Friday, Dec. 10, 1937

It is 12 above. in Montana 16 below. We went to confession & 2 high masses. Walter Wittenauer, was here, for A.A.A. sign up; contracts. Russel Baptists Myrtle Ruhel have baby boy. We went to Mission Devotion, blessing of Mission cross.

Sunday, May 23, 1937

Went to Red Bud; Fr. Dubren of Waterloo said mass, & so many confessions he had this morn. We stopped at Dashner’s funeral parlor to see Fr. Stern, laid out in purple vestments hat & shoes, opened all the way copper colored steel casket; looked good. Leo & Rose & we  went out to Henry’s had dinner & lunch; celebrated Henry’s birthday; pap left at 2 o clock, had to be at Red Bud, brought Fr. Stern to church at 3 o’clock, 8 men on guard all nite along, pap turns was from 3 to 5. Bert [Bertille] came home with Leo & Rose, he stopped & milked yet. then went home came back again also Uncle Fred A. Mary, Bert went along all in Leo’s car, went to Red Bud to church, by Fr. Stern for ½ or then went out to cemetery to see were he would be buried, that makes 4 priests now buried there; also looked at Omer’s grave; has no tombstone yet; Seen the carnival west of town, didn’t go in, stopped at Log Cabin on way home free dance musci [sic] by Schmidts Orch; large crowd there. Wil – Leo Cortner was in a fight last nite at Floraville with Muskoffs was badly [? – unclear] hurt, they say.

Tuesday, Jan. 19, 1937

Cleaned; baked bread. Papa went to town, bought things for tomorrow, 10¾ lbs. beef 20¢. etc, cabbage, celery & things for salad. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came had supper here & helped line things up. Lizzie Boll helped also. Leo, Isd. & Rose & Bert & Mrs. Orlet went to Belleville, shopping & by Fr. Orlet; Instructions & confession by Fr. Rattermann. Very Beautiful day.

Wednesday, April 17, 1935

Rain all day, we cleaned little chix house this afternoon, a lady here wanted some eggs, & left a sample of metal polisher here. Went to Red Bud at 6 o clock, confession & Jubillee [sic] Indulgencies [sic], 4 visits & benediction; lot of people present. The twin Doyle’s were christened Sat. & named William Eugene & Wilma Jean, are still at the hospital yet, getting along fine.

Wednesday, March 23, 1932

Henry was here & got the rest of his hay & hog. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon to keep house in Hecker for a few days. This evening she went along with us to Red Bud to confession & service. We went to see Mrs. McQullian in the hospital but she had already retired, so we couldn’t get to see her, she was feeling bad.

Saturday, Oct. 31, 1931

Henry brought a load of corn up, he was here for dinner. We started the furnace fire today. We all went to Belleville shopping, & confession, this afternoon. It rained a little today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up stopped, here, awhile & then went to Buddy Etling’s dance, at the brick house tonight, he called over the lines. They sure played a dirty Halloween trick at Blackburn School, they dumped the shanty over, for the last 3 years, it was done.

Saturday, Sept. 26, 1931

Wm. Ganey was here & paid part interest $66.00 & still $59.00 due.  It turned cold awful sudden today.  The St. Augustine’s Church of Hecker, has pinic [sic] today, & Anhuser [sic] Busch from St. Louis is to be there with radio musci [sic] & donkeys.  Miss Laurena Mehrman & Orlando Skaer are getting married at Floraville this afternoon, an a dance tonight there.  We where all at Waterloo this afternoon & went to confession, we came through Red Bud home, stopped at J. Ducars, they have a team mules for sale.

Friday, August 14, 1931

Papa went to the barber shop this morn.  The way we heard Elmer Kammler bought Mrs. Lutz’s house for $900.  This afternoon Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & then she went along with us to Belleville.  We all went to confession.  We helped Uncle Fred to make root beer this evening, then they came over & sat on our porch until bed time, they stayed up here tonight.

Sunday, Feb. 8, 1931

Henry & family & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were all here for dinner today.  Uncle Fred & the kids also had lunch here this morning.  We all went over to see Uncle Fred’s property this afternoon.  Then, Henry & Leona & Aunt Mary went up to church to confession because tomorrow is 13 hour Adoration.  George Wagner is butchering today.  Steve Rennecker is the butcher.  Tonight is a dance at Papenberg’s, but we can’t go on account of church tomorrow.  Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Oscar Birkner, Hy. Ronederberg, Jerome Cortner, Clarence Rettinghouse, Ray Armbruster were all down at Evansville last night at a dance & Chicken Supper by Ronenbergs relation, Marie Davis birthday.  Papa got oil changed in the Chev., yesterday at Barthels Garage cost $1.10 12305 miles.  Philip Freund was here this evening.

Wednesday, Dec. 24, 1930

Mr. Rhein was here this morning & delivered our victrola.  This afternoon we all went to confession.  This evening Santa Claus came.  Henry & Leona & family were here all night, & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here till about 10 o’clock.  Papa got a tie, shirt, garters for Christmas.  Rosalia got 2 handkerchiefs, a box powder, perfume, garters, puff, handkerchief, 75¢, scarf.  Bertille got garters, perfume 2 bottles,powder, cat [?], 75¢, scarf.  We played victrola this evening & also 6 handed game of pinochle & Papa & Uncle Fred & Bertille were the winners.