Hecker won 3 to 6.  Last Wednesday they got Delbert Meuth from the hospital in St. Louis.  Rosalia & Bertille went up to Mamie Eichenseer and then all of us & Angela went to the meeting in the new school hall.  After the meeting was over, Father said to take the chairs to one side and then we could dance.  So we did.  Isadore Helfrich & Edgar Wittenauer furnished music with the accordion & we also had the victrola music to dance on.  We came home at 15:11.

Monday, Sept. 22, 1930

We washed, ironed, patched today.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this afternoon a little while, from here they went to Red Bud to Chris Buehler’s, it is their wedding anniversary.  Oliver Kammler is playing accordion over at George Wagner’s.  Ralph Ettling was here, he paid his $98.00, he still has a $100.00 to paid yet.  Peter Watchel had a accident by Grohmann’s lane up by Belleville.  He was by himself when it happened, but he didn’t get hurt so very much, because he went to work again today the way they say.

Sunday, August 24, 1930

Hempe’s were here this morning & look at our colt & horses.  Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary were here for dinner.  We had 2 watermelons for lunch.  This afternoon Aunt Mary, Rosalia, Bertille went down to Lester Gregson’s to see the little boy.  Wittenauer’s from Belleville were also there.  Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary ate lunch, watermelons here, then they went home.  After they was at home a little while she called up & said they was going to see Henry tonight.  So we got ready and we all went out to Henry’s.  Uncle Fred had his accordion along & music was the main feature of the evening.

Clarence Wittenauer up set his car in the ditch this evening, after coming from the ball game.  But he wasn’t hurt, there was no glass broke, only the fenders & radiator hurt a little, the car was injured.  Red Bud & Hecker played ball today, Hecker won.  Willie Parkinson is very sick.  He turned back Catholic again.

Friday, July 4, 1930

Today we can eat meat.  We are thrashing this morning again.  We had spring chicken for dinner.  We thrashed 139 bu. of wheat.  Kuhns thrashed altogether 2300 bu.  This evening we all went out to Henry’s.  Gus Geodelle and family, Conrad Geodelle and family, Miss Hilda Klube & boyfriend, Mr. Fred Lindes & mother were all there.  They played music, accordion, violin, guitar.  Today you can see all kinds of fireworks.  Papa & Rosalia fixed fences this afternoon.  There is picnic in Columbia, picnic & fish fry in Oak Grove Park, one in Belleville, and a good many other places.

Saturday, May 3, 1930

Today is Papa’s birthday, he is 52 years old.  Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Henry & family were all here.  Uncle Fred brought his accordion along.  Music, ice cream, cake, cookies, lemonade were had.  Papa was at Waterloo today.