Saturday, Sept. 23, 1939

Nice day. Pap went out to Henry’s got few sacks of rye; took tomatoes along out for catsup. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, we all went to Manier’s sale at Griffins; brought good price, Huber Auct., & quite crowd, we bought nothing. A. [Aunt] Mary got buffet for 65 [cents] other things. 3 pc Davenette set $4.25 Chris Buehler bought. Helleshein, lot things & victrola for $1.25. Piano. Hugo Probst. $8. for Firemen’s. Ralph Ettling came on business this eve. pd. Int. $100. on note.

Tuesday, March 28, 1933

Papa & Rosalia went to Belleville, took roosters got 6¢ & eggs 9¢; brought Uncle Freds victrola & 42 records along, for a pitcher & bowl. We cleaned the front room, dyed the curtains. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, from here they went to Waterloo to Dr. Pautler & got her ears blowed out. We went out to there place & took the victrola out. It is a most beautiful day. Mrs. George Wagner & the kids came over to see our little chicks; she got 3 moles. There was a lady here from Red Bud, Milly Brown selling hosiery; for men, women & children.

Tuesday, July 26, 1932

The weather looks awful bad this morn. Rosalia is supposed to go to the dentist, but didn’t on account it rained pretty much. Papa & Ed. Meng went to a sale John Fauss by St. Joe, papa bought a rake, & a few articles. This evening we went out to Uncle Fred’s & brought there victrola up here for them, & they came up to & got flour. It looks like rain, but it all passed over. Henry & the boy’s where up & got some whey.

Thursday, Dec. 10, 1931

We went to Belleville sold 12 doz. eggs @ 30¢ then brought there radio along out, we where there for dinner. Jim Beese & wife, John Breugtiam & wife, Fritz Armstutz where also there, fixed the radio up, they played cards in the afternoon.

Wednesday, Dec. 9, 1931

We washed, hung it in the basement. We went to Red Bud & to Waterloo this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Belleville to get there radio, but couldn’t haul it. So we will have to get it tomorrow. They where up this eve.

Thursday, Oct. 15, 1931

We cooked a kettle of soap today.  Papa & Uncle Fred, went to Waterloo this morn.  They had dinner here.  This afternoon Papa & Uncle Fred went to Red Bud, got some lumber for a pigs through [sic – trough].  Aunt Mary went down to Armstutz’s took a gal. there to get it filled with foam.  This evening they went down to get it.  We had 16 doz. eggs for egg man & Aunt Mary had 6 doz. he paid 26¢ today, same as in the paper.  Store price is 25¢ & 24¢.  We went out to Uncle Fred’s this eve., Henry Birkner’s where there last night & left there records, victrola, what they brought down, so last night we played them all 6 pieces, some of the latest.  There was a euchre in the new school hall tonight, but the crowd wasn’t so large.

Saturday, June 13, 1931

Today is Catholic Church Picnic, nice day.  Rosalia & Bertille went up a little while in the evening.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here.  Henry & family came – they left the kids with Papa & they went to the pinic [sic] too.  It turned out to be a big crowd, someone said they sold 300 supper thickets [sic].  He had the victrola & radio agoing that’s all the musci [sic] they had.  There where mostly all strange people there, from St. Louis, Belleville, & all over.  The auction the pies & cakes out, some brought 10-15-20-55¢ & Aunt Mary bought one before that & paid 30 for Whiter & a piece or two Sunshine.  Papa went along out to Schulz’s with Eichenseer’s to help set up a binder.  Odillo said he was going to St. Louis tonight, to a party.

Sunday, Dec. 28, 1930

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for lunch this morning.  We & Henry & family went out to Uncle Fred’s & Aunt Mary’s for dinner & supper.  We played pinochle and victrola.  This evening they came up here.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & then we all went to the euchre in the School Hall.  For a prize they took a little washtub & Aunt Mary got it back again, she had 8 points.  We took a flower vase there, but none of us got anything.  Papa & Bertille had six points & Rosalia 2 points.  There was quite a crowd there.  George Parker’s have a little baby boy since yesterday, they got it christened today.  They called it Virgil.  Paul & Anna Marie were sponsors.  Joe Kaisers have a little boy since last week, Christmas Eve.  William Schaefers also have a little boy since last week.

Wednesday, Dec. 24, 1930

Mr. Rhein was here this morning & delivered our victrola.  This afternoon we all went to confession.  This evening Santa Claus came.  Henry & Leona & family were here all night, & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here till about 10 o’clock.  Papa got a tie, shirt, garters for Christmas.  Rosalia got 2 handkerchiefs, a box powder, perfume, garters, puff, handkerchief, 75¢, scarf.  Bertille got garters, perfume 2 bottles,powder, cat [?], 75¢, scarf.  We played victrola this evening & also 6 handed game of pinochle & Papa & Uncle Fred & Bertille were the winners.

Wednesday, Dec. 17, 1930

Papa, Rosalia, Bertille all went to Belleville to sell sausage again this morning, so we did pretty good today, we sold $6.30 eggs & had calls for many more, but we didn’t have any, only 18 dozs.  We also came across Aunt Mary & Uncle Fred too, John Reheis’s, Louis Armstutz, Flossie Kammler, Alvera Jatho.  We & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Rhein’s & Kamapp Piano Co. we bought a victrola from Rhein’s for $8.00 delivered to the house, 24 records, 2 package needles.  Rosalia & Bertille are baking oatmeal cookies tonight.  We met Tony Eichenseer & also Raymond Schumacher at Belleville today.  Bertille was up town twice this evening to get the papers.  The marriage licenses of Osborn Birkner & a girl from Belleville 16 years old were in the paper & also those who were present at the wedding supper.  He is the son of Pete Birkner, he is 29 yrs. old & married a girl 16.  Viola Steinheimer of Belleville.  Hy. Rausch is ill at present.