Sunday, June 27, 1937

Bert [Bertille] went to Mamie’s went to ballgame awhile. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came took Bert along to Breezy Hill to Simon Miller’s & Buettner Wedding dance, Dream Time Trio furnished musci [sic]; large crowd & nice time. Vic Papenberg & car from New Athens had collision at the corner, the other car passed on wrong side, damaged the truck & car, no one hurt; Joe McCarthy, deputy Marshall, was at Boxton Sat. nite; camp guys started in fighting, he wanted to part then & keep peace, fellow pulled out a revolver & shot him at the shoulder, came out below the shoulder blade, he is at home, getting along well if no blood poison will set in; pretty hard for the guy, that did the shooting he is in the pen; at present time. There is also 4 boys from Red Bud in Chester pen for stealing by Jac. Erle’s. South of Red Bud. Mr. Erle caught them in the house, stealing money out of a dresser drawer.

Sunday, May 23, 1937

Went to Red Bud; Fr. Dubren of Waterloo said mass, & so many confessions he had this morn. We stopped at Dashner’s funeral parlor to see Fr. Stern, laid out in purple vestments hat & shoes, opened all the way copper colored steel casket; looked good. Leo & Rose & we  went out to Henry’s had dinner & lunch; celebrated Henry’s birthday; pap left at 2 o clock, had to be at Red Bud, brought Fr. Stern to church at 3 o’clock, 8 men on guard all nite along, pap turns was from 3 to 5. Bert [Bertille] came home with Leo & Rose, he stopped & milked yet. then went home came back again also Uncle Fred A. Mary, Bert went along all in Leo’s car, went to Red Bud to church, by Fr. Stern for ½ or then went out to cemetery to see were he would be buried, that makes 4 priests now buried there; also looked at Omer’s grave; has no tombstone yet; Seen the carnival west of town, didn’t go in, stopped at Log Cabin on way home free dance musci [sic] by Schmidts Orch; large crowd there. Wil – Leo Cortner was in a fight last nite at Floraville with Muskoffs was badly [? – unclear] hurt, they say.

Monday, Aug. 17, 1936

Both guys that fighted [sic] had to paid find [sic – fine] today; sent the fellow home, that was in jail. We washed, ironed. Henry came got the wagon. Pap went out got load corn fodder. Bill Reichshinder looked at the horses. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came brought a watermellon [sic] & Boy did it taste good. It is so hot day & nite, awful. Eggs 19¢ today.

Sunday, Aug. 16, 1936

Went to Red Bud. Fr. Stern is sick. Fr. Feldmann said mass & Simon of Belleville gave coummioun [sic]. Mrs. Henry Geodelle died & being buried this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we all went in to Waterloo just to the house; she looked good; lot of flowers. Firemen Pinic [sic] & fish fry & dance at Manier’s. Bert got $1.80 playing bluey. Lou Mertz got quilt & Al. Schillings girl the other one; both pretty; the dance was crowded & hot. Ed. Watchel & other guy got into scrap, the other guy knocked Edwin over, nose bleeding; they put him in jail & send Ed home.

Sunday, Sept. 8, 1935

Went to Red Bud. Out to Uncle Fred’s dinner & supper. It rained a nice shower. Joe Griffin was annouced [sic] for 3rd time but the wedding was postponed, Mrs. Griffin is very low at present. Pete Kaiser had a head on collision car is total wreck, last Sun. at Belleville, 5 persons, were all taken to the hospital, he didn’t know nothing for 2 hrs. had a fractured skull; but is pretty good now. Holy Name Conference for men at Trenton today. We went to Paderborn to Totch’s to a free dance; & Boy! it started in to rain. Oh My!! the crowd started to leave, sure did have a crowd. Schoenborn & Schaefer played musci [sic]. Totsch’s served hot rump corn beef sandwiches. Kraemer & boys of Millsdadt, were going to fight, a constable made order, quite a few were feeling good. Geo. Mueth fell down outside, long as he was.

Wednesday, Aug. 28, 1935

Henry & Emil & Grover putting up hay; had lunch dinner lunch; made 11 loads. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped here a little, then went to the pinic [sic]. We went this evening, to the Catholic Church pinic [sic], but didn’t win a thing; large crowd. K C Band; Aunt Mary was lucky got pillow cases, & tea kettle, & Uncle Fred won the $10.00 chance first in book, Miss Mary Ann $5.00. Maria Braun $2.00 Jennie Coop bedspread Emma Birkner tapestry rug; Schroeder of Waterloo won ton coal & L. Dalkert a fancy quilt, the rest, rug & flour, gas went to Belleville. Willie & Jack Ganley had a razzling for a while, Jack wanted to fight with Hy Birkner, Ben Schilling took him down town; went home then.

Sunday, Feb. 10, 1935

Went to Red Bud. It is cloudy again today. Art Schaefer & Clarance Kreher came here & gave us an invitation to Kammler’s Hall tonite, for surprise Agnes on her birthday anniversary. Jerry Neff is giving a birthday dance at Pautlers tonite, Adm. 25¢ for gents, ladies free. Musci [sic] by Cowboys of Rythmn [sic]. The tea set given away at Connor’s City Grocery was won by Mrs. Ed Rehling. We went to Waterloo to Jerry’s birthday, nice crowd, Neffs family where also in; we stopped at Kammlers on the way home, a little while, also had a nice crowd, Schoenborn & Schaefer playing & Helfrich boys of Paderborn & Birkner boys had a little scrap, one had his shirt all torn, they came to Waterloo after that, they had it in the saloon; they also passed cake around; here.

Friday, Nov. 23, 1934

Started fire in furnace. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s got wheat for crushing, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hellmer of Waterloo, are the parents of a 7½ lb. baby girl born last Wed. The Paderborn fighters had a trial at Belleville this morning, the case was settled between themselves, Edwin Neff & Leo & Wiefred Cortner & August Schaefer & Jake Orlet, the Cortners said, they will not go to Paderborn & Neff neithers, he was employed at Evansville now. Edwin Neff struck a boy at Main St. this morning, with the car, the boy wasn’t hurt, & his name was not given.

Saturday, Nov. 17, 1934

Papa got crushing done. Roy Staufenbiel’s boy hasn’t got winter fever, he said he ate dried butter beans, about 40 has already passed through. Mr. Ed Pabst brought 3 sacks potatoes, clover seed & lumber this morning. Hy. Armstutz brought ¹⁄3 corn. It rained a little this morning. but then the sun came, out nice again. Mr. Edwin Neff, sued Jake Orlet & Gus Schaefer for striking him at the dance in Paderborn Tues. night, knocked him in the head broke his glasses, must of been a real fight, the way it is said. Mr. Lawrence Matthews is giving a birthday dance at Pautlers tonite, ladies free.

Sunday, October 1, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here. Today Bill Sensels’ Barry May have shooting matches;  The way we heard, Lawrence Cortner & Hecke the marshal must have had a scrap last nite at the dance at Manier’s, both were drunk. Last nite was an all nite dance at Breezy. Ella Meng was here wanted to buy eggs, we had none. Rosalia & Bertille went to the the BaseBall dance at Kammlers, Dixie Blue Boys, Adm 25¢.