Monday, Dec. 7, 1936

It is 12 above zero this morning, quite a change. We washed. Rose sewed. Pap took the chev. to Probst had him to look it over, it can stand zero he said. Henry & Leona went to Belleville left Billy [Willis] here, went in about 9:30 came back at 4 o’clock. Pap went to Bolstead bought sow & 5 pigs 4 weeks old for $17.00. Bertille went to Mertz’s store, looked for mail & she won the fruit cake, for 4¢ push the name Belle & that won the cake, some luck, it is 98¢ cake, looks good. We had no street lights for awhile this eve. alright now. Eggs 31¢ now.

Tuesday, Oct. 20, 1936

Cleaned house, planted out flowers & papered pots. Sure beautiful day, windy but nice and warmer. The Evangicals [sic] have euchre at Kammlers tonite. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, & they & Rose & Berti went to the euchre. Berti got cook pot. 9 points the rest got nothing. Edwin Watchel got attendance prize blanket; quilt by lotto was won by Freida Koerber again that is the 3rd one she got at Hecker, now, blanket by Mrs. Pickett, & table cloth, Josie Kaiser; not much of a crowd & not many prizes either.

Wednesday, Oct. 7, 1936

Cloudy & dark. Mr. Dare Bros. got the drill this morn. We had beef soup dinner today. Leo & Rose went to Belleville to St. Marys Church Hall to a bazzar [sic] & chicken supper, got a pair pillow cases, raffled with a wheel; pretty.

Tuesday, Aug. 18, 1936

Pap went out to help Henry make a silo & fill it. Steve Renneker brought corn knife back. Mr. Chas. Schilling 23 & Mary Mathew 19 are getting married at Waterloo 8 ‘o clock mass this morn; double ring. Omer Schilling & Dorthy Schneider attendants. Rose & Bert went in to see the wedding, which was pretty nice; dressed in white & pink, carried flowers. Went to the dance at Dreamland, nice crowd, & pretty hot. Schoenborn & Skaer’s playing musci [sic]. Ben couldn’t play; Edna died last nite, is going to be shipped up & buried at Waterloo. Josie Keller came for supper. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came they all went to Red Bud church pinic [sic], she won a quilt & Josie pillow slips playing bluey. Putting in electric light posts.

Sunday, Aug. 16, 1936

Went to Red Bud. Fr. Stern is sick. Fr. Feldmann said mass & Simon of Belleville gave coummioun [sic]. Mrs. Henry Geodelle died & being buried this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we all went in to Waterloo just to the house; she looked good; lot of flowers. Firemen Pinic [sic] & fish fry & dance at Manier’s. Bert got $1.80 playing bluey. Lou Mertz got quilt & Al. Schillings girl the other one; both pretty; the dance was crowded & hot. Ed. Watchel & other guy got into scrap, the other guy knocked Edwin over, nose bleeding; they put him in jail & send Ed home.

Tuesday, April 23, 1935

Cooked 2 kettles soap, put up wire fence. We planted potatoes, finished now; pap got Meng’s plow to make the rows. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went along with us to Red Bud to the card party, Berti had 9 points got cake pans. Uncle Fred, a little dress & Aunt Mary 25¢ sugar; the rest got nothing, not so much of a crowd. The hooked rug was won by Mrs. Leo Schumacher of Evansville, pillow slips by Mrs. Ratz, & Schuelte got attendance prize, a lace tablecloth, very pretty. Aunt Mary said Mr. Bill Sensel, Pete’s brother died at Waterloo will be buried there Thurs. afternoon, she was talking to him yet last Sat. there, he was O.K. then.

Sunday, Sept. 9, 1934

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, then we all went to Waterloo to Pautler’s Park, Tiptown labor day pinic [sic]. Berti won alarm clock playing & bluey, Aunt Mary 3 pc. set knife for kitchen use; nice crowd, Moonlighters playing, dancing in afternoon free. evening supper 50¢ gents 25 ladies 15.

Sunday, Aug. 12, 1934

Went to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped a little while. Went to the Evangical [sic] Church pinic [sic] this evening, Rosalia won tablecloth, playing bluey. The quilts were raffled to Luella Bruns & Steve Rennecker. Dudenhoeffer’s were at Reheis today. Floraville band played at the pinic [sic] this afternoon, & Nite Hawks from Waterloo played for the dance, we went in.

Friday, April 7, 1933

We cooked a kettle of soap again. eggs 9¢. We cut lawn, put out a sign for sale, eggs & hens. A lady around selling extracts again today, we didn’t buy anything. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, her, Rose & Bert went to church. Hy. Wedel Jr. guessed the closest to how many chevs where sold in 1932; the right number sold was 322,860 & he guessed 223,454 just 594 out of the way. They beat was Dr. Werth & H. B. Church. Wedel could either $50.59 radio huts [unclear – ed. note], or $50.00 to a purchase of a New Chev. Hecker had bus here this morning at 7,0 clock.

Monday, Sept. 7, 1931

Today is pinic [sic] in Smithon [sic], Red Bud & Tiptown.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came then we left went out west stopped at Henry’s took some peaches there, then went to Tiptown pinic [sic].  Uncle Fred’s was lucky he won $1 bill & a book of thickets [sic], 5 chances to win, 1st on a washing machine, rug, flour, groceries.  There where a lot of Waterloo people present.  From there we drove to Red Bud, & stopped at the pinic [sic] there, they pumped an inner tube, up til it bust, I believe 45oo lb.  Joe Werts helped to.  We met a few people that we knew.