Wednesday, April 26, 1939

Bert [Bertille] cleaned kitchen etc. Pap worked garden cooked kettle soap; went fishing this afternoon, got 6 nice fish. “Susie Gal of Hills,” playing for a dance at Log Cabin Sat. nite & her gang. Ball players having a dance at White Pine Thurs. nite at Hirst corner, free dance & fish fry. Karl Boll was here on business for Ralph Etling.

Saturday, Oct. 22, 1938

Pap got crushing done. We went to Belleville this afternoon to church. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] were also in. Much colder tonite, radio says frost. Had chicken pie for dinner today. Radio is fine tonite very good. Ralph Etting & Marlene Boll came this eve. Etting on business.

Sunday, Feb. 6, 1938

Raining this morn; for about 1 hr. then after wards, nice sunshine day. Emil was over awhile this morn. We went to mass. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came down for dinner & supper. Cleveland’s family were here this evening, playing solo. Bert [Bertille] went to Wagner’s along with them to Floraville Masquerade Ball, Schmidts Merry Makers musci [sic]. Prizes were won 1st group, 4 girls, Norma Etling; Edna Probst, Elvira Kroft, M. Keim. 2nd prize, dressed a best gent. Mrs. Walter Vogel & Erma Fisher lady. 3rd. Ruth Specinger. 4th. Walter Vogel comic n****r, big crowd; case beer attendance prize. Mueth had an accident this afternoon, at Columbia & Milsdadt [sic] road, car all smashed Phil. & Eddy, Phil wife; they say were hurt bad; Josie had scratches to; but they took her home, but the rest are at St. Mary’s hospital, they were on there way to St. Louis to see Rosie, who was operated on is in hospital; Phil had fractured skull & Ed rib broken. Louis Hofmeister of New Athens fell asleep tonite & ran of left side of hard road up the bank by Al. Parker’s on New Athens hard road; he wasn’t hurt, but car was damaged quite a bit; they say $95. to repair it again.

Tuesday, Nov. 2, 1937

Went to 6 clock mass, All Souls Day. Went to Waterloo to 9 clock requiem high mass. Elder place was to be sold at court house, but was posponed [sic] on account of some heirs not being mentioned. Phil Mueth has it for sale 80 acres of ground. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up for church. Armstutzs were to see them last nite. Chris Buehler stopped got the hide from Henrys heifer to take to Drosts in St. Louis. Papa went to see Etling by Smithton this afternoon. It is getting colder this evening. Emil got some more furnitures from Querheim.

Saturday, Sept. 18, 1937

Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, she went along to Belleville, went to dentist, should come back again next Tues. A. Mary got new hat. Henry came brought 2 sacks potatoes along went to get crushing done. Pap went down to see Hy. Feruer. U. [Uncle] Fred said was some people here to look at mule. Etling [sic] was here.

Saturday, Nov. 7, 1936

Pap got haircut. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped on there way home from Benedick’s sale at Red Bud, Hy. Frisckorn bought the place $600.00. We went to Belleville this afternoon. Berti got 2 teeth pulled $3.50 & xray was $2. Maniers have fish fry tonite. Hy Limbach came this evening. Ralph Etling came on business. Viola Einwich is celebrating her birthday at Floraville.

Sunday, June 4, 1933

We where at church. Henry came to Red Bud to around Palls corner, he went to church to, then him & papa went to Prairie Du Rocher again by Laurent to look at his mare & colt again. Ed. Schilling & Forness was published second time, & Auther [sic – Arthur] Moehrs Red Bud & Isabella Kalmer Tiptown first time. Gregson’s stoped [sic] in as they went home from church & brought a t puzzle; we worked it out already; if it is right we don’t know. Ralph Etling came & paid balance on Int. $25.85 it is now paid for 1932. We ate lunch by Uncle Freds this afternoon. Tiptown & Heckers ball team played today in the new diamond here in town. now, Hecker won 5 to 6. We drove out to Henry’s to look at the mare & cold that he traded on his cow, they wasn’t at home, so we went back again, drove out to the cemetery, around the prairie home; Uncle Fred’s went to Hy. Birkner’s birthday. We went up to Kabureck’s dance this evening, oh! boy & a good time, lot of people, hall was crowded, Rheinhardt furnished musci [sic]. The road men worked at Schender’s today, leveing [leveling?] that all of along there the road looks so much different, the hills cut down nearly all level there.

Saturday, Oct. 31, 1931

Henry brought a load of corn up, he was here for dinner. We started the furnace fire today. We all went to Belleville shopping, & confession, this afternoon. It rained a little today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up stopped, here, awhile & then went to Buddy Etling’s dance, at the brick house tonight, he called over the lines. They sure played a dirty Halloween trick at Blackburn School, they dumped the shanty over, for the last 3 years, it was done.

Monday, Oct. 26, 1931

It rained a little this morning, a little.  Ralph Etling was here after dinner a while he paid papa $100 Int, still $98 due yet.  He said ain’t much work in St. Louis, he works 3 days week.  Today is Buddy’s birthday he is going to celebrate it Sat. night dance at the brick house.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up brought 2 doz. eggs along.  The egg man came, he got 8 doz. from us & 2 of there’s, pays 25¢.  Henry & the boys where here brought a load of corn up.  He took our kettle along, he is talking about butchering Wed. & peddle out the saussage [sic].  Our egg man say’s he will take 2 lbs.