Friday, Dec. 10, 1937

It is 12 above. in Montana 16 below. We went to confession & 2 high masses. Walter Wittenauer, was here, for A.A.A. sign up; contracts. Russel Baptists Myrtle Ruhel have baby boy. We went to Mission Devotion, blessing of Mission cross.

Thursday, Dec. 9, 1937

10 above this morn. We went to mass. & sermon. Washed, made carmel [sic] cookies; cracked nuts etc. Levi Gregson came to get our key to Emil’s, he wasn’t at home but came later. Levi couldn’t get the car started, got some hot water home. Mrs. Geo. Parker’s birthday today. We went to Mission Devotion.

Tuesday, Dec. 7, 1937

Went to Red Bud high mass & sermon; Baked cookies & cake. Pap went along with Emil to Red Bud to Louis Gregson’s funeral this morn. There was a fellow dropped dead at the Gregson house, fell over & was dead. Mrs. Gregson’s sister child, a man of about 200 lbs. they said. We run out of gas by Levi Gregson this morn. coming home from church, he had a 5 gal. can at his place. Went to Mission Devotion & sermon; had questions & answers.